Ok, a bit of background reading required for this one. Here goes:
In 2002/2003 I enrolled at university to do a Pure & Applied Chemistry degree. Two of the compulsory classes in this degree were Mathematics 1B and Mathematics 2B. I'm crap at maths. I failed both Maths 1B and 2B in that year and, since I was so disheartened at failing my first subject, I let my performance in the rest of the classes slip too. I was convinced I was going to be forced to drop out, so I basically gave up. I gained 85 credits from this Chemistry course. Now, during the summer holidays of that year, I had re-sits for the Maths 1B and 2B classes. Which I failed. Badly. So, there I was, 3 or 4 weeks before the start of second year. Sitting there with shedloads of re-sits to do (some of which I didn't attend) and my university 'career' in tatters. In steps my best friend. He was doing a Computer Science degree at the time (and he was also failing (though, in his case, it was due to a death in the family)). He suggested I apply to transfer to Computer Science. Which I did. The Computer Science class also includes Maths 1B and 2B. I said to myself that I would study like I'd never studied before and pass these classes.
So...in 2003/2004 I enrolled at university to do a Computer Science degree. I started off really well, enjoying all of the classes and performing pretty well in them. The only classes I didn't enjoy and was performing poorly in were (yep, you guessed it) Maths 1B and 2B. So...fast forward to the end of 1st year of the Computer Science degree. I'd passed all of the subjects in the course (with pretty decent marks) except for Maths 1B and 2B. I got 90 creidts in this year. Again, there were re-sits for Maths 1B and 2B during the summer. Which I failed. Even worse than before. I didn't study at all (I just couldn't get into it). So, I went to see the head of the department. He's a really good man, very informative and helpful. He said I would carry Maths 1B and 2B into 2nd year Computer Science, but I had to pass them to stay on the Computer Science degree. Again, in his office, I said to myself that I would study like I'd never studied before and pass Maths 1B and 2B.
So...in 2004/2005 I was in 2nd year of the Computer Science degree at university. I knew I had to pass Maths 1B and 2B to continue on the degree. I did well in all the 2nd year subjects and passed them all, getting another 120 credits in this year (bringing my total of Computer Science credits to 210). Then came the Maths exams. Which I failed. Yet again (yes, I could spot a pattern forming then too). So, I had one more try to pass these exams (near the end of the summer holidays). So, I said to myself that I would buckle down and study like I'd never studied before. I even went up to my room and dug out all my notes and organised them into neat piles...I didn't study though. Then came the re-sits. Which I...............(building suspense).........failed.
So, I get the letter through from the uni last weekend saying I'm a bit thick and that I can't continue on the Computer Science degree. They did say, however, that I would get a Diploma of Higher Education (apparently it's the same as an HND) in the post.
So, I emailed the head of the department again. He said that since I had a good number of credits I could transfer from the Computer Science degree to the Science Studies degree (which is still a degree but it's not specialised and not 'worth' as much). So, earlier today I went to see the head of the Science Studies department. Again, he was very helpful and informative and said he'd be happy to let me do the Science Studies degree (and that I'd be able to shadow Computer Science (which means I can do nearly all the subjects the Computer Science people (i.e. my friends) are doing. Which is great. So, he gave me a form to get signed by the head of the Computer Science department. So, I went to his office and asked if he'd sign my form. Then he remembered I'd done Chemistry before Computer Science and asked how many credits I got in that course. I couldn't remember, so he looked it up (the 85 I mentioned before). He said that the Chemistry credits didn't count toward a Computer Science degree (as they've nothing to do with Computer Science, obviously), but that if I wanted, I could use those 85 Chemistry credits along with my 210 Computer Science credits and get a common-or-garden Science Studies degree. Which appealed to me. Hey, if someone offered you a degree you'd be tempted. However, he said that I should take the 3rd year Computer Science classes. That way, if I pass them, I can get a named Science Studies degree (i.e. a Science Studies degree which is somewhat focused on a subject), which is worth more than the Science Studies degree.
So, I'm in a good mood just now
p.s. Sorry this post is so long, I never intended it to be