- 10,557
- Columbia, MD.
- Parnelli_Bones
I have only 2 words to say: +REP!!!! 
SH, while I agree that he technically 'is' breaking AUP, I think the context he was trying to convey across that this R.B. person in the story was a cocky racist S.O.B. and racist people do say stupid crap like the J word, the N word and such.
Just for suggestions and examples mate (So please [AND I MEAN ANY MODERATOR PLEASE] don't think I'm saying this for real or to break AUP, it's just an example!!), would R.B. calling Tori other names such as 'slaphead' (another bad racist connotation) be considered worse or better than being called a 'J**'?? Or would just an 'OI YOU' or 'OI D-HEAD' be better edited in??What would your suggestion be for the edit??
Also, some of the fine lines a storyteller has to tightwalk to make sure a story is up to reading standard & not breaking AUP makes it hard to bring out a quality story, and even through this d24/7 has kept the quality to a very high standard. I hope he keeps it going, it's the main reason GT4 forum is getting traffic again!!![]()
Another fantastic chapter =drifting24/7=! 👍
However, please take a quick look in this thread and make some more appropriate edits to your post.
YAY! He's back making chapters!
I have to say, that win was amazing. I know Deep Forest is a tricky track, especially with a FWD but somehow your Civic beat the Amuse S2000 there. Great stuff.
Tori still misses Zinaida? Bless the guy. He did great in racing though. Practice... looked a bit slippy out there.
The Pace Car actually racing seems odd, but you can't choose who you race so that's understandable. I only just noticed after seeing the images that the Amuse S2000's carbon fibre is much darker than the Spoon Civic's. Funny stuff with Robert too. The Celica doesnt sound that bad, though.
But yes, we want more and we want more now.
Quick note: You haven't closed all your tags.![]()
SH, while I agree that he technically 'is' breaking AUP, I think the context he was trying to convey across that this R.B. person in the story was a cocky racist S.O.B. and racist people do say stupid crap like the J word, the N word and such.
Just for suggestions and examples mate (So please [AND I MEAN ANY MODERATOR PLEASE] don't think I'm saying this for real or to break AUP, it's just an example!!), would R.B. calling Tori other names such as 'slaphead' (another bad racist connotation) be considered worse or better than being called a 'J**'?? Or would just an 'OI YOU' or 'OI D-HEAD' be better edited in??What would your suggestion be for the edit??
Also, some of the fine lines a storyteller has to tightwalk to make sure a story is up to reading standard & not breaking AUP makes it hard to bring out a quality story, and even through this d24/7 has kept the quality to a very high standard. I hope he keeps it going, it's the main reason GT4 forum is getting traffic again!!![]()
I think "OI YOU" will do, or perhaps "OI YOU LITTLE KID". At least d24/7 didn't fill his story with the word. Just 2 instances I found with Ctrl+F. But I do agree, as a writer it's hard to balance words with what fits with the character and what is accepted on the webspace that you post your work on.
But hey, apart from 2 words in the recent chapter, all of d24/7's writing has been totally within the AUP and yet still provided quality storytelling. 👍
Yeah, I understood this, and while it helps to portray the character's arrogance and ignorance, it's got to be acknowledged that there's a thread specific to use of that word. I'm well aware of what goes on in the real world, but like entire sentences made of profanity, there's no place for it here.
I don't believe it's the main reason the GT4 forum is getting traffic, there's a small clique of readers that come in for this thread alone, but they're not in the majority by any stretch of the imagination. It is true that this thread is one of the most outstanding examples of quality writing, reporting and photography though.
It is possible to write good stories without violating our AUP, there's many examples out there, unfortunately a lot of folks seem to think this is the only race report in here!![]()
As far as examples go for making someone seem ignorant and arrogant, something not so overtly and directly racist or vulgar would be appropriate, and it's quite possible to come up with a list if you put your mind to it. Steer clear of obvious racial slurs like the J-word & N-words you mentioned, most vulgar 4-letter sexually oriented swearwords, you know, F-word, C-word (male & female) etc.
Ok so it's not quite so true as real adult life, but there's plenty of PG safe ways of making out what you mean.
"Oi dogbreath!", "Hey greasestain!", "Yo! Gimp!", etc., still imply hostility without overstepping the boundaries here.
True we don't want you to have to resort to using terms that no-one would ever use nowadays, I mean: "I beg your pardon, you feeble-minded imbecile" does sound a little archaic!![]()
Thanks for the edits =drifting24/7=. 👍
It's great to see your Civic taking on a full 6 car field for a change, but I was wondering if you've ever considered going for something a little longer? 💡
Nurburgring 4hrs (165 A-spec points) in a stock version of a very familiar car!(Sorry, no pics for this one.
^ If repeating something like that (especially given the prize-money and the prize-car) doesn't win Zinaida's
, then it's time for Tori to start looking for another girly!!![]()
well, Tori isn't ready yet for the 'Ring, (please read Chapter 15
) that race is quite long, and he's just beginning on circuit racing..,
wow,i wish i can play that race, thing is my time limit on the PS2 is 3 hrs, so it's a no-go for me..,
currently working on Chapter 17, will be ready by tomorrow..,
No, it's the other way around. The 'Ring is not ready for Tori.![]()
Try and get a time extension. Work out a deal? 👍
Those last 5 words made me cry with happiness.![]()
my dad's being strict with the electrical bill, especially that semestral break is up and i have got nothing to do around the house but play and watch TV.., and i'm not really into endurances races..,
hope i can finish uploading the pics today, the writeup is finished though..,
Victory! I loved it, particularly because I had a race like that (won by 0.006) not so long ago! I must say, the amount of effort that goes into it is amazing, I don't have the time or the patience. Also, an unbelievable photo with the Chevy and Evo together... Black = yummy. Can't wait till America! Although let's hope Tori doesn't have to face the Corkscrew...👍
I was looking at the M3 when the drag race happened. I didn't even pay attention to the track, nor the finish line, not even my car, but at the M3. When I saw the split time,!! I was shocked and jaw-dropped at the same time.., Damn I'm good..,
Victory! I loved it, particularly because I had a race like that (won by 0.006) not so long ago!
I must say, the amount of effort that goes into it is amazing, I don't have the time or the patience. Also, an unbelievable photo with the Chevy and Evo together... Black = yummy. Can't wait till America! Although let's hope Tori doesn't have to face the Corkscrew...👍
Reminds me of a race I had online in GT5where I got outdragged to the finish line of Suzuka and lost by 0.001sec, against real people!
It was for 1st too.
Let's hope he doesn't have to face another C5 Z06 in his Civic.Leave those cars to Kyosuke.
I have a feeling that the low top speed of the muscle cars will play a role.
Modest much?
Forgive my stupidity and poor memory, but who was Yamato? Is that Kyosuke? Kairi is the team boss right?
If I can find a way to take race pictures I want to do my own story when the full GT5 comes out, just so I can use muscle cars.(Plus it looks like fun).
but my margin was even smaller..,![]()
Must've sucked to be you back then..,![]()
not another C5 Corvette, yes.., but much stronger opponents, IN HIS CIVIC..,(evil laugh) Mwahahahahahaha!!!!
Yamato is the head mechanic of the team, Kairi is the team boss.., 👍
Wise guy.
Not really, we race for fun, not to win, and a race like that is something you savour. Good battles are what you hope for, even if in last place and fighting for 2nd last (like that normally happens though.)
Stronger than a C5? In the Civic? Hah, let me drive the muscle cars.![]()
Right, I thought so, but then couldn't remember if they had a mechanic that was a major part of the story.![]()