(Read first)Nu-NEW members/Drifters, Announce yourself here!

  • Thread starter nk4e
Hi Guys

. My name is Andrew and my PSN is andvil13. I have a few hours of drifting under my belt and seem to be getting the hang of things but i still need plenty of practice. I am on at random times due to work/ family commitments so the more people that add me the better.

Hope to be drifting online with you soon :-)
Hello :gtpflag:
My name is Tal, I live in Israel, and I am drifting in a Z4 '10 coupe in real life.
I am new to drifting ingame, only about half a year. I can drift pretty much anything beside race cars (787b, r10, zonda r etc) and I drift em pretty well.
My PSN is MrDrift98 and I would like anyone to tendem with me!
Using a BTR, Z4 ingame.
I'm Lexie and I'm new to GTP. Didn't really have much interest in even registering on GTP but since my PS3 is down for a bit It's quite dull without being able to play discs.. Really need to work off some steam.. Hope see everyone soon and to be back on the track(s)! <3

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IM canyondrifter just thought id say hello.....i can be found sliding around most days ..... also check out the new threads for a bit of fun challenge at tsukuba ... anyone who likes drifting or wants to learn is welcome to add me for fun and flat out smokeshows....... i drift everything from samba busses to the speed 12 even a couple of zondas ...... ya dont need crazy bhp but it helps your scores in the seasonal events
Well not new to GT5 but I am new to drifting in GT5. I've been drifting quite regulary for the past week. I could use some lessons on my angles and possible gear set ups. jmax1727 is my psn if anybody wants to add me and maybe give me a few lessons.
Hey guys, I'm CMICK64 and I'm new to drifting in GT5. I'm using a G27 and I'm having trouble getting the hang of drifting with it, so any tips would be appreciated. I look forward to learning and drifting with you guys.
hey im chris new to drifting in gt5 i used to drift in fm3 if anyone remembers me (SCS Fresh,II CroOKz)send me a fr looking for people to slide with, im using the g27.
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hey im chris new to drifting in gt5 i used to drift in fm3 if anyone remembers me (SCS Fresh,II CroOKz)send me a fr looking for people to slide with, im using the g27.

Hit me up with an FR and come join a few people from my team some time 👍
Hello ladies and gents, I am back to the forums after a very long time. (GT3) At that time the big ''teams'' were Project D and Monkey D, funny stuff. I can definitely tell I was much younger when I created this account. Anyways, looking forward to gettin sideways with yall
What's going on everyone? My name's Ali (like the boxer) and I've been a member here for a while, but am just now really giving drifting my full attention. I'm currently learning on a 350Z (thanks to all of you for recommending it throughout the site) with a G25. I'm pretty bad at it, but can hold a decent drift every now and again. Just got to keep practicing I guess.
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Hey guys, My name is Peter and I like to drift :P (If you've seen Hotrod you may have laughed at that) I'm currently using a RX-7 and I enjoy tandem drifting. I'd post a pic but I'm too lazy lol
PSN - ZanWang2489
Hey guys, My name is Peter and I like to drift :P (If you've seen Hotrod you may have laughed at that) I'm currently using a RX-7 and I enjoy tandem drifting. I'd post a pic but I'm too lazy lol
PSN - ZanWang2489

Waddup, hit me with an FR sometime so you can drift with my team 👍
hey hopefully this place can help out bin on gt5 for a wile now so im not new to the drifting just new on here if u would like to drift add my GT: TeOzBoovi and please check out some of my pics on my profile thanks hope to drift round with u all soon o_O
New member here looking for some car setting to drift with

Please Check out the Drift Settings Depot for all tunes. If they dont have what you need you can always request one or try making your own. And welcome to the GT5 Drift forum. 👍

New drifter among you hello!! :sly:

Hello and welcome!:sly:

Not new but been drifting for awhile, PSN is Lowridahh if anyone wants to hit me up for some drift action :)

Cant wait to to be able to see what you got!
Howdy Folks!

It's X from Team Touge Bullets here. Also known as Team-Xdrift-00.
Not new to the game however new on GTPlanet. 3 words about my in-game drifting: Comfort Hards; RWD (FR); RESPECT! Besides I'm a propper drift freak game-wise and in a real life too.
Mostly interested in touge, but also like tandems a lot. Soon to create a team's thread on here (GTP), so stay tuned for more info!
Wanted to wish all drifters good luck out there, and cya on the smoke side!

P.S. Keep it clean all day everyday !!! (no if's, no but's)
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dritit666 been drifting since since nov10 weapon is rx7 or ruf bmw nsk etc. etc. but every rwd car is set up for drift...:dopey:
also on driftworks an sxoc as uncrowded monarch also had a widebody 180sx and a strawberry s14:tup:

some pics...





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I recently got GT5 and i'm starting to drift on open rooms.
I played GT4 for a year and learnt some basic drifting there. Now I have GT5 it actually seems easier to drift. I can even use my old NISMO 400R setup!
Welcome to the GTP's Gran Turismo 5 Drift Boards. Please announce yourself in this thread. If possible that you do have a question. Feel free to ask it here in this thread, also remember to follow the AUP and use our search bar and PM system.
If your looking for teams, please report to this subforum
Teams and Their leaders:

Tips section:

Also, for everyone who can't afford a wheel (like me) you can watch my quick little instructional here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hxft-oI2dD8
Just a little DS3 technique that I use, anyone can learn it !
use it on any car, any track
I think that troll is a bit dusty now, if you wanna keep trolling this forum think of something else 👍

You like that word, huh ?
I guess it's one syllable, easy to pronounce, and you don't have to think very hard about how to use it :dopey:

It's like the "f" word, you can use it multiple times in a sentence to save yourself the "bother" of choosing more descriptive vocab =]

rah rah rah! traughL traowghl TROAL! hahahaha hay that's kinda fun!
You like that word, huh ?
I guess it's one syllable, easy to pronounce, and you don't have to think very hard about how to use it :dopey:

It's like the "f" word, you can use it multiple times in a sentence to save yourself the "bother" of choosing more descriptive vocab =]

rah rah rah! traughL traowghl TROAL! hahahaha hay that's kinda fun!

Hey GTP! Im new to GT5, not the gt series. Im learning how to drift. need people to chill with and drift with dat dont mind seeing me spin out a little bit when we tandem or not.
guess i should say hi, now that i advanced from noob to ok-drifter

as did a lot of members here
started with the rx7

current fave car

nissan 300zx fairlady
tho the new rx7 TC is a good car too

tho haven't taken pics of them in action yet
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