Red Dead Redemption 2

  • Thread starter RX-7_FD3S
I stoped this week too... Got to lvl 40 and there was nothing interesting to do. Then Rockstar opened up the shop and the MTX.

And I made this post on reddit... :crazy:

Yeah, I'm out. Haven't played in a week. I got RDR with the idea that RDRO would be a great way to get out of the hustle and bustle of modern day southern California. I figured it would be nice to have a more chill pace and atmosphere, and a new place to go hiking and relax.

Turned out to be the least chill game I own. :lol:
Holy upvote

Right? People seem to be unhappy with it.

I had never posted a meme but when I knew about the shop and opened up the game to check it I thought immediately I had to do something like this. Never expected to explode though.
I've had the game since release and have played quite a bit. I respect it immensely. It's beautiful, it's engaging, it's fun, it's well written. But I have some serious complaints.

(I'm not terribly interested in RDRO and I'm still grinding my way through the story mode/campaign.)

I have to say...the inventory management and controls on this game are appalling. Much worse than GTA-V or RDR1. Why on earth does the game keep changing my weapons? Every time I start a new mission it changes my loadout to something random. I want my damn double barrel shotgun Rockstar! On the subject of that, a quicktime event in one mission had a character throw me a double barrel shotgun to shoot a lock...but it replaced the existing double barrel I already owned and customized heavily. It was just gone after the mission. And the 'hold left bumper, click right bumper, hold analogue stick in place, click right trigger, click right d-pad' to select a rifle and the better ammo (I might add EVERY TIME) is an ergonomic nightmare.

Also, who in the hell thought it was a good idea for Arthur NOT to pull the hammer on his weapon AFTER firing a shot. In a firefight, it's really annoying that the first thing that happens when you pull the trigger is for Arthur to chamber a round or pull the hammer back AND THEN which point your target is safely behind cover again....oh but Arthur still shoots alright, wasting a round. I remember the gunplay felt more fluid and rewarding in RDR1. It feels clunky and ineffective in it's deliberately more difficult than it needs to be.

On the subject of the's too much, and it strains credulity throughout, IMO. Specifically, Dutch. How many times do we need reinforcing of Dutch's character flaws? One more job and then we'll have the money to escape forever. Once. Twice. Even four times would have been sufficient. But I feel like he's said something to that effect at least 20 times now....and I don't even feel like I'm nearing the end. I find myself constantly wonder why on earth anyone would elect to stay with Dutch which really stresses the entire plot of the game to the breaking point. Nothing in the personalities of Charles nor Xavier would indicate they are criminals. Why are they in this gang? I just don't get it. The women are almost entirely just furniture with the exception of Sadie Adler, who seems like a piece of furniture with different upholstery. I like the story, generally, but it doesn't feel as pointed as RDR1.
As som
I've had the game since release and have played quite a bit. I respect it immensely. It's beautiful, it's engaging, it's fun, it's well written. But I have some serious complaints.

(I'm not terribly interested in RDRO and I'm still grinding my way through the story mode/campaign.)

I have to say...the inventory management and controls on this game are appalling. Much worse than GTA-V or RDR1. Why on earth does the game keep changing my weapons? Every time I start a new mission it changes my loadout to something random. I want my damn double barrel shotgun Rockstar! On the subject of that, a quicktime event in one mission had a character throw me a double barrel shotgun to shoot a lock...but it replaced the existing double barrel I already owned and customized heavily. It was just gone after the mission. And the 'hold left bumper, click right bumper, hold analogue stick in place, click right trigger, click right d-pad' to select a rifle and the better ammo (I might add EVERY TIME) is an ergonomic nightmare.

Also, who in the hell thought it was a good idea for Arthur NOT to pull the hammer on his weapon AFTER firing a shot. In a firefight, it's really annoying that the first thing that happens when you pull the trigger is for Arthur to chamber a round or pull the hammer back AND THEN which point your target is safely behind cover again....oh but Arthur still shoots alright, wasting a round. I remember the gunplay felt more fluid and rewarding in RDR1. It feels clunky and ineffective in it's deliberately more difficult than it needs to be.

On the subject of the's too much, and it strains credulity throughout, IMO. Specifically, Dutch. How many times do we need reinforcing of Dutch's character flaws? One more job and then we'll have the money to escape forever. Once. Twice. Even four times would have been sufficient. But I feel like he's said something to that effect at least 20 times now....and I don't even feel like I'm nearing the end. I find myself constantly wonder why on earth anyone would elect to stay with Dutch which really stresses the entire plot of the game to the breaking point. Nothing in the personalities of Charles nor Xavier would indicate they are criminals. Why are they in this gang? I just don't get it. The women are almost entirely just furniture with the exception of Sadie Adler, who seems like a piece of furniture with different upholstery. I like the story, generally, but it doesn't feel as pointed as RDR1.
As someone who loved RDR, your comparisons to that game & points about RDR2 are a serious concern to me. Especially the gunplay.
I've had the game since release and have played quite a bit. I respect it immensely. It's beautiful, it's engaging, it's fun, it's well written. But I have some serious complaints.

(I'm not terribly interested in RDRO and I'm still grinding my way through the story mode/campaign.)

I have to say...the inventory management and controls on this game are appalling. Much worse than GTA-V or RDR1. Why on earth does the game keep changing my weapons? Every time I start a new mission it changes my loadout to something random. I want my damn double barrel shotgun Rockstar! On the subject of that, a quicktime event in one mission had a character throw me a double barrel shotgun to shoot a lock...but it replaced the existing double barrel I already owned and customized heavily. It was just gone after the mission. And the 'hold left bumper, click right bumper, hold analogue stick in place, click right trigger, click right d-pad' to select a rifle and the better ammo (I might add EVERY TIME) is an ergonomic nightmare.

Also, who in the hell thought it was a good idea for Arthur NOT to pull the hammer on his weapon AFTER firing a shot. In a firefight, it's really annoying that the first thing that happens when you pull the trigger is for Arthur to chamber a round or pull the hammer back AND THEN which point your target is safely behind cover again....oh but Arthur still shoots alright, wasting a round. I remember the gunplay felt more fluid and rewarding in RDR1. It feels clunky and ineffective in it's deliberately more difficult than it needs to be.

On the subject of the's too much, and it strains credulity throughout, IMO. Specifically, Dutch. How many times do we need reinforcing of Dutch's character flaws? One more job and then we'll have the money to escape forever. Once. Twice. Even four times would have been sufficient. But I feel like he's said something to that effect at least 20 times now....and I don't even feel like I'm nearing the end. I find myself constantly wonder why on earth anyone would elect to stay with Dutch which really stresses the entire plot of the game to the breaking point. Nothing in the personalities of Charles nor Xavier would indicate they are criminals. Why are they in this gang? I just don't get it. The women are almost entirely just furniture with the exception of Sadie Adler, who seems like a piece of furniture with different upholstery. I like the story, generally, but it doesn't feel as pointed as RDR1.
Yes many say the same, I really disliked the storyline and the controls are just horrible. How it got 10/10 in many reviews is beyond me. Rdr1 was a better story and controls.
I have one other complaint, and this is kind of a fundamental tenant of any Rockstar title.

Rockstar can't help themselves but foster arbitrary chaos whenever possible. It's really frustrating to me that the game has 'forced' stealth sections where you fail the mission if you are detected, but when you reach some specific checkpoint, Arthur will do something decidedly unstealthy (in a cutscene) and you will be forced into a massive gun battle. Why the F did you want me to be stealthy (which I would prefer to do, by the way) in the first place?
The most jarring of this was a mission which required Arthur to sneak into a mining company office and steal some paperwork...but as soon as you start to escape, Arthur conspicuously jumps off a roof right in front of a group of enemies you were previously tip-toeing around).
I would love to complete some missions with subtlety and stealth, but it doesn't seem actually possible. I'm pretty sure I've killed the entire police force of Strawberry, Rhodes, Valentine, & St Denis several times over. Good thing the good people of these towns are willing to look the other way for a tidy sum of $260.
Also, why did Rockstar created such an interesting character like Angelo Bronte and then almost immediately kill him off? Seems like such a waste.

Also, the only time stealth is actually possible is in missions where your enemies have those comically short viewcones attached to their foreheads. Otherwise, enemies are omniscient and will find you and shoot through dense forest to exactly where you are.

edit: I think I will be able to enjoy the game a lot more when I'm finished with the missions, but I'm not sure how things will end up based on RDR1....don't spoil it! :lol: I've deliberately avoided most stranger confrontations and RPG-type gameplay (like hunting) until after I've finished the main storyline.
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I have one other complaint, and this is kind of a fundamental tenant of any Rockstar title.

Rockstar can't help themselves but foster arbitrary chaos whenever possible. It's really frustrating to me that the game has 'forced' stealth sections where you fail the mission if you are detected, but when you reach some specific checkpoint, Arthur will do something decidedly unstealthy (in a cutscene) and you will be forced into a massive gun battle. Why the F did you want me to be stealthy (which I would prefer to do, by the way) in the first place?
The most jarring of this was a mission which required Arthur to sneak into a mining company office and steal some paperwork...but as soon as you start to escape, Arthur conspicuously jumps off a roof right in front of a group of enemies you were previously tip-toeing around).
I would love to complete some missions with subtlety and stealth, but it doesn't seem actually possible. I'm pretty sure I've killed the entire police force of Strawberry, Rhodes, Valentine, & St Denis several times over. Good thing the good people of these towns are willing to look the other way for a tidy sum of $260.
Also, why did Rockstar created such an interesting character like Angelo Bronte and then almost immediately kill him off? Seems like such a waste.

Also, the only time stealth is actually possible is in missions where your enemies have those comically short viewcones attached to their foreheads. Otherwise, enemies are omniscient and will find you and shoot through dense forest to exactly where you are.

edit: I think I will be able to enjoy the game a lot more when I'm finished with the missions, but I'm not sure how things will end up based on RDR1....don't spoil it! :lol: I've deliberately avoided most stranger confrontations and RPG-type gameplay (like hunting) until after I've finished the main storyline.

One of the strangest things was shooting up Valentine and saying in the mission "we better not come back here for a LONG time", as I proceed to go back there as soon as the mission was over.

And I kinda felt the same way you did. It was just like...ok, when is something else about to happen. Without trying to spoil too much (I hope what I say doesn't spoil anything) goes from 0 to 100....REAL QUICK. And it stays at 100 until the end.

Yes many say the same, I really disliked the storyline and the controls are just horrible. How it got 10/10 in many reviews is beyond me. Rdr1 was a better story and controls.

Because of the "grandiose" nature of it and the fact that it's a R* title. And the actual game world itself is quite impressive.

I don't know how game reviewing works, but do they play through the whole game before they review typically, or no? Especially with long games like this one.
This Video accurately describes my feelings for RDR 2, Rockstar need to do their homework for the next GTA becuase this isn't going to cut it going forward, especially as most games are getting creative with the story choices while everything in Rockstar games is a fixed path that everyone experiences.
(go to start of video my link thing is playing up)
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This Video accurately describes my feelings for RDR 2, Rockstar need to do their homework for the next GTA becuase this isn't going to cut it going forward, especially as most games are getting creative with the story choices while everything in Rockstar games is a fixed path that everyone experiences.
(go to start of video my link thing is playing up)

Does this guy ever speak without waving his hands around?
Okay I've had the game since Tuesday and I'm 56% through the story.

Decided to replay from 20% due to the death of a horse :embarrassed: and a very glitched out Saint Denis.

I personally love the gunplay and Max Payne killcams, however I'll agree with @Eunos_Cosmo having to manually pull back the hammer is quite annoying in a heated gun fight.

I understand that they're aiming for an authentic and immersive experience but from a player's point of view it's rather tedious and will get you killed.

I'll also agree with @Eunos_Cosmo on the issues of stealth and AI's honing in on your position no matter where you're at. I cannot seem to, aside from story missions, take anyone out stealthily. As noted in:

That emotional ride back to the mansion at Shady Bell in search of your gang when Pinkertons search the house with you in it.

A Pinkerton exclaimed "I found him he's here!" as I stabbed him from behind. He didn't see me or anything but still they magically found me."

I personally like the inventory system, though I'll admit it takes some getting used to.

They do a great job of stressing the importance of creating a bond with your horse(s) and I'll admit my heart skips a beat every time I mess up and almost kill my horse.

Game also gives you plenty of chances to get better horses without the need to buy them for the stable.

Horse grooming and equipment customization is nice, wardrobe selection is not too shabby and personal maintenance/hygiene is a nice touch.

Being able to actually speak to, within moderation, NPCs is a really nice feature. It's not fleshed out all the way but it's certainly a nice start. Way better than RDR1's one button greet feature.

There's a few more game mechanic features which I'd rather not spoil but overall the game is fantastic.

I'm really starting to dislike the story line, but that could just be me. Game decided to reveal something as a consequence of an event that couldn't have been avoided earlier on in the story; that revelation seriously pissed me off.
Contracting tuberculosis as a result of an unavoidable side mission back in Chapter 2

There's a few other qualms I have which I guess I'll hold onto and discuss later in this thread when most of us have completed the story.
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All you have to do is guess how long it takes to take the train around the map in Read Dead Redemption Online. I timed the full loop at full speed starting and ending at the stables in Saint Denis. Closest non-premium member will receive a full year membership courtesy of myself.

The rules are simple:
  • Don't search online for an answer.
  • Don't time it out yourself.
  • Quote this post and put your answer in a spoiler. Use the following format for posting your guess. "Minutes:Seconds" in example "1:23" which would mean one minute and twenty-three seconds.
  • Don't look at others' answers until you have posted an answer yourself (or have decided not to play).
  • One entry per person. Edited posts will not count. (Get it right the first time. ;))
  • Please follow the rules above. This is friendly, lets try and keep it fun.

I will post the answer and winner on Saturday December 29 2018.

Questions, comments or concerns can be posted here. Just quote me in a reply.

Have fun and enjoy. :)
All you have to do is guess how long it takes to take the train around the map in Read Dead Redemption Online. I timed the full loop at full speed starting and ending at the stables in Saint Denis. Closest non-premium member will receive a full year membership courtesy of myself.

The rules are simple:
  • Don't search online for an answer.
  • Don't time it out yourself.
  • Quote this post and put your answer in a spoiler. Use the following format for posting your guess. "Minutes:Seconds" in example "1:23" which would mean one minute and twenty-three seconds.
  • Don't look at others' answers until you have posted an answer yourself (or have decided not to play).
  • One entry per person. Edited posts will not count. (Get it right the first time. ;))
  • Please follow the rules above. This is friendly, lets try and keep it fun.

I will post the answer and winner on Saturday December 29 2018.

Questions, comments or concerns can be posted here. Just quote me in a reply.

Have fun and enjoy. :)

All you have to do is guess how long it takes to take the train around the map in Read Dead Redemption Online. I timed the full loop at full speed starting and ending at the stables in Saint Denis. Closest non-premium member will receive a full year membership courtesy of myself.

The rules are simple:
  • Don't search online for an answer.
  • Don't time it out yourself.
  • Quote this post and put your answer in a spoiler. Use the following format for posting your guess. "Minutes:Seconds" in example "1:23" which would mean one minute and twenty-three seconds.
  • Don't look at others' answers until you have posted an answer yourself (or have decided not to play).
  • One entry per person. Edited posts will not count. (Get it right the first time. ;))
  • Please follow the rules above. This is friendly, lets try and keep it fun.

I will post the answer and winner on Saturday December 29 2018.

Questions, comments or concerns can be posted here. Just quote me in a reply.

Have fun and enjoy. :)

feeling Patriotic on this one
All you have to do is guess how long it takes to take the train around the map in Read Dead Redemption Online. I timed the full loop at full speed starting and ending at the stables in Saint Denis. Closest non-premium member will receive a full year membership courtesy of myself.

The rules are simple:
  • Don't search online for an answer.
  • Don't time it out yourself.
  • Quote this post and put your answer in a spoiler. Use the following format for posting your guess. "Minutes:Seconds" in example "1:23" which would mean one minute and twenty-three seconds.
  • Don't look at others' answers until you have posted an answer yourself (or have decided not to play).
  • One entry per person. Edited posts will not count. (Get it right the first time. ;))
  • Please follow the rules above. This is friendly, lets try and keep it fun.

I will post the answer and winner on Saturday December 29 2018.

Questions, comments or concerns can be posted here. Just quote me in a reply.

Have fun and enjoy. :)

12 minutes
Well I finally finished the main storyline. I'm in the second part of the epilogue now.

While I still feel they dragged it out longer than really necessary, I think the story found it's message at the end. For a long, long time, I was like where is the REDEMPTION part of this Red Dead title. After Arthur gets TB, it starts to make sense. I went from fearing that Arthur would be a generic & boring cowboy after the first bits of information about RDR2 came to light (and evern the first few hours into the game) to feeling him to be possibly the strongest protagonist Rockstar has ever written. I think CJ from GTA SA may still be the best, but Arthur was...special. He blows away any player controlled character of the PS3/360 generation. It was quite sad to see him die. I found myself wishing I could just run away from the gang, leave them for good. I suppose you could do that and just not continue the missions. I may reload an early save and do that. One thing I really, really wanted to do was ride to Mexico as Arthur. I don't suspect that will be possible even if that region is added later in DLC.

What are everyone's favorite spots in the game? Might as well include areas only in RDR1 as well.

While the Murphy Brood kind of spoils it, I really love the area of Roanoke Valley. I'm originally from the state of Maine, so seeing those roads with the grass down the center, and the particular type of lichen-encrusted rock really brings me back.

I really wanted to re-visit Chuparosa and Las Hermanas in 2, really hoping that Mexico will be part of a future update. I spent probably the most amount of time there in the first game.
This Video accurately describes my feelings for RDR 2, Rockstar need to do their homework for the next GTA becuase this isn't going to cut it going forward, especially as most games are getting creative with the story choices while everything in Rockstar games is a fixed path that everyone experiences.
(go to start of video my link thing is playing up)

I think in Rockstar's defense, they did change up their formula with V offering 3 protagonists and the ability to "alter" the game's ending by killing one or none of them off.
I think in Rockstar's defense, they did change up their formula with V offering 3 protagonists and the ability to "alter" the game's ending by killing one or none of them off.
True but there is no choices leading up to that, the only choice is then.
I think Rockstar prioritizes telling a story over creating an experience, if that makes sense. I think there is certainly room in the video game space for different approaches to narrative and I applaud Rockstar for sticking to their method. While the idea of open-ended narratives (or procedurally generated game worlds for that matter) is appealing, the execution I often find to be underwhelming in some respects. Bethesda can do it because their standards of voice acting, visuals, score, and just general grandeur are much lower (not faulting them, it's just true)....that is to say they can more easily write out all kinds of scenarios and quickly put the pieces together to make them work in game. Even with their enormous budgets, I don't think Rockstar could really do that and maintain the quality and cinematic scale one expects from a Rockstar title. The more polished and substantial the game is, generally, the less open-ended it is, from my experience.

A specific example: Think about all of the work that went into creating the 4 different endings for RDR-2. Even the score is different depending on what you did, not to mention most of the dialogue, and all of the animations and cut scenes. And all of those variables are stunningly executed (that song, 'May I? Stand Unshaken' gives me chills). Can you imagine how much work would be necessary to produce a truly open-ended game of the same quality? This, taken with the fact that Rockstar seems very intent on telling a specific story, means that I don't believe we'll be seeing an open-ended Rockstar title anytime soon.

I'm more critical of the gameplay elements than their storytelling. I even get what they are trying to do, I really do, but I just wish they would figure out a way to make it a little more fluid.
True but there is no choices leading up to that, the only choice is then.

Linear games like Last of us, Uncharted, GOW and also RDR 2 choose to tell their own epic coherent story. All my favorite games of all times are linear and do not think story choices would have improved the experience. Personally I never understood the fuss about linear vs non-linear games. To me a story told well always beats a game with a mediocre story that gives you multiple story choices. What do player choices add to that experience?

That said different people like different games. Some like non-linear games like Skyrim some like an epic story about betrayal, love, comradery in RDR 2.

To explore non-linear story telling. Any tips on which games RDR 2 should have taken an example?