Rally Competition Week 9!

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George0393 + GTP_GM

Welcome to the ninth week of the Rally Photomode Competition!

Theme Chosen By Week 7 Winner, Atlop.

'Handbrake Turn'​

The rear wheel must be locked (not spinning) and the front wheel must be spinning. You must also take the picture in a turn.​

Cars - Any.
Tracks - Any Special Conditions Exept Tsubuka Wet.

Photoshop may only be used to adjust brightness, contrast, to add a small signiture and remove watermark.
You may change your Final Entry twice, but please state if you do so.
Use imageshack.us to upload your pictures.
You may post a preview with your image but it must not exeed 400x300 pixels in size.
Do not ask other members to choose your entry.
Post all entries in this thread.
Use your own pictures only in the competition.
The top 10 entries will go into the Final Poll.
The poll winner will choose the theme for next week.
Have fun!

Deadline is October 14th 2006 6:00 AM - London UK Time.
Cool theme, here's my entry:

and the preview:
haha, "fire up the ps2" thats quite funny....but i like the theme, very cool....nice moglet!
Very nice entry Moglet but to me it looks like the front wheels aren't spinning in your photo wich is one of the requirements. No offense.
Very nice entry Moglet but to me it looks like the front wheels aren't spinning in your photo wich is one of the requirements. No offense.

They are, just not very quickly. Might have taken it at too much of a high shutter speed actually. I hope it's allowed, it's clearly right in the middle of a monstrous handbrake turn!

If not, i'll just take another and make it really OTT :)


Just noticed the wheel is off the floor in NTX's entry! Where was that photo taken btw?
In Tahiti maze Mog...and the wheel believe it or not is on the ground...the shadow of the car can be mistaken in that angle.
Im just going to pretend its off the ground....its a cool shot. It reminds me of FWD cars on an autocross.
Maybe it's because I'm overly critical of myself or because of all the exceptionally talented people here ( a combination of both I suspect ), but whenever I enter a pic I always think that it completely sucks compared to all the other entries and I usually end up thinking, "What the Hell was I thinking!" :ill: . Whenever I get a compliment on a shot (let alone even make it to a poll) it is a HUGE surprise and motivates me to keep trying and to keep entering. So.. Thanks for the compliments NTX1982 & GJB93, they are greatly appreciated!

NTX1982, you know I really like the style of your pics, a great entry there once more 👍
Moglet, what can I say.. excellent as always 👍
Dubbed, like the car, action and scenery 👍
vr6gti72, very nice choice of vehicle and good action 👍
Echotic, GJB93, GTChamp2003 and Mavi, all very nice shots indeed 👍
Whenever I get a compliment on a shot (let alone even make it to a poll) it is a HUGE surprise and motivates me to keep trying and to keep entering.

Well in that case, keep up the shots like the one you've entered here and you'll never run out of motivation!

The composition is great, it really captures the action and a sense of movement. The bright red car also pierces the monotone background neatly too. It's a brilliant photo!
Competition Closed, one person isn't going to reach the poll.

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