Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
@a6m5 ironically I actually have one of those scope/optics mounts. I haven't messed around with it in months
:lol: Which gun do you have it on? I'm starting to consider getting a mount which replaces the rear sight on my USP.
:lol: Which gun do you have it on? I'm starting to consider getting a mount which replaces the rear sight on my USP.

I actually tried it on a PX4 Storm. I'm going to try it again on my XDM 9 since I shoot it more often. I've also considered getting that very same mount you mentioned be decided otherwise. The issue O have with that mount is the idea of getting rid of your rear sight. If the optic goes bad I still want to be able to use my sights.
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I actually tried it on a PX4 Storm. I'm going to try it again on my XDM 9 since I shoot it more often. I've also considered getting that very same mount you mentioned be decided otherwise. The issue O have with that mount is the idea of getting rid of your rear sight. If the optic goes bad I still want to be able to use my sights.
Currently USP is sort of my third idle pistol? This kind of puts me on the fence, but still not totally against the idea. Thanks for bringing up a good point! 👍
I just got back from the store, got me a new 1911 slide stop. As you may remember, I had troubles with my Rock Island 1911 not locking open during the last shot, in like 3 of 5 mags. I think I identified the problem, the slide stop lever was like a tiiiiiiiiiny bit too short where the follower of the magazine pushes it up to lock the slide open. The follower of the magazine simply rode past the slide stop lever.

I identified the problem after inspecting the magazines, they all have a slight scratch on the left side below the spot where the follower is exposed to push up the slide stop. The only thing that could scratch the mag at this very sport is the slide stop.

I have yet to shoot it but dry-cycling it with empty mags seemed very promising, the engagement surface of the new stop is considerably larger and I doubt it could slip off the follower.
I’ve had plans for a gun in development for some time, maybe you guys can lend a say on the matter.

Stupidly simple firecracker rifle, as that’s about all I can get away with without a licence here. Breach loading barrel with a basic bbq lighter ignition system and a lead shot wrapped to the front of the fire cracker as a projectile.

Obviously I’m talking ancient tech here but it’s something I want to build myself from scratch and with basic workshop tools. I have no intention of it being anything more than a rifle to plink targets with.

I’ve drawn up some designs, yet to be completed, and wondered if there’s anything I should know before taking on this diy task.
I’ve had plans for a gun in development for some time, maybe you guys can lend a say on the matter.

Stupidly simple firecracker rifle, as that’s about all I can get away with without a licence here. Breach loading barrel with a basic bbq lighter ignition system and a lead shot wrapped to the front of the fire cracker as a projectile.

Obviously I’m talking ancient tech here but it’s something I want to build myself from scratch and with basic workshop tools. I have no intention of it being anything more than a rifle to plink targets with.

I’ve drawn up some designs, yet to be completed, and wondered if there’s anything I should know before taking on this diy task.

You can harvest the black powder in the firecrackers to make it more powerful - a single firecracker alone will not give the lead balls sufficient energy to do anything - However, said powder is very fine and actually pretty potent in terms of pressure, you have to be really careful with it and work up your load. Also make sure there is enough material in the barrel wall.
And always make sure the projectile sits tightly on the charge or firecracker, there must not be any air space between the charge and the ball. If there is, the gun will turn into a pipe bomb.

All that being said, you might be better off (legally and in effectiveness) with a well designed slingshot. Don't let their archaic tech fool you, with good bands those can be very powerful. In fact, without access to good powder this might be your best bet.

You can harvest the black powder in the firecrackers to make it more powerful - a single firecracker alone will not give the lead balls sufficient energy to do anything - However, said powder is very fine and actually pretty potent in terms of pressure, you have to be really careful with it and work up your load. Also make sure there is enough material in the barrel wall.
And always make sure the projectile sits tightly on the charge or firecracker, there must not be any air space between the charge and the ball. If there is, the gun will turn into a pipe bomb.

All that being said, you might be better off (legally and in effectiveness) with a well designed slingshot. Don't let their archaic tech fool you, with good bands those can be very powerful. In fact, without access to good powder this might be your best bet.

Thanks for the advice. I’ve been slingshotting now for a while and I’m getting pretty accurate. I really only wanted to craft a gun as a project to prove to myself I could do it. I could alternatively go with a slingshot rifle which is equally as potent without dealing with black powder.
Thanks for the advice. I’ve been slingshotting now for a while and I’m getting pretty accurate. I really only wanted to craft a gun as a project to prove to myself I could do it. I could alternatively go with a slingshot rifle which is equally as potent without dealing with black powder.

Just make sure you don't break any local laws!
I tried out this frickin "laser" for the first time.


I don't know what I was expecting, but it's weird, man. Green laser was visible at 20 yards. I first tried it at 25 yards & couldn't see it(add another 2, 3 yards, I measured wrong the first time :P). I was seriously considering returning it, but I'll give it another shot(no pun intended). Worst case scenario, I could put it on something else.

I couldn't believe my luck, man. Few weeks ago, I was interrupted by fog & mist. This time, I was getting hit by smoke which I didn't know where it was coming from, not until on the way down:

gtp smoke.JPG

It seemed to be some kind of controlled burn. I still got little bit of cough from it. :grumpy:
Just make sure you don't break any local laws!
So true about the legality & safety concerns. Be careful @W3HS
@a6m5 I've been looking forward to hearing about your experience with the laser ever since you told us about acquiring one. Before you decide to return it, can you please test out the laser at night? I understand that there are other variables attributing to how visible the laser is at distance. But now I wonder what distance does the laser still remain visible to you at night?
@a6m5 I've been looking forward to hearing about your experience with the laser ever since you told us about acquiring one. Before you decide to return it, can you please test out the laser at night? I understand that there are other variables attributing to how visible the laser is at distance. But now I wonder what distance does the laser still remain visible to you at night?
I've decided to keep it, but you aren't in a hurry are you? I can definitely find out, but not sure how soon.
Today I shot my .308 HOWA precision rifle, that's 5 shots from the bipod at 110 yards. The flyer was a result of my eyes getting tired, I immediately knew the shot was not ideal when I pulled the trigger. But oh well, its still a 1.6 cm / 0.65 MOA group.

Also that short 20'' barrel barks like crazy, double ear protection is a must with that beast! :eek:

@a6m5 no I'm in no hurry, just wanted to get your opinion that's all.

@Michael88 nice group! Was the ammo you used a custom load of yours or factory ammo?


Went to the range earlier today and was able to rent a FN FNX-45 equipped with a Trijicon red dot sight and Gemtech suppressor. What caught me by surprised while shooting this gun is the amount of gas that hits your face once the gun is fired. Initially holding gun was somewhat of a balancing act because of the weight of the suppressor. Once I got use to additional weight the gun was a blast to shoot (no pun intended). I also tried using my UM Tactical sight mount and Vortex Viper red dot with my XDM-9. I wasn't able to get my Viper completely sighted-in but I will try to get it done on my next range visit. Overall I enjoy shooting pistols with red dot sights. Takes a little getting use to but this can easily be achieved with a little more practice.
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Went to the shooting range, and quickly got bored of shooting for accuracy at 25yds with my Glock 17, so I moved the target all the way forward to 11-12yds, started at low ready, acquired the target quickly and blasted an entire magazine as fast as I could shoot while aiming. My goal was to keep all in the black and that's what I did. I think that's good self defense practice, and its FUN to go quick for once. And people gave me looks. :P

And I cannot say it often enough, I LOVE the Glock. :dopey:

The itch to buy a Glock 45 and a G48 or G43x is getting hard for me to not scratch.
With the fun I had at the range today I totally understand your itch. I totally scratched mine today. :D

GLOCK may not be the best target pistol nor the best looking pistol, but in my humble opinion, in 9mm, it is the best combat pistol there is, and that right out of the box.

When I shot mine today I was amazed how little recoil and muzzle flip it had even with hot 124 grain loads, compared with other pistols I tried. With a high purchase on the grip most of the recoil is just straight-back, I could totally blast away AND hit stuff, after the recoil impulse the sights immediately aligned just naturally. Could not do that with any of the other guns I have tried so far.

That almost makes me want to try out a treated barrel with a brake, taming the little recoil it has. :dopey:
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With the fun I had at the range today I totally understand your itch. I totally scratched mine today. :D

GLOCK may not be the best target pistol nor the best looking pistol, but in my humble opinion, in 9mm, it is the best combat pistol there is, and that right out of the box.

When I shot mine today I was amazed how little recoil and muzzle flip it had even with hot 124 grain loads, compared with other pistols I tried. With a high purchase on the grip most of the recoil is just straight-back, I could totally blast away AND hit stuff, after the recoil impulse the sights immediately aligned just naturally. Could not do that with any of the other guns I have tried so far.

That almost makes me want to try out a treated barrel with a brake, taming the little recoil it has. :dopey:

While I have done little shooting with a Glock, I have come around to it being pretty much the best combat pistol, especially when chambered in 9mm.

I also have an itch when it comes to a 1911 of some sort, but I have not been able to decide on one. I would also lean towards having it chambered in 9mm. I just do not really feel like adding another caliber.

Have you tried a CZ 75?
Michael88 I use to think a Glock G20 was the only Glock I'd ever need... Until I shot a Glock G17 :lol:. Now that I've had a chance to shoot a G45, the G45 MOS is the next Glock I'll purchase when that time comes.

Brett which ever 1911 you decide to purchase, just make sure that it has Beavertail safety grip. Hammer bite sucks especially when you're shooting something along the lines of .45ACP or 10mm. But on another note, I think a 9mm 1911 would be fun to blink around with.

Also, I haven't had a chance to shoot a CZ 75 yet but will try to see if the range I frequently visit has one to rent.
While I have done little shooting with a Glock, I have come around to it being pretty much the best combat pistol, especially when chambered in 9mm.

I also have an itch when it comes to a 1911 of some sort, but I have not been able to decide on one. I would also lean towards having it chambered in 9mm. I just do not really feel like adding another caliber.

Have you tried a CZ 75?
I'd be a little careful with a 1911 in 9x19, the 1911 was made with the dimensions and recoil of a .45 in mind. I've heard that they can be quite finicky at times, especially when it comes to extractors and timing. I'd go with an all-steel pistol that was designed from the ground up as a 9x19, like a high power or the 75.

Haven't shot a CZ75 yet, despite its popularity I have encountered one only once, and sadly there was no opportunity to try it out. Its reputation is excellent though.

Michael88 I use to think a Glock G20 was the only Glock I'd ever need... Until I shot a Glock G17 :lol:. Now that I've had a chance to shoot a G45, the G45 MOS is the next Glock I'll purchase when that time comes.

Oh I totally wanted to go with a Glock 10mm for a loooong time, I really like that caliber but after thinking about it for a long time and trying out a 9mm vs. a 10mm I finally decided to get the 9. The 10mm may be more powerful than the 9mm but everything else is worse. Capacity, follow-up shots, cost, availability, bullet selection, reliability / wear & tear and you need more time and practice to get good with it (recoil). That's why I took the 9mm, you get a lot more with just a little sacrifice in power.
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I'd third, or fourth Glock being the best combat pistol, at least out of what very few handguns I've shot. I can't prove it, but gun is highly accurate. I can prove how unbelievably reliable it is. I've been cleaning my G19 only when I can't stand how filthy it is anymore. It just shoots & shoots & shoots perfectly, every time.

Still training with minuscule progress at a time. I ditched 20 & 25 yards & started focusing on 15 yards. I can now consistently keep it in the 6" target at 15, but it's still all over the place within those 6". When I'm finally able to shoot something resembling groups, I think I'll move up to 25 yards. :crazy:
I'd third, or fourth Glock being the best combat pistol, at least out of what very few handguns I've shot. I can't prove it, but gun is highly accurate. I can prove how unbelievably reliable it is. I've been cleaning my G19 only when I can't stand how filthy it is anymore. It just shoots & shoots & shoots perfectly, every time.

Still training with minuscule progress at a time. I ditched 20 & 25 yards & started focusing on 15 yards. I can now consistently keep it in the 6" target at 15, but it's still all over the place within those 6". When I'm finally able to shoot something resembling groups, I think I'll move up to 25 yards. :crazy:

As you know I started shooting handguns 6 months ago, I was a pure rifleman for the past 14 years - what helped me tremendously was practicing trigger pull and sight picture at home. Just hold the gun for 5 minutes trying to maintain as good a sight picture as possible and repeatedly racking the slide and pulling the trigger (using snap-caps to safe the firing pin). I even put a target on the wall and repeated that drill for several dozen times a day.

When I started shooting rifles I did the same thing, standing, aiming on a miniature target on the wall, trying to hold it on target as long as I could, then I put the muzzle down, let my muscles relax, and then rinse and repeat. Took me much longer to get good with rifle though, I think its the greater distances (50,75 & 100 standing) and the weight of a rifle.

Also, I think weight lifting helps, a fully loaded pistol, weighs basically nothing in my hands, and that can only be a good thing. I often hear people get tired arms when shooting pistols, this has not happened to me so far. I do tons of heavy shoulder presses and reverse grip barbell biceps curls, I think those help a lot.

Hope this does not sound like boasting, especially since I'm giving advice when I'm still a total newb. :scared: I just want to help and these things were very helpful for myself.
My sanctuary...

Hope everybody is out having a good time this weekend.[/SPOILER]

Very nice! My sanctuary was WAY colder and more wet though, temperatures around freezing and freezing rain, but I like that weather. :D

I brought my new velocity chronograph to the range and did test some reloads for my G17, I'm developing some hot 124 grain FMJ loads at 1160-1200 fps, also some 115 grain defensive loads with the same velocity. The chronograph has now become an invaluable tool for me. 👍
Michael88 I can't say that I'd enjoy shooting in those weather As long as I can keep my core warm and dry, oddly enough it sounds like it would be a good time. Were you shooting under a covered structure?

Even though I do not reload (yet), having a chronograph would be nice. Especially when you're trying to input the most accurate ammo data into a ballistics calculator. What are you developing those faster rounds for?
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Michael88 I can't say that I'd enjoy shooting in those weather As long as I can keep my core warm and dry, oddly enough it sounds like it would be a good time. Were you shooting under a covered structure?

Yes, there is a small roof above the shooting positions, just like at your range. Keeps off the rain and snow and some wind but it does help little to make it warmer. Once in winter it was so snowy and cold I had to clear the mountain of snow that was growing in front of my target obscuring it every 15 minutes, and I could only use the 50yds target due to the poor visibility from the snowfall. Also it was -24 degree Celsius / -11F. That day I shot my K98k standing and boy, I shot really well! All my other shooting buddies stayed in the club house only leaving it only occasionally( with a warm beverage in their hands) to check if I was still alive, lol. Spent 3 hours outside just shooting, stopped when my toes went from burning like fire to totally numb. :scared:

I have to say I like shooting in adverse conditions, its fun, challenging and you learn things.

What are you developing those faster rounds for?
Just for fun - and I want to duplicate true NATO-spec 124 FMJ, all the commercial 9x19 falls a little short of that. NATO Spec is 124 @ 360 meters a second // 1180 fps.
I like making my own stuff, and making your own ammunition exactly the way you want it is extremely satisfying. Also,ammunition i make myself is the ammunition I use in emergency situations because I KNOW that it will work. No duds, no double charges.
When handloading rounds I check every single component and assemble each cartridge with care so that it will absolutely work.
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Strange things are abound, thanks to the European Union we got a bunch of changes in our firearms laws.

First of all, buying magazines with capacities over 10 rounds for rifles and 20 rounds for pistols will become exceedingly hard in the very near future, requiring special permits etc. There will be a magazine registration procedure of mags already in possession where you have to register all high-capacity mags you own OR simply make the officials know you own high cap mags (still unclear), but nobody has any idea how that is going to work. That's gonna be one HELL of a task.

But at the same time dozens of semi-automatic rifles that were illegal to own before will be made legally available, namely AK-47 clones, FAL, M1 Garand, Dragunov's you name it. Its not super clear how this is going to work exactly, some details are still unclear, but it will definitely happen.

Put those two things together and what do you get? High-capacity magazine hoarding like its the end of the world. :scared:

And now excuse me while I stack another load of AK mags with my mining excavator. :sly:
Sounds like there is about to be a bunch of boating accidents and lots of standard capacity magazine will be lost.