Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
I can run fast. If saw someone pulling a knife out, I'd get away faster than he could get to me, and if I'm several feet away then he's no danger to me -- unlike with a gun. Having said that, I agree the sale of non-utensil knives should be banned everywhere.
Regarding cars, that's not a representative comparison. Practically everyone has a car. The number of fatal car accidents may see a big number in absolute terms, but then every single adult -- bar a few -- drives one and we spend a lot of our time in them.

Guns are the only common item in the US that can and do kill people when there is otherwise no physical contact -- and from which you cannot escape from the actions of an madman / idiot. Much as the NRA do everything they can to obfuscate and divert the blame, there is no excuse for the disproportionally high number of non-'militia' crimes in the US involving guns.

p.s. I posted in this forum because it is about guns.
Banning won't decrease crime, whats going to happen is those who want to shoot people usually do it with illegal weapons (gangs).
Gangs mostly shoot other gangs. Don't get involved with gangs and you'll be safe (from gangs)
I'm talking about deaths that occur all too frequently in the USA which involve members of the public (i.e. not gangs) with a screw loose and legally obtain guns. And think of all those dead American kids and their teachers who would be still alive now if there were laws in the USA such as there have been in Europe for many years.
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@ Martin320

Go to the subforums (opinions), there is a big thread about gun control, read it. In said thread all your arguments were invalidated numerous times.

This place is for gun owners to discuss their hobby, not to discuss the politics about gun control and crime prevention.
First of all, if you would like to respond to what I have to say, please do so in the Opinions Forum. You can copy & paste the response in this thread. As mentioned by others, this thread is dedicated to firearms, politics go to their own thread. Before you do make the post though, you may want to read thru the thread first. I can almost guarantee that any argument you may have already have been picked apart 2, 3 times. It does get repetitive in there. And if I were you, I wouldn't bring up knife control. Nobody will take you seriously, and a good way to get picked on. :P
The problem with guns -- as is evidenced every day across the USA -- is that any average idiot can walk around town with a gun in his jacket. And if that idiot picks an argument with you, and you expose his idiocy, in normal circumstances (say the UK) at worst there would be a few angry comments exchanged and then you'd just walk away. Whereas in the US , these idiots, whose lack of intellect becomes apparent, often just resort to their gun, which you can't walk away from.
P.s. My main point being that while you get idiots in any country, in the USA the average idiot can carry a gun, whereas in Europe the average idiot there cannot and does not carry a gun.
And an idiot with a gun is a lethal danger to other people around him or her.
Whereas in the UK, an idiot is just an idiot, and not a potential murderer.
According to the statistics, while the firearm sales keep going up, crime rates keep dropping in the U.S(including gun related crimes) I know lot of idiots in this country, with guns(myself included). None of us turned into a criminal, or a murderer as soon as we bought our first firearm, and the statistics seems to prove what I've experienced is also true nationwide? If you would like to suggest otherwise, please do so here. I will be there.
The world isn't going to get beautiful with bans unless you find a way to ban idiots.
Exactly. Now, if they want to ban alcohol, which makes millions of Americans to act like idiots, it would make a still dumb, but more sensible argument. Then we can start banning more critical items like texting, violent video games, etc., etc. :dopey:

10/22's my favorite. "The very first to die." :lol: No AR-10, and that surprises me so much. Very rich material there, I'm sure. :P

Edit: American Rifleman magazine indicated that they had some .22LR shortage article online( but not in the actual magazine :irked:), and while I couldn't find any new article(found the old one), I found this interesting article on .22LR. A must read for the student of the hobby I'm sure. Talking to you @Michael88 :D

Edit2: Finally found the actual article I was after. Includes video.

American Rifleman 22Rimfire Article
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@David - Always love your pictures. 👍 I've been interested in bolt-action .22's. What kind is that you were shooting? And in that first pic, is that a ginormous tire? :eek:
I purchased a new firearm earlier today. I will put some pictures up later.
Going by your previous posts, my guess would be, if:

long gun - .308 rifle

handgun - another Walther

Wild Card - a 12-Gauge

@David - Very cool that not only you still have the rifle, but both the rifle & scope's functioning as they should. 👍

Do you have more fun with the bolt-action, or semi-auto when it comes to rimfire rifles?
Today I think I was enjoying the 25N more. Don't get me wrong, I love the 10/22 but sometimes it feels like you're spending more time reloading since you go through rounds a lot quicker. I was also having fun with the scope because it lets you see how much you are moving around while lining up your shots. Forces you to think about your breathing and everything more, especially shooting without the gun rested on anything like I was today.
Ah, good point on trying to hold the aim. 👍 You also sort of confirmed the impression I have on bolt-action vs. semi-auto rimfire rifles. When plinking, they seemed to be "sip" versus "gulp" when it comes to ammo...... consumption. :lol: I guess it just depends on the mood you are in!
Must have gone through 3-400 rounds today :lol:
On that rimfire article I linked earlier, manufacturer & the writer/reporter both claimed that more .22LR are being pumped out into the market than ever, 24/7. I totally bought that. The comment section did add a interesting spin on the deal though: If such increased amount of .22LR are being produced, how come retailers & retails chains themselves are having hard time getting them in? These ammo are not so much selling out on the shelves(often with 1~3 box limits), but they are not even reaching the local stores.

While I still don't buy the conspiracy theories, it's true that these ammo don't even reach the store shelves(once they do, they are gone in couple of days, if that). I haven't even seen Remington .22 in maybe almost couple of years? Other lines aren't doing much better. I've seen a brick just once since the Winter of 2012/2013, and it wasn't even a real brick(325rds, I think). My best guess is that manufacturers are avoiding lowball retailers like Walmart + other chains, and filling the more lucrative orders from smaller retailers, but that's just my wild, wild guess.

I'm not sure why I get caught up on this, I never go shooting anyway. :ouch:
Nice selection there, Brett. 👍 Let us know how it shoots..... when you get around to it. :P

Guy at work saw one at the new Cabela's they built here, but he says the place was so packed, he couldn't get near it. It was $700 there, which is little disappointing to me.
That price is high.

I could have likely found one cheaper online, especially with not having to pay tax, but finding one in stock was going to be difficult. However, I doubt I would have found one at a better price locally.
I guess this is where we talk about guns lol. I am new here. I have a couple projects I have been working on. First is my 80% AR lower that I bought a few years ago. I finally got around to machining it into an actual firearm recently. Fun project.









Second is an East German DDR MPi-KM which the Communist East German troops were issued when the Berlin Wall stood. Cool piece of Cold War history although kind of ugly. I bought it as a parts kit from a real East German issued demilled MPi-KM (AK-47). It came with everything but the receiver and barrel but I have the tools to bend my own receiver from a receiver flat from and the like. Project is kind of on hold currently and I am in no hurry to complete it. Had it for a couple years. They are not easy to get.


You get the picture

Would look something like this when done

And yes, I do have the bayonet

Here is a 1981 Browning Hi Power 9mm I got at an estate sale a number of years ago. I pretty much just use it for protection at my work in the event that I ever need it.




This is my Mossberg Maverick 88. It was the first gun I ever bought when I turned 18. This is an old pic. Since then, I have swapped out the plastic forend for one off of an older Mossberg 500 and put a Hogue forend and a Hogue 12" LOP stock on it.

Nice Hi Power! The Hi Power is a pistol I would eventually like to buy.

And nice selection of reading material. 👍

Thanks. I really had no idea what a Hi Power was when I bought it. It's an awesome gun. People always want to talk about it.
And I third it. 9mm Hi Power is very cool. @Blood Eagle Love the pic with it sitting on the pile of shells. :D I'm just a novice in this hobby, so I admire your efforts on those projects you got going with the rifles. Very cool collection you got there, too. 👍
That price is high.

I could have likely found one cheaper online, especially with not having to pay tax, but finding one in stock was going to be difficult. However, I doubt I would have found one at a better price locally.
I figured as much. It's Cabela's. I'm gonna guess your price was closer to $650. I figured with Gen 4 Glocks typically being sold for $550-ish, $100 or less price difference would allow them to steal some of the Glock sales. :dopey: I can't wait to hear your review on this gun, especially how it compares to your Walther(you had just one 9mm, right?). Anywho, congrats on your sweet new addition, Brett. 👍
I figured as much. It's Cabela's. I'm gonna guess your price was closer to $650. I figured with Gen 4 Glocks typically being sold for $550-ish, $100 or less price difference would allow them to steal some of the Glock sales. :dopey: I can't wait to hear your review on this gun, especially how it compares to your Walther(you had just one 9mm, right?). Anywho, congrats on your sweet new addition, Brett. 👍

With tax, the VP9 was a hair under $650.

Yes, I had just one 9mm, the Walther PPQ. Now, I have two, the PPQ and the HK VP9.

Would you want my impressions of the VP9 in comparison to the PPQ without having shot the VP9?
Would you want my impressions of the VP9 in comparison to the PPQ without having shot the VP9?
Heck yes, man. 👍

I want to say that my USP doesn't have good track record on dry firing? How about the VP9? Have you researched to see if it was safe to do so?
I will work my way from top to bottom comparing the PPQ and VP9, minding that I have not shot the VP9 yet.

Sights: Both pistols have factory three dot sights. The PPQ has three white dots and the VP9 has luminescent sights that glow in the dark after being in the light. I slightly prefer the VP9 sights, not because of the glow in the dark, because my eyes seem to pick up the slightly larger dots a bit better.

Slides: The serrations on the PPQ appear to be a hair deeper than those on the VP9 and tend to grab your hand better when manipulating the slide. However, HK added some charging supports at the rear of the slide and they are pretty awesome. The charging supports work in their intended function of easing pulling the slide to the rear.

Slide Release: Both have slide releases on both sides of the pistol. The PPQ slide releases are identical in appearance, while the VP9 slide releases are not. Functionally, both pistols are about the same.

Takedown: Essentially the same. The PPQ requires the user to pull the trigger, while the VP9 does not. However, I find the takedown to be ever so slightly easier on the PPQ. Probably has more to due with experience.

Trigger: Both triggers are very good. Heads and shoulders above the factory trigger on S&W's M&P and Springfield's XDM. The PPQ has a bit longer take up prior to firing a shot. The PPQ has a lighter trigger pull at the wall. The VP9 has an ever so small amount of creep at the wall before breaking and is slightly heavier than the PPQ. The PPQ also has a shorter reset. The VP9 does have a very nice reset though, just a bit longer. The PPQ barely overtravels on the reset, while the VP9 overtravels slightly farther. Overall, the PPQ is better, but not dramatically so.

Magazine Release: Both are paddle style, which I prefer. I have short thumbs and have to adjust my grip with most all button style releases if they are on the left side. With a paddle release, I am able to use my trigger finger to drop the magazine and not have to adjust my grip at all. The PPQ's magazine release is the better of the two because it is longer and thus, slightly easier to use. However, I like both and wish more manufacturer would utilize paddles because of their superior functionality.

Magazines: The VP9 uses the same magazines as the HK P30. From a quick look, it appears there are only 15 round magazines available for the P30/VP9. The PPQ has both 15 and 17 rounders available, along with Magnum Research 15 rounders that are the same as the P99 magazines, which are compatible with the PPQ and also cheaper than Walther magazines. Based on OEM magazines, Walthers are slightly cheaper; both the 15 and 17 rounders cost less than the VP9s.

Grip: I am using the small backstrap on the PPQ and small side panels and backstrap on the VP9. Other than the PPQ being slightly lighter, I am not sure I could tell the two pistols apart in hand. Both fit the hand extremely well. The texturing on the VP9 is pretty much the same as that on the PPQ, but just slightly more aggressive.

Overall: Without having fired the VP9, it is difficult to say. Both feel great in the hand. Both have very good triggers. The PPQ has been incredibly reliable. I would expect the VP9 to also be incredibly reliable based on HK's reputation.
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Very thorough observation there, Brett! I'm not familiar with the P30. Size seems similar to Glock 19(large compact) in the pics I just checked out on google.

Between the PPQ & VP9, I'm little bit surprised how the two scores so close so far. Now I wait for your next trip to the shooting range. Hopefully it'll happen before Christmas. :D
Well, today California Governor Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown Veto'd SB 808, which would make that AR15 I am building illegal unless I put a serial number on it and registered it through the Department of Justice. Pro gunners in California are actually getting some victories as of late. Federally, you are allowed to manufacturer your own firearms so long as they are for your own personal use and never to be sold or lended to anybody. All firearm rules apply so this does not mean you can legally do this as a Felon or anyone else who is prohibited from firearm possession. California's constitution doesn't guarantee anyone the right to keep and posess firearms but it's always said that Federal Law trumps State Law which is basically the reason we are winning lately. People are starting to understand the laws that California is illegally implementing on it's residents, suing and winning. Ain't California grand?

I was actually wondering about your AR. Common sense from a Californian politician. That is one beautiful letter right there. :D I'm sure @Solid Lifters would approve!