Did the projectile leave the barrel? Put a dowel or something down the bore and see if its stuck in there.
Also inspect the barrel for any bulging or ''rings'', sometimes its not visible right away but you can feel it.
- Barrel is clear, and no visible bulging is present in the bore.
- As seen in the pic below(same pic previously posted), empty case is stuck inside the chamber.

Barrel/chamber is stuck inside the slide, and I am thinking that bulge, or expansion is at the chamber. I'll take another picture.
@Michael88 Here are few more I took (mainly) of the chamber:
In any case you should really contact the ammo manufacturer, send them pictures and offer them to send the remaining ammo for testing purposes. It was their fault and blowing up a gun like that could have resulted in major injuries. When producing millions of rounds some faulty ones slipping in is sadly inevitable, but exploding a good gun like that is not ok.
They owe you big time.
It is holiday weekend in the States, so I did email the manufacturer's customer service. I realize it's not the best method to handle this, but I just didn't want to wait.

I'm always polite with people trying to do their jobs, but I did request that they replace my gun. I have not contacted H&K, as I see how the cartridge had exploded inside the chamber. Again, I'm not at all qualified to determine the exact cause of the accident, but at least to me, this suggests that charge was excessive in this particular load.
And I don't want to sound like an ass, but boy am I glad I reload all my ammo. Imagine a rifle round going off like that with more than twice the pressure.
You know, After googling this subject few times last night, people were quick to *no pun intended* take shots at reloads, but I am so anal when it comes to stuff like this, had I reloaded my own ammo, accident like this would have never happened. Mass manufacturing on the other hand, this isn't directed at ZQI, but after watching the video you found the other day, I was just thinking how much of a crap shoot "quality control" seemed to me. Thankfully, we get way more duds than double charge(or whatever they are called), but however small the chance of you getting a bad one is, it's inevitable.
Dude, holy crap. Wasn't expecting to read all this stuff when I opened the thread this morning. Glad you are alright.
Thank you. Yeah, no shooter expect to see something like this happen to somebody you know. I've seen it on the internet, but I never thought it would happen to me(and to my favorite gun

). I'm just grateful that I came out of it in one piece. 👍
I wouldn't write off one caliber over another because of what happened. An improperly loaded/manufactured 9mm round can be just as destructive.
I'm sure the firearm mechanism & design would have lot to do with it, but I was thinking the lesser charge in the cartridge wouldn't hurt in this type of accident.
How many times had you taken the USP out since you bought it? You got it used for a decent price if I remember correctly right?
Many, many times. It was around $700($600~$650 + 2 bricks of .22). Used, but pretty much in like-new & flawless condition. It was my baby, so very well maintained.
I feel like I did everything right, then something like this happen to you. I was SO happy to be OK, but it was not a good feeling to realize that you can do everything in your power to make it go safe & smooth, and still could get seriously hurt.