You know I do have to wonder, just what IS finished at this stage? By Kaz's own admissions and what we've seen..
Graphics - Not finished, 50 - 60% of what they want them to be
Sound - Not finished, supposedly only a handful of cars are where they want them
Cars shown at the event - Not all finished, some without interiors
Tracks at the event - not finished, going through huge changes daily
Spectator mode - 10% finished
Rally mode/system - They're not sure how it'll be implemented
Damage - Supposedly being worked on but not ready to be shown off
Last time I checked beta meant a feature complete piece of software that just required final polishing, bug-fixing and minor tweaks. Not this.
That then leads directly into the question, what will be finished on release day? With the time left, I'm guessing not even close to everything.