Reefer Madness: A BLAST Through the 80s, Sat 10:30pm UK (12 Nov start)

  • Thread starter reefer
Okay, here is the setup I used for the Audi.


125 - 110
4,05 - 8,82
1 - 1
1 - 1
6 - 6
0.0 - 0.0
-0,45 - -0,05

Brakes 8 - 6

- Final Gear to Maximum
- Top speed to minimum (180kph)
- 1. 2,588
2. 1,934
3. 1,455
4. 1,181
5. 0,979
- Final Gear to your liking. I put it to 3,300.

5 - 6
5 - 20
5 - 6
Torque 16:84

Stage 3 engine, sport ECU, sports exhaust, sports catalytic, intake tuning, high RPM turbo kit.
Stage 3 Weight and all the other weight upgrades.
Week 2 Results:

Monza 80s


Grand Valley


Monza: Leo on Sports Softs while everyone else ran on the faster Inters. John to drop 2 sec a lap for corner cutting putting him in 6th place.

Grand Valley: Joe on Sports Mediums

80s Blast Standings After Week 2 (4 races)

1st LeoStrop_____76
2nd Autope______64
2nd joe__kerr____61
4th gu1tar3rich___59
5th buybon______58
6th fadmad______47
7th Jammy______43
8th Sutsagrd_____33
9th dave________28
10th iamtooma___22
11th bcd73______20
12th Crazy John__20
13th nolucktoday_15 (quentin1974)
14th f1r3str0m____7
15th Venari_______3


Leo, you know what I'm going to say next don't you! You're on Sports Medium for the first race next weekend at Silverstone Grand Prix Circuit in the Ford RS200 ’84.

Main man of the meet was Richy-boy. Showed some great pace in both races and gave me no breathing space at Monza. Overall I was pleased with the driving standards and thought everyone drove well. I would love to have been on ss for GV cos I thoroughly enjoyed the close practice sessions I had there. But ss, it wasn't to be. Hopefully we'll have Tom Ascar, Venari and some of the others with us next week.

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Fad we had some great fun practice races at GV and in every one we were millimetres from each other with no contact many many times. You are always very respectful on the track to others and with track limits, mistakes happen, that's all it is, a slight misjudgment. (psst.. "@BaywatchColin" don't forgive him, ever, he's a terrible man!)
Leo, you know what I'm going to say next don't you! You're on Sports Medium for the first race next weekend at Silverstone Grand Prix Circuit in the Ford RS200 ’84.

I know! And i'm counting on you and Autope to win the race, so i can get back to SS on R2. :P

My first race wasn't the brightest, but i had some good battles with @Sutsagrd and @tooma, inters are faster but not that good on braking compared to SS, that + a slower car on the straight gave me much better braking, so it was really hard to pass and i was afraid of divebombing. I think Tooma had a mercedes engine because i couldn't keep up, even on draft.:lol:

The second race was better, thanks to Joe for winning R1 and using the SM tires, what a gentleman.:D
@richroo it was your race man, i was happy with my second place!

Great night guys, and thanks again for your services Joe! :cheers:
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Week 2 Results:

Monza 80s

View attachment 608085

Grand Valley

View attachment 608084

Monza: Leo on Sports Softs while everyone else ran on the faster Inters. John to drop 2 sec a lap for corner cutting putting him in 6th place.

Grand Valley: Joe on Sports Mediums

80s Blast Standings After Week 2 (4 races)

1st LeoStrop_____76
2nd Autope______64
2nd joe__kerr____64
4th gu1tar3rich___62
5th buybon______59
6th fadmad______46
7th Jammy______43
8th Sutsagrd_____33
9th dave________28
10th iamtooma___24
11th bcd73______22
12th Crazy John__20
13th nolucktoday__17 (quentin1974)
14th f1r3str0m____8
15th Venari_______4

Leo, you know what I'm going to say next don't you! You're on Sports Medium for the first race next weekend at Silverstone Grand Prix Circuit in the Ford RS200 ’84.

Main man of the meet was Richy-boy. Showed some great pace in both races and gave me no breathing space at Monza. Overall I was pleased with the driving standards and thought everyone drove well. I would love to have been on ss for GV cos I thoroughly enjoyed the close practice sessions I had there. But ss, it wasn't to be. Hopefully we'll have Tom Ascar, Venari and some of the others with us next week.

Would the SS tyres have been the quickest, as it turned out the track was dry for about 90% of the time?
I know! And i'm counting on you and Autope to win the race, so i can get back to SS on R2. :P

My first race wasn't the brightest, but i had some good battles with @Sutsagrd and @tooma, inters are faster but not that good on braking compared to SS, that + a slower car on the straight gave me much better braking, so it was really hard to pass and i was afraid of divebombing. I think Tooma had a mercedes engine because i couldn't keep up, even on draft.:lol:

The second race was better, thanks to Joe for winning R1 and using the SM tires, what a gentleman.:D
@richroo it was your race man, i was happy with my second place!

Great night guys, and thanks again for your services Joe! :cheers:

Good exits Leo - Merc engine - lol.
Don't think Leo's pace with the ss showed they were quicker. The inters did seem to be the choice tyre.

He won... Not saying that was the only reason he won; he still had to drive well too. Anyone else go with SS?
Not at monza he didn't. That was grand valley when Joe was on mediums

Ah! - looked at the wrong board. Still does not make sense that the IMs would be quicker on a mostly dry track compared with SSs.
I was about 1.3 seconds quicker with IM compared to SS (0% water), i tested before the race. But i think they don't last as long. Thinking about it, it does make sense because IM are soft racing tires with some grooves on it, and SS tires are sports tires, also with grooves, but with a harder compound.
I was about 1.3 seconds quicker with IM compared to SS (0% water), i tested before the race. But i think they don't last as long. Thinking about it, it does make sense because IM are soft racing tires with some grooves on it, and SS tires are sports tires, also with grooves, but with a harder compound.

I did not know IMs were based on soft tyres Leo. Yes, that does make sense of it. Worth trying for other races then, so long as tyre wear is not a consideration.
Would the SS tyres have been the quickest, as it turned out the track was dry for about 90% of the time?

According to the display settings there was 0% surface water for the whole race. However, there was surface water in patches as was evident from the spray kicked up on various parts of the track and the slower lap times. Inters were faster than ss for me by 0.4. There was a 3 second drop off, however, at GV between the 2:01.5 (ss practice) and the 2:04.4 (sm race time) for me.

Next week we move onto one of my favourite cars in the game, the Ford RS200 at a dry Silverstone, time settings around 11am TBC.
Get back on that track right now Venari and give us a good kickin' like you used to! There's no Eau Rouge to worry about at Silverstone.

No just apices aplenty which if you miss you're just slow. I'm not too happy with Silverstone, I think I've an odd tune on the Ford, it works, but you have to 'drive it' a lot and it's not particularly suited to my gung-ho driving style. I'm pleased if I can put in a consistent 2m13, but there's a 2m10 in there somewhere.

I'm much happier with the Pug at SSR5F, I can thrash the living daylights out of it and it pretty much goes where I want. Conversely that means if I screw one bend up on a fast one while on the edge, it's a totalled lap. Probably hell in a race, but hotlapping is lunatic fun. 1m29 is relatively easy, but consistent 1m30s is more like it.
I think I've an odd tune on the Ford, it works, but you have to 'drive it' a lot

I'd say that's fairly normal for this car. I've driven it a lot and it does have wayward tendencies if you overdo corner entry. It's particularly susceptible to brake release oversteer but I've managed to quieten mine a good bit whilst keeping the speed in it.

I have been working alot :banghead: what is you times, is speed or corner speed you need ?

My time? Best is 2:10.172.

With this car fad probably stability/balance will return a better finishing position over a speed setup.. unless you've driven it a lot and know its idiosyncrasies.

The Grand Prix Circuit

The National Circuit

The International Circuit

The Stowe Circuit


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I'd say that's fairly normal for this car. I've driven it a lot and it does have wayward tendencies if you overdo corner entry. It's particularly susceptible to brake release oversteer but I've managed to quieten mine a good bit whilst keeping the speed in it.

My time? Best is 2:10.172.

With this car fad probably stability/balance will return a better finishing position over a speed setup.. unless you've driven it a lot and know its idiosyncrasies.

The Grand Prix Circuit
View attachment 608928

The National Circuit
View attachment 608929
The International Circuit
View attachment 608930
The Stowe Cicuit
View attachment 608931

" thirdly, and most importantly, it was not being driven by a professional rally driver. I am of course, just a reporter, who got over excited by all that power, and kept his foot on the gas for just a wee bit too long, and the damn thing bit me." Continuing Jezzer's dialogue.
The RS200 is a tricky car to tune, you have a lot of brake release oversteer and then understeer on the way out, but still a great car to drive. I just got back home after a trip, did a quick run with both cars on SM, and the 205 was just perfect after a quick tune, i don't think i need to change anything. I think i was doing high 13's with the Ford and 31.6 with the Peugeot.
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