Random Prize Cars - my views

  • Thread starter gumpy
Ok, right now I'm in the middle of Passage To Colloseo (or however you spell it) and really want the F1 prize car. I thought I might find a way to get it here, but I geuss not:rolleyes: :lol: Anyway, I'm gonna email PSM (I'm a subscriber) and I figure that they have connections or something... anything... that would help us out.
Playing GT3 is supposed to be happy fun time, but when you invest two hours in an enduro and then get some crap (non-F1) car it turns it into sad depressed pissed unhappy horrible nogood unfun bad time. :P
Well.. Sorry if I annoy anyone by opening this thread again, but I just joined up, and was hoping to find some more info on this very topic.

From my history with the game, I'm almost at the 100% level, and with all Gold licences, and I must say, that the only races I have yet to complete with gold are the enduros, and I'm slowly making my way through them. I think that I might have to buy two more memory cards just to start some testing on this. Because the thing that annoys me the most is when I win a race, (esp no I'm in the enduros) and I them win some crappy non F1 car that I already have sitting in my garage... It is so annoying... I now have 2 of about 4 different cars that I've won from different races. This randomness sucks... I thought that perhaps the x theory might work, but I've never successfully proven it. I just basically went with the Save and reload as many times as nessicary to get the car that you want. And hammering all the buttons on the pad to hopefully alter the result.. :lol:

Anyway... Another thing that I thought I'd mention is the cars that you cannot sell. I got this Honda S2000 that I won cause I couldn't sell it, so thought it must be pretty good. Unfortunately, the car is just a normal S2000, and drives just like one, but I cannot sell it to remove it from my garage. I also note that if I select this S2000 in the 2player mode that the image for it is greyed out so you cannot see what it actually is.. Anyone else every seen this behaviour before?

Perhaps I should take a screen shot to explain...



Mazda Familia GT-R - The best car in GT2...
Hope they bring it back in GT4
I think this may explain why some cars appear hard to win and peoples solution is normally to try different lap times or change their grandmothers age or press the xyz button at the right time but I think if it is a series and you have a save game keep going.


Funny from the Adelaide guy (I'm from there too!)
I dont know if anyone has said this but it is, most of the time, the hardest to get the car on the top...but i have devised a system that gets you whichever vehicle you want.

At the selection screen the circle goes in a clockwise direction for five revolutions for four bonus cars if you want the car on the left-hand side wait until the 'selector' has made one revolution and then hold the up-directional button on the d-pad, if you want the bottom car wait two revolutions and hold up, the right-hand side three revolutions then hold up, the top four revolutions and hold up.

Note:I have not tested this technique with more than four choices of cars and have not tested for color choices but for this i will post a thread designated 'Bonus Car Selection'

I know that was off topic but your theory seems to be correct because i have tried over and over and over again to get the Astra Touring Car on the DTC in Ametuer and it took me about 15-20 tries when there was 4 cars and like 4 or 5 colors for three of the four cars, lupo cup car, beetle cup racer, 3400s, and the opel which all sit in my garage.