Question, even though you won't be able to purchase standard capacity magazines anymore. Will you still be able to use the ones that you own as long as you do not load more than 10-rounds?
The reason why I'm asking is because something like this recently happened in California. Standard capacity magazine have been banned for several years and a recent ruling made then legal. Sadly that ruling was short lived and they're now illegal for use or purchase in California. But oddly enough, those who purchased their standard capacity mags while they were legal can keep their mags but aren't allowed to legally use them.[/SPOILER]
The laws about the high-capacity magazines are really strange, we can keep the high capacity magazines but it will be illegal to put them into our firearms UNLESS its at an official shooting range authorized by the authorities. We wont have to download the magazines to 10 rounds.
We gonna have to register the magazines, we most likely are going to get some certificate that says we own X amount of high capacity magazines for firearm XYZ. Since most mags don't have serial numbers they are going be registered by the total amount, not individually.
What is still unclear is if we will be able to buy more magazines from the type we already own, say you have one single AK-47 magazine after the law has been put into effect, can you buy more mags of that exact same kind? Some people believe that this will be the case so they are buying all kind of magazines, but only one or two of the same kind. I kind of doubt that though, and the gun shops I know said that after the law has been passed they will export the magazines to the USA. So IF we can still by high cap mags after the law has come into effect availability will suck hard, and if we cant buy them, well, then we can't.
So that is why I am not betting on getting mags afterwards either way.
Also, we're going to have to store the magazines in a locked container, they are now treated like restricted items - like firearms. Remember, we have regular police checkups for proper firearms storage (once every fire years).
Also I'm sorry to hear that California changed the law back again, that totally slipped my attention, I thought they were still able to get high capacity magazines. That sucks.