Really disappointed with this gamePS4 

And to get worst, all the attitude from sms from my experience is very bad.

I am going to be quite honest, mate. While you might have some valid points, the way you present them, i.e. mostly incoherent ranting, makes it really hard to get into a constructive discussion. I guess what you perceive as attitude is just a reflection of how people perceive you and your way of providing feedback.
I have left my comment on this game on another thread.
PC2 is an amazing yet unfinshed racing sim.

The amount of features they put in the game (tyres, physics in general, livetrack, weather, etc etc) makes it the most ambitous racing sim by far.
On the other hand is very unbalanced, broken in some parts, unfinished.
Also visually there is some inconstency, some tracks are rendered/reproduced very well (for example Brands Hatch or Sugo), others so so (the scottish short track).

Speaking for my personal experience, on the PS4 Pro the game runs very smooth, visually is great (besides its inner incosistencies), no frame drops and physics are consistent, I can play with 20-24 opponents without problems.

Probably this game puts too much in the pot for a standard PS4/Xbox One to handle.

Having said that, the best way is to choose a custom single race, random weather and time, a decent amount of laps (let’s say 10-15), a good category (GT3-GT4) and you can live an experience which is probably the closest to real racing, with the racing condition varying during the race, depending on track, car and weather conditions.

How I am spending my time with PC2 now is choosing a track and category per week, practicing and racing the whole week on that track, and then move on to other combo.

And in this way I can mitigate the broken aspects of the game and fully enjoy its features.
I just really hope they will introduce custom offline (or online with AI) championships.
It could last easily for months or year like this.
I own the game on PS4 pro, I don't have al the major flaws you tell about.
Sure this is a ambitious game, and sometimes the PS4 system is a bit short, but the experience is great
At first at launch I was disappointed with all the bugs, but today I think they did a pretty good job fixing the bugs and add some community requested features, and this is not over, look the evolution or the first PC and what it is now.
And last thing you say you prefer the first project cars, really ? well, appart the sound of the cars everything else is far far better in PC2 IMO

The game that disappointed me is AC, despite his excellent physics and FFB, the game is just boring as hell
The thing that is currently ruining the game for me is the separation of the casual racers from the organized leagues. Never the twain shall meet, apparently! League races are invisible, casual races are populated by a few decent drivers and a cadre of kids that are there to cause mayhem. On the PS4, the causal race scene is rarely worth wasting your time with. No lobby titles (a feature dropped from the PC version) means there's no way to know what standards a room is at (trust me, those U-S ratings don't mean squat when it comes to a good clean race!) and you invariably waste 1/2hr doing qualy only to find a bunch of kids smashing into T1 and trashing the race.

GT6, all lobbies, whether locked or open, were at least visible, so you didn't feel like you were wandering alone in the wilderness, and even organized leagues would open their practice and casual sessions to clean drivers. PC2, you join a league or you are screwed. Which for those of us with real lives, real jobs, and no specific playtime we can dedicate every week to, you better stick to racing the AI. And, given how inconsistent they are from track to track, car group to car group, weather condition to weather condition, you again waste at least 1/2hr each race testing their lap times so you can set them to be competitive with your times. Or watch them drive away from you, or you from them.

Heads you lose, tails they win...

The list of unfixed bugs (over on Asturbo's thread at SMS's forum) never seems to change much. For every fixed issue a patch fixes, it seems to add a few. Five major patches down, God knows how many to go. Given the list of things that weren't fixed in PC1, there's not a lot of optimism to be had.

I have a promise for SMS though... bring out PC3 with no more content, no tracks, no cars, no new features (except fixing the fractured online lobby system), but only fix EVERY bug issue, and I will happily pay full price for it..! Again.

That's how good the game COULD be...
The thing that is currently ruining the game for me is the separation of the casual racers from the organized leagues. Never the twain shall meet, apparently! League races are invisible, casual races are populated by a few decent drivers and a cadre of kids that are there to cause mayhem. On the PS4, the causal race scene is rarely worth wasting your time with. No lobby titles (a feature dropped from the PC version) means there's no way to know what standards a room is at (trust me, those U-S ratings don't mean squat when it comes to a good clean race!) and you invariably waste 1/2hr doing qualy only to find a bunch of kids smashing into T1 and trashing the race.

GT6, all lobbies, whether locked or open, were at least visible, so you didn't feel like you were wandering alone in the wilderness, and even organized leagues would open their practice and casual sessions to clean drivers. PC2, you join a league or you are screwed. Which for those of us with real lives, real jobs, and no specific playtime we can dedicate every week to, you better stick to racing the AI. And, given how inconsistent they are from track to track, car group to car group, weather condition to weather condition, you again waste at least 1/2hr each race testing their lap times so you can set them to be competitive with your times. Or watch them drive away from you, or you from them.

Heads you lose, tails they win...

The list of unfixed bugs (over on Asturbo's thread at SMS's forum) never seems to change much. For every fixed issue a patch fixes, it seems to add a few. Five major patches down, God knows how many to go. Given the list of things that weren't fixed in PC1, there's not a lot of optimism to be had.

I have a promise for SMS though... bring out PC3 with no more content, no tracks, no cars, no new features (except fixing the fractured online lobby system), but only fix EVERY bug issue, and I will happily pay full price for it..! Again.

That's how good the game COULD be...

Simple answer - Join a league!
Not so simple if you have busy job, family commitments or both. I used to run in leagues, now I barely get to use the bathroom without some kid banging down the door. I think Ian would like to have some SMS managed servers running for xbx and PS player next game. Getting a good experience to the casual I-can't-commit-to-a league-schedule guys is vital. Either that or killer AI so we don't even need to bother venturing online.
To have the best AI you need some kind of random mistake generator so they actually mess up like humans do. It's nice having them be at a good pace and aggressive enough to try overtakes a lot, but they seem to almost hit their marks every turn, lap after lap.

Remember GT5's B-Spec mode? The drivers could be pushed to a faster pace but more likely to make mistakes as they're pushing the limits. I want AI like that, where when you'reup on their tail a lot they feel the pressure and push a bit harder making them more likely to lock up, oversteer out of a turn, anything like that. It would add another touch of realism.
Simple answer - Join a league!

Simple reply - read my post!

Already stated had no regular time to dedicate to a league. Too busy to read that?

Secondly, leagues are no substitute for casual racing. Want to race vintage F3 today, road cars tomorrow, rallycross in the morning? Best of luck finding a league that wants to do what you want to do today! Let alone what you might want to do tomorrow. Leagues dictate what you must race, when you must race, and where you must race. And, with PC2's incompetent lobby system, best of luck getting a clean casual room going.

The price for finding clean racing in PC2 is too steep. And some very simple changes to the lobby system would solve it all. Shame SMS can't pull their heads out of their 🤬 and give casual racers the tools they need to manage a room properly.
Simple reply - read my post!

Already stated had no regular time to dedicate to a league. Too busy to read that?

Secondly, leagues are no substitute for casual racing. Want to race vintage F3 today, road cars tomorrow, rallycross in the morning? Best of luck finding a league that wants to do what you want to do today! Let alone what you might want to do tomorrow. Leagues dictate what you must race, when you must race, and where you must race. And, with PC2's incompetent lobby system, best of luck getting a clean casual room going.

The price for finding clean racing in PC2 is too steep. And some very simple changes to the lobby system would solve it all. Shame SMS can't pull their heads out of their 🤬 and give casual racers the tools they need to manage a room properly.
Hmm. Perhaps you need some friends. I have no problem getting 8 to 12 guys every night racing what ever the hell we want. It's not SMS's fault. What exactly is it you want, GT,Forza features from SMS or something dumbed down to fit your needs?
Add me on PSN. Maybe I can help you out.
As said, what is it you want sms to do? Be constructive and offer an alternative method.

Just note people who you witness racing fair (licence rating has nothing to do with it btw) and friend them. Create a friend's group on your ps4 for clean racers and invite them whenever you race. Why wouldn't you want to race with someone decent?

Many do this. I have loads of people inviting me to lobbies every time I'm online (gets a bit annoying if you're in the middle of a league race but you can turn notifications off)

Friend someone called beattkondukta. He does random races at random times in all sorts of cars and seems to have built up a big list of clean racers he regularly invites to his lobbies. Rslicker is another one. And bl1tz_u.
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Our league has struggled to get a good race. Lot's of bugs in the multiplayer session. Lots of disconnects!. We tried for more than an hour to get everybody in the race but unfortunately the disconnects are frequently. This is killing this game. I really don't care about playing offline. The other day I spent 2 hours in the online browser trying to find a race. What a waste of time!! Only managed to get 1 single race during all this period. PC1 was not outstanding but we at least could run our league better. They have added too many "features" (most of them I really don't care) in detriment to game performance and stability. Look at Monza in the standard PS4 . Those tree shadows are so awkward that every time I try to run there I get a headache!
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I have already stated repeatedly what I think SMS could do to make casual racing easier to find on the PS4.

Room Titles... Without those, unless you know the host, it's a crapshoot. If I saw a room that said 'Clean or Kick' or 'Spec no tune clean racing', I'd join in a flash.

They exist in the PC version. Only sheer laziness or incompetence prevents SMS from adding these to the console version.

And starting my own room is no alternative, if I can't label it. Add to that the random disconnects that make holding the same host for an evening problematic. You disconnect, you rarely have any clue who ends up hosting as often multiple people disconnect at the same time. Do any practice and qualy with a race, it isn't until half an hour goes by and you start the race, you even KNOW who to kick. That level of frustration and uncertainty pretty much ensures I stick to racing the AI (who I KNOW when and where they are bad!).

Anyone who has already played GT5/6 already knows exactly what SMS need to add to give the players the tools they need to create great clean casual racing. Therefore, SMS should also know. Unless they are so stupid as to not have tried out the competition. No-one thinks that, do they? So let's not get mired down in 'being constructive'. That advice needs to be addressed to the devs, not the players. If the devs don't already know what works, telling them now isn't really going to help, is it?

They don't care. This lobby system is the proof, plain and simple.

BTW, appreciate the friend suggestions, but I'm a musician. I'm primarily on daytimes in the US. And virtually never at night weekends. That's kind of the point... GT5/6, day or night, weekday or weekend, there were several 'Clean or Kick' rooms up publicly. SMS's decision to hide league rooms, to hide full rooms, and give console players no way to know the standards of a room unless you personally know the host is what is killing the casual scene.

It's hard to be 'constructive' when you know that the solutions are obvious, well known, and have been deliberately left off by the devs.
I have already stated repeatedly what I think SMS could do to make casual racing easier to find on the PS4.

Room Titles... Without those, unless you know the host, it's a crapshoot. If I saw a room that said 'Clean or Kick' or 'Spec no tune clean racing', I'd join in a flash.

They exist in the PC version. Only sheer laziness or incompetence prevents SMS from adding these to the console version.

And starting my own room is no alternative, if I can't label it. Add to that the random disconnects that make holding the same host for an evening problematic. You disconnect, you rarely have any clue who ends up hosting as often multiple people disconnect at the same time. Do any practice and qualy with a race, it isn't until half an hour goes by and you start the race, you even KNOW who to kick. That level of frustration and uncertainty pretty much ensures I stick to racing the AI (who I KNOW when and where they are bad!).

Anyone who has already played GT5/6 already knows exactly what SMS need to add to give the players the tools they need to create great clean casual racing. Therefore, SMS should also know. Unless they are so stupid as to not have tried out the competition. No-one thinks that, do they? So let's not get mired down in 'being constructive'. That advice needs to be addressed to the devs, not the players. If the devs don't already know what works, telling them now isn't really going to help, is it?

They don't care. This lobby system is the proof, plain and simple.

BTW, appreciate the friend suggestions, but I'm a musician. I'm primarily on daytimes in the US. And virtually never at night weekends. That's kind of the point... GT5/6, day or night, weekday or weekend, there were several 'Clean or Kick' rooms up publicly. SMS's decision to hide league rooms, to hide full rooms, and give console players no way to know the standards of a room unless you personally know the host is what is killing the casual scene.

It's hard to be 'constructive' when you know that the solutions are obvious, well known, and have been deliberately left off by the devs.
I'll repeat the same thing again. You go to multiple forums say the same stuff over and over. It's tiresome to watch someone go on and on about something in a wishlist,disappointed forum over and over. Go to SMS's forum. Sign up and go on about the same stuff with the developer. I don't have a problem getting 12 people in a private room. They are called "friends". Get some make a private room and wow,damn you can race all 🤬 night long without an issue. I've hosted for 6 straight hours. Perhaps that may solve your problem. Now scoot on over to the SMS forum,sign up and have your say. Nothing is going to get fixed on here unless your a magician. Looking at your posts,your magic stick needs new batteries.:cheers:
I have already stated repeatedly what I think SMS could do to make casual racing easier to find on the PS4.

Room Titles... Without those, unless you know the host, it's a crapshoot. If I saw a room that said 'Clean or Kick' or 'Spec no tune clean racing', I'd join in a flash.

They exist in the PC version. Only sheer laziness or incompetence prevents SMS from adding these to the console version.

And starting my own room is no alternative, if I can't label it. Add to that the random disconnects that make holding the same host for an evening problematic. You disconnect, you rarely have any clue who ends up hosting as often multiple people disconnect at the same time. Do any practice and qualy with a race, it isn't until half an hour goes by and you start the race, you even KNOW who to kick. That level of frustration and uncertainty pretty much ensures I stick to racing the AI (who I KNOW when and where they are bad!).

Anyone who has already played GT5/6 already knows exactly what SMS need to add to give the players the tools they need to create great clean casual racing. Therefore, SMS should also know. Unless they are so stupid as to not have tried out the competition. No-one thinks that, do they? So let's not get mired down in 'being constructive'. That advice needs to be addressed to the devs, not the players. If the devs don't already know what works, telling them now isn't really going to help, is it?

They don't care. This lobby system is the proof, plain and simple.

BTW, appreciate the friend suggestions, but I'm a musician. I'm primarily on daytimes in the US. And virtually never at night weekends. That's kind of the point... GT5/6, day or night, weekday or weekend, there were several 'Clean or Kick' rooms up publicly. SMS's decision to hide league rooms, to hide full rooms, and give console players no way to know the standards of a room unless you personally know the host is what is killing the casual scene.

It's hard to be 'constructive' when you know that the solutions are obvious, well known, and have been deliberately left off by the devs.

Have you tried searching friends in an other time zone that would be online? I having to look os not ideal but just trying to help to my personal abilities
Going to the SMS forum is useless. You only get things like "PC2 don't have any bugs!! All the bugs are made up!" And bans if you don't kiss SMS ass.
With luck Ian come insulting you also like in a post in PC1 time.
Witch tells a lot about SMS mentality.
And for me, he is the source of PC problems.
Bad leadership. When you think you're more than what you really are and you ignore your product have problems....
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Going to the SMS forum is useless. You only get things like "PC2 don't have any bugs!! All the bugs are made up!" And bans if you don't kiss SMS ass.
With luck Ian come insulting you also like in a post in PC1 time.
Witch tells a lot about SMS mentality.
And for me, he is the source of PC problems.
Bad leadership. When you think you're more than what you really are and you ignore your product have problems....
Forum is useless? Do you have any idea how hard the moderators work to help members out? As an example, I don't know if you've followed the GT3 tyres discussion lately but I was one of those actively trying to help out - OK, I was a little sarcastic at times, but when faced with the replies I was getting, it was increasingly difficult to bite my tongue. As was Sankyo, the head moderator, who has been in private discussions with at least one of the forum members experiencing problems. Rather than the forum "closing the shutters" and replying "no, you're wrong, everything is fine", some of us took it upon ourselves to test whether the complaints were valid. One idle aside note by myself might have inadvertently solved the problem for at least 2 of those having a problem with the GT3 tyres.

As for bans, people get banned from forums when they overstep the mark, it's the same on the pCARS forum as everywhere else. Everybody gets more than their fair share of warning so if you ignore those warnings, don't be surprised if you get slapped with a ban. I'm not a moderator on there, I'm just another WMD/WMD2 member, though I was a mod for about a month before I stepped down (I had far too much going on to deal with being a mod too). I've been on forums long enough to know what will and won't get you kicked out.

As for Ian and the rest of the staff, what you're probably encountering is a real human reacting to something they are incredibly proud of, something they have worked their socks off to create, something they are very precious of. It's a natural human reaction to be protective of that and bullish of what it achieves. In that regard he is no different to the likes of Stefano (though maybe without the public meltdowns) and other game developers. Personally, if I'd created a game that did as well as Project CARS, I'd be a bit smug about it too. As for "being blind to the problems", you couldn't be further from the truth (read some posts by Andy Garton, for example).

Do both pCARS1 and pCARS2 have problems? Of course they do. Their very complexity makes them more likely to display problems than some lesser games. Now, at the risk of demonstrating "whataboutism", it is no different in other sim-racing titles. I could rattle off many things that are wrong in Assetto Corsa, rFactor2, RRRE and iRacing, but that gets us nowhere. What nobody can deny, however, is that pCARS1 and pCARS2 HAVE been good for the sim-racing community at large. pCARS1, especially, brought sim-racing to a whole new audience and taught us not to accept "static weather", just because that's all the other sims were doing. pCARS1 also taught us that sim-racing doesn't have to be a dry, boring affair, that racing should be fun. Again, neither it nor its sequel are perfect but they are still my number 1 choice for racing because nothing else gives me that feeling of actually racing. No, not rFactor2, not AC and not iRacing. Sure, they have their own individual merits, but it is the sum of the parts in pCARS2 that keeps me playing it.
So @The_American When will PCARS 3 be announced? That's my most anticipated Next Gen Racing Game :):gtpflag:

It's been what? 7 months of PC2 and you already want PC3? Is PC2 that bad?

When was PC2 announced? Just after PC1 release, right? So if you don't have news about it, don't count with it. Lol
But SMS is working on a Fast and Furious game LOL. And they say it's going to kill Need for Speed in the next 6 years. Lol
It's been what? 7 months of PC2 and you already want PC3? Is PC2 that bad?

When was PC2 announced? Just after PC1 release, right? So if you don't have news about it, don't count with it. Lol
But SMS is working on a Fast and Furious game LOL. And they say it's going to kill Need for Speed in the next 6 years. Lol
You can be serious?

Yes 16K miles with the P1 GTR means i hate PCARS 2 :rolleyes:

My post was in reaction to his post about GT7

And lastly PCARS1 was announced 1 month after PCARS 1 released.

I'm not a Pcars 2 hater in fact PCARS 2 Is one of my top 3 favorite racing games ever
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I'll repeat the same thing again. You go to multiple forums say the same stuff over and over. It's tiresome to watch someone go on and on about something in a wishlist,disappointed forum over and over. Go to SMS's forum. Sign up and go on about the same stuff with the developer. I don't have a problem getting 12 people in a private room. They are called "friends". Get some make a private room and wow,damn you can race all 🤬 night long without an issue. I've hosted for 6 straight hours. Perhaps that may solve your problem. Now scoot on over to the SMS forum,sign up and have your say. Nothing is going to get fixed on here unless your a magician. Looking at your posts,your magic stick needs new batteries.:cheers:

I've been in some of your rooms. Ovals only. Rarely clean. And don't get me started about your running commentary! Tiresome? Swear words every sentence. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬!

I have a sneaky feeling you really have no idea what I'm talking about. There were multiple rooms up night and day in GT6, everything from ovals to road courses, city courses, and they were squeaky clean. Incidents were self-stewarded, and position was always returned for contact. Your rooms are a cuss-overloaded bashfest by comparison, and I doubt any one of you knows how to turn right or brake!

So spare me your 'outrage' at having to read the same thing a few times. Maybe if you had ever had what I miss, you might miss it too...

BTW, already posting at SMS's forum. I wonder why you are here? Surely there's someone complaining at their forum you can get outraged about too?
I've been in some of your rooms. Ovals only. Rarely clean. And don't get me started about your running commentary! Tiresome? Swear words every sentence. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬!

I have a sneaky feeling you really have no idea what I'm talking about. There were multiple rooms up night and day in GT6, everything from ovals to road courses, city courses, and they were squeaky clean. Incidents were self-stewarded, and position was always returned for contact. Your rooms are a cuss-overloaded bashfest by comparison, and I doubt any one of you knows how to turn right or brake!

So spare me your 'outrage' at having to read the same thing a few times. Maybe if you had ever had what I miss, you might miss it too...

BTW, already posting at SMS's forum. I wonder why you are here? Surely there's someone complaining at their forum you can get outraged about too?
Dude it was a fun night of drinking and having fun. Swearing. Yeah we are grown men. There are quite a few of us who actually would probably kick your sorry arse on any track you prefer. Perhaps you can make one and invite some of us. Good to see Mr. Like train is liking posts. How is your PS4 working?
Been dissapointed since US PS Store's flash sale for 15$, just before the easter sales. EU Store rotate same AC & DiRT Rally in every sale, but now there's PC1's both versions for ridiculous low price.
BTW, already posting at SMS's forum. I wonder why you are here? Surely there's someone complaining at their forum you can get outraged about too?

But be fast, cause complaining it's not allowed in there and usually leads to a ban.
Some times I feel that 50% of the users and all the admins are Ian Bell multiple accounts. Haha

Been dissapointed since US PS Store's flash sale for 15$, just before the easter sales. EU Store rotate same AC & DiRT Rally in every sale, but now there's PC1's both versions for ridiculous low price.

True. Really cheap. It's the price PC2 should have been from the beginning.
But be fast, cause complaining it's not allowed in there and usually leads to a ban.
There are different ways of complaining. For example, one option could be called constructive criticism, one could be called whining. How people respond to your opinions is usually less to do with the opinion itself and more about how it is presented.