Rapid Tire Wear after update

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Again, you are not a mod. If you have a problem with a particular post as it relates to the OP, use the "report post" option and let the mods decide. Its not up to you to decide whether a post is relevant or not as it pertains to the OP.

I was simply countering your statement and was expressing my opinion on the matter.
Bottom line is only a mod can determine if a post should or shouldn't be made perhaps the report button was the best way of handling this.
Locking this as there are much more up to date and relevant threads than this one.

Like this one, for example.

We have no problem with old threads being brought back as long as they they are brought back with a reasonable post, and if the thread is still relevant. This one isn't relevant as there have been updates to the tyre wear since this thread was made.
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