Does your range have those really cool digital target systems that show shot placement?
Nope, they are very expensive and guest shooters tend to wreck them and then run, which we then have to pay for with our member fees.
We as a club decided to keep the old system, that is fixed targets you have to walk to to change them- because of the cost factor.
Also I actually like having to walk to the targets, its a hobby so I should not have to hurry and a small walk is a nice breather between the tense concentration when shooting for small groups.
Also, do you have any experience with modern Mauser hunting rifles? I would like get into bolt action rifles and I think the new M18 in .308 seems like a good value to start out with. Buying an old 98k would be awesome but they're becoming very difficult (and expensive) to find here in CA and due to our new ammo laws finding a store that stocks 8mm Mauser is also tough. I would not want a .308 conversion 98.
Yes I have extensive experience with most rifle platforms, especially the more traditional ones. To be honest most of the 21st century quality bolt action rifles are very alike and pretty much all of them are good to very good. You'd be hard pressed to find one that sucks.
The Mauser 98k is a very fine choice if you can find one in good condition, and I would recommend getting one in either the original 8mm or a 30-06 conversion because the .308 is actually shorter than the original chambering which leads to less reliable feeding. I once had a .308 Mauser and it was crucial to place the bullets correctly into the magazine and to cycle the action carefully. Every 50 rounds so I'd still get a minor malfunction no matter how hard I tried. With the longer 8mm and 30-06 there is no such issue, the rifle works and you cant screw up.
Just make sure the bore and the muzzle is in good condition, the stock is not cracked and the gun has not been tinkered with. Also when shooting surplus ammunition it is
ABSOLUTELY crucial to thoroughly clean the bore
as soon as you get home, old surplus ammunition have primers that contain salts that will absolutely eat away the bore if not removed quickly. If left dirty the bore will be ruined completely in a matter of days, guaranteed. Its a rookie mistake that happens so often and results in tons of awesome looking WWI & WWII rifles on the market that sadly have completely trashed worthless bores that resemble old sewer pipes.
If money allows it don't shoot surplus at all and use modern ammunition, its not corrosive.
Personally, I make all the ammunition for all of my rifles myself so I do not have to rely on ammo from the 50's. Heck, I have some rifles that are so old I have to make the ammo because commercial sources dried up a 100 years ago.
Not to mention reloading ammo results in vastly improved accuracy, an experienced reloader will churn out ammo that is twice as consistent as the best run of the mill bullets.