Red Bull Ring, Volkswagen Scirroco GT24...

  • Thread starter wedjim
I've not try and doesn't have this car yet. After seeing those tune posted here, I would like to do some contribution for you guys. Just set those toes -0.16/-0.12 to -0.22 just depending on your LSD acceleration. Hopes it will work for FWD :gtpflag:
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Oil change or ballast I would say...

After driving some of the other setups I've come to the conclusion my gearbox sucks!

Also the more power limited turbo build seems to have a bit more guts to it for some reason...

New engine builder required here :lol:
My theory to understand how more power limiting gives more guts is this.
There usually is more torque available @ a bit less HP and while the HP is a little less it is available across more of the RPM band, this results in a greater average HP.
New motor installed, and a gearbox pinched from round these parts, got me a new best run...

4:42.671 started dipping into the 1:31s now as well :) That's within the track boundaries BTW :P :)

Getting better at fighting back through the field as well, several last to second runs, I think they are actually more fun than checking out :embarrassed:
Hi guys, haven't posted in these QM threads before, long time GTPer, have kept an eye, only really got into it at Mount Panorama GT3. It makes bank so why not.

Said hello to a couple of you.

I'm getting consistent 1:32.0s now with one dip into 1:31.984.

Some of the rooms have some diabolical people, which is usual, but I refuse to give in to them. Some seem to target you race after race (is it because your doing purple times?) so I stay, the line up dwindles, now I hate myself for saying this because I'm very laid back usually, but I then proceed to beat the field (healthily) FR my nemesis with a message in his/her? native language generally about their life trajectory and whatnot. I've got about 8 languages good to go in the keyboard. I know this very very sad, but coming from a GTP online club, race craft is strong with this one.

I also joked with @wedjim about taking the scenic routes earlier in the week, as @Speedracer8218 has said already I'd rather win clean, but it is advantageous to take T1 wide at least at the beginning to avoid the dust up. And sometimes you do have to toe the party line.

Slight door rubbing penalty is very sensitive and the most annoying to me.

I also find I can take people on the outside of about 3-4 corners but then I'm just asking for it, even a novice can't resist.

I bought the Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta passo corto CN.2521 '61 and the 250 GTO CN.3729GT '62 this week, I'm back to 48m. The 330P4 and the GT40 racecar this week so should be on quite a bit. I will post my set-up if I start eeking more performance.

I've been happily surprised lately that the thrash and crash out fest that is QM has weeded out some more racing buddy options, certainly a little release from The Sunday Cup I race in where it's all about race craft and hundredths.

See you this week buds.

Is it ok to FR you @SCClockDr?
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Matchmaking sucks at times but there are those moments of sheer joy that occur every now and again ;)

I have to say I've not received much hate in the way of messages, in fact they seem to be more complementary of late :embarrassed:

I might be fun to sort some more friendly races out using the Scirocco and the Megane...
@scholesy1899 , it was fun getting some races with you, we had a couple good ones when I didn't get banged about early on. I also gave you room to get by twice since you had the advantage.

@graveltrap and @SCClockDr , the torque curves are very dependent on the engine package total, minus the limiting. Looking at the torque vs power curves the torque drops radically once the HP power peaks. This means the engines ability to pull tall gears loses steam the longer you're at high engine AND vehicle speeds. This is why I always had very limited setups that couldn't pull in 5th and 6th gear as well as lower torque ones did. Basically what I've found is severly limited setups(with reasonable traction) would have LESS wheel spin out of turns and wouldn't reach rev limit as quickly. This seems to help this car a lot.
In the Megane the night before they closed it off, I found I Had much better pull thruout the same gearbox with torque set at 340-352 than I did at 372 or more. As well as faster lap times.

This effect is what I think helps a car with very little traction, the same as it should hurt one with good traction.
Oh yeah, I've only received good messages.

That's why I'm doubly disappointed with myself as a 30++ year old, in admitting I feel the need to try and remonstrate with somebody who puts more energy into exploiting the penalties etc. rather than trying to go fast, race and win some.

I've seen @wedjim in a public lobby with the same settings but haven't ventured in yet.
Every racing game has its issues, for example my first online racing was done in PGR2 (awesome game), there were no penalties back the and people used the walls to get round corners faster...

Matchmaking generally brings the worst out in gamers, it's one of those things :(

I just set out to enjoy racing, yes there are bad times but there are also good , like the rocco freight train that I just watch back 5 times :)

Let others do what they will, you get another chance to beat them every five minutes or so :D

Button pressing too many edits my bad!
Every racing game has its issues, for example my first online racing was done in PGR2 (awesome game), there were no penalties back the and people used the walls to get round corners faster...

Matchmaking generally brings the worst out in gamers, it's one of those things :(

I just set out to enjoy racing, yes there are bad times but there are also good , like the rocco freight train that I just watch back 5 times :)

Let others do what they will, you get another chance to beat them every five minutes or so :D

Button pressing too many edits my bad!

Oh certainly, I been playing racing games since Microprose on the Atari ST so I've seen the advent of online and the best and worst it offers. I'm just becoming a grumpy old git.

@wedjim Wouldn't expect anything less from a good driver bud, hope I gave/would give you the same courtesy:tup:
Why doesn't this track go away? It is loathsome. At least this car makes it interesting. Too bad I can't figure out how to go fast.

I'd buy Kaz a beer if he'd just give us a 500pp Deep Forest race like the old Trial Mountain Classic. 3 laps though. And ban the GSXR4.
A few tips for quick laps. Turn 1, turn in WAY earlier then your brain wants you too, if your set up works and your cars steers, you stay on the "real," track and carry a ton of speed compared to the "normal" drivers. :)

Also, turn 2, as @SCClockDr posted, brake hard early, then let off and roll thru in 2nd, or even 3rd if you really hit it right and get the yellow curb directly under the car. A little wide, you'll two wheel a bit, too close and short cut penalty.

Turn 3(? Sand trap turn), Brake hard slightly early and try to hook the inside curb with your right tires in 2nd or 3rd gear.

No big setup changes, just minor tweaks...but I got some clean starts and set some new personal bests. 1:39.0 first lap and two for a total of 4:44.000...just missing a!
Headed in the right direction.
With a DS3 controller, only aids are TC1 and ABS1.
After initial miss givings I'm really enjoying the track now :) it actually makes for some really good fast close racing with the right people, with plenty of over taking chances!

One more lap would of been nice and much closer to the previous one make battle in terms of race length, that time helps recovery from first lap incidents ;)

The car also works really really well here :) I wasn't expecting such nice handling :embarrassed:
Thanks for your tunes,
I have only just started this on line racing caper. The Reno Megane was my first attempt and before I found your tunes I was really struggling. I started the VW Scirocco yesterday with wedjim's tune and was competitive straight away.

Thanks for the help!!
@Speedracer8218 I agree that there should be a penalty. My point is, once they decide there isn't, it's part of the track in reality. I use it when needed to avoid the cheap penalties and people who stop 400 feet from the turns. I don't really like doing it, but...

Although cutting the chicane at Nurgurgring was different. You could never do so in a real car and PD just missed that one.

If it was up to me, damage would be on, rather than penalties. Problems almost all solved.
For QM gaming reason, just make it drive thru if both car going to hit each other. Purposely or real car accidents solved ! Not a victim anymore for good manners drivers...:lol:
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I gave this a go today.
Not too bad a car really.
I'll have to get another one as well to try out all the tunes here. 👍

The best I've managed is a 1:31.7
Race time of 4:42.

I guess you could call my tune a first day work in progress, but TBH I've thrown quite a bit of stuff at it already so it's doubtful I'll find much more time with it.

I tried a non-turbo tune, no oil, no rigidity, no ballast.
418BHP, 1120kgs, 514PP.

All power parts except turbo (no oil)
Limiter 97.7%

65 / 68
9.20 / 14.00
2 / 3
6 / 4
4 / 5
0.00 / 0.50
(fixed toe)

6 / 8

8 / 36 / 16

130 / 100
(no ballast)

After power parts are added, reset to default.
Set FD 3.000
Set Max. Speed 260km/h (161mph)

I should add ... also a 2nd gear launch.
Still plenty of smoke involved though. :lol:

Thanks, with your setup my best time online 1.32.550 ant race time 4.46.916!!
I currently run with downforce at the minimum of 50 in both front and back. Loose when cornering, but accelerates better than most and run low 1.32 laps when not being spearheaded by other "drivers". Using Mid Turbo.
After watching back some replays, I now understand why the majority of my starts go pear shaped, got lucky with this one as I was far enough in front to turn across the track and not get wiped out by those that use the run off...No digs or malice intended here just a picture of a crazy start! :)

All the smoke is from a lagging car which if it hit you launched you off the track at a million miles an hour!
Thanks, with your setup my best time online 1.32.550 ant race time 4.46.916!!
Nice one.
Thanks for giving it a run. 👍

I've been a bit lazy and haven't found the time to try the other tunes here ... yet.
But I will.
I'm most keen to see what effect opting for the turbo will bring to the table.
After watching back some replays, I now understand why the majority of my starts go pear shaped, got lucky with this one as I was far enough in front to turn across the track and not get wiped out by those that use the run off...No digs or malice intended here just a picture of a crazy start! :)

All the smoke is from a lagging car which if it hit you launched you off the track at a million miles an hour!

I've saved about 8'races, but haven't watched any of them yet. Spent a few minutes trying to find out how to, then gave up. Let me know the way master Yoda. haha?
Hope you don't mind I sent a request, Sir Clock Doctor. Came across you on the track. Losing time to you primarily on turn 2.
Will check next time I log in.

Turn 2:
I slow a bit earlier than most turn in late and coast till I'm even with the white bump, then accelerate in 3rd gradually upping the throttle, then shifting early.

The risks are:
  1. A bump in the rear but that usually results in a penalty to the offender.
  2. 2 wheeling it if I catch the bump
  3. Being sent wide from a BIG whack. I just shoot for the dirt patch or the access road depending. (the grass & paint are losers)
Will check next time I log in.

Turn 2:
I slow a bit earlier than most turn in late and coast till I'm even with the white bump, then accelerate in 3rd gradually upping the throttle, then shifting early.

The risks are:
  1. A bump in the rear but that usually results in a penalty to the offender.
  2. 2 wheeling it if I catch the bump
  3. Being sent wide from a BIG whack. I just shoot for the dirt patch or the access road depending. (the grass & paint are losers)

I try to race as clean as possible, so it usually is a whack that sends me flying. Without traffic, I tend to brake well with this track...just not when you have people slamming you at full speed. Enjoy picking my way back through the field though. Wish I could get down to the 32s.

I enjoyed flying through the final double curve in the TS030...trying to get that feeling to hook up through the Scirocco.

As to the opening corner, I try to go clean (passing on the inside is a huge advantage), but err on the side of runoff than cutting the corner off. Reminds me a bit of turn...6? at Sonoma in a NASCAR. I feel like I get a good jump on the start so you have to just pick a lane and hope everyone holds theirs. Definitely lose people on that corner if you keep all four on the pavement.
Why doesn't this track go away? It is loathsome. At least this car makes it interesting. Too bad I can't figure out how to go fast.

I'd buy Kaz a beer if he'd just give us a 500pp Deep Forest race like the old Trial Mountain Classic. 3 laps though. And ban the GSXR4.

That would be great !
As for this one, I've tried about 10 times on different days to enter and can't get in, same thing has happened to some other UK guys I've spoken to.
It usually takes me a few goes to get in (NAT is type 2) it seems to be the synchronising stage where it all goes wrong, you see the black screen with GT6 logo whilst it's trying to sort it self out, if your in a lobby the players struggling to join will be showed greyed out.

Stability once in a room seems good, I have only been dropped twice in all my QM exploits.

Of course why it does this only PD can decipher! A hard wired connection does seem help some, my PS3 wifi sucks big time less than half the speed of my actual connection!!
That would be great !
As for this one, I've tried about 10 times on different days to enter and can't get in, same thing has happened to some other UK guys I've spoken to.

I spent 40 minutes the other day for 1 race, then got booted at the start. lol not sure why, but it's a struggle with this one.

I was in a race last night and got a message from @SCClockDr , wondering why he decided to say high a that time. So I raced my race with the other two cars, both were dirty drivers, but one in a yellow car especially naughty. No such thing as any type of clean pass. We rammed each other, pushed each other in the sand, over and over. I got the penalties 8 out of 10 times, even when he hit me from the rear in turn two. At this point I exited the race, deciding this clown wasn't worth boiling blood. I re entered again, wind up in the same room and see @SCClockDr, along with the same few guys that I had been racing with? But then he suddenly disappeared. So from my perspective we NEVER raced in the same race.

Did you race with me DR?

That is extremely weird.