Last for all, none single game match real life car behaviours,tyre behaviour etc.
Every dev try to simulate on theories and calculations and personal feeling.
And if you compare a gif, at least look that the car from RL is an hillclimb audi, because it has other specs than the normal audi rally car.
In the game you have E-brake... But the real car don't have.
See...nothing is perfect, and nobody is perfect.
SLRE fitted more what you expect from RL rally? Good for you, seriously, enjoy it!
For the rest, discussion closed, because every game has flaws in his physics.
If i want real simulation,i take my car and go to my local race track, or i go to a go-kart track with some friends and have a "real racing simulation"
Hopefully now you've seen my opinion and what I'm trying to explain you and respect it