Reefer Madness! Saturday Classic Racing 10pm GMTOpen 

  • Thread starter reefer
Double post - but it is a new day.

Well I managed to (just about) make the two races.

The Europa in first race handled really well but was a little under powered. I managed to just about control the tyre wear, although the rears were going off towards the end. Had a many lap battle with @tooma, I'd catch him on the corners and he'd pull away on the straights. This continued until the finish.

Swapped to the Jag for the second race with completely different handling and a bit more oomph. Not bad at all. The tyres wore more quickly but evenly. I eventually caught up with @buybon355 who had apparently been testing his Audi's off road capabilities. Much like the first race I followed him around closely for a number of laps until I began to get interrupted to the point where I completely lost concentration and crashed out on the final corner. I left the car there and went to deal with the problem. :boggled:

Overall a great meeting with a nice variety of cars.

Thanks to Joe(Reefer) and everyone.
That was great fun again. Cheers all.

@buybon355 - while I did apologise in the second race, lap 6 for a 'didn't think I touched you', and you didn't think I touched you... the camera shows my Skyline inside your bumper - although inside both cars, no obvious touch... talk about close racing! Unfortunate you clipped the 'invisible tyre wall' - those things are a pain - because that was a fun battle.

There were one-or-two bumps with @bloodyboyblue in our close battle but I think we'll agree they were more love taps than what BTCC fans call 'a proper Plato'. :) Well except for that tank-slapper smack in the middle of turn 6 on lap 13 where there was absoutely nowhere to go for me! You were very lucky there to keep on the track and then make that AWESOME last corner pass. Excellent stuff.

@reefer - great race in round 1, cheers ("I nearly had you man") but your off after turn 3 (Race 2 Lap 1) was a nasty tankslapper. Again, another shame, the Fairlady was a nippy beast as you noticed in your mirrors in the first race. :D
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Shame I came in too late for the first race but it was amazing watching everyone and how quickly the 4wd cars wore their tyres down compared with others. :)

I enjoyed driving the Mitsubishi GTO. It had quite a growling exhaust sound but I couldn't stop it from sliding round corners. I had fun near the back but as usual a few silly mistakes and I was at the back. :dopey:

@JockeP22 caught me up on the last lap as my rears were gone and should have beaten me.
Really good fun. Looking forward to trying some of the other cars.
Another great nights racing, pleased to come away with two third places at a track I can never seem to hook up.

@Venari no contact on last corner, just me being stupid! Should have lifted or at least changed my steering angle. It was a fun battle though and you were clearly quicker.

Was great to see even more cars on the grid, good wee dice with @IfAndOr , man your still amazing on the brakes with no abs.

Well done to Joe for first of all racing despite feeling girly, then for going on and thrashing us with a win like a man.

Well done @bloodyboyblue for race 2 win, looked like a great battle, I'd have loved to have been involved in that.

On to my ultimate bogey track - the ring. Don't think I've ever competed a lap round there without some sort of excursion. Too big for my little brain to remember, but I'm sure there'll be great racing just the same
My mind was wandering a bit the first race, I was trying hard but still wasn't paying enough attention to brake consistently and save my tires, I learned though that Laguna is definitely a track that "go slow to go fast" applies to since I only managed a 36.7 in qualifying trying as hard as I can and then puttering around in the race I managed a 36.2 on slightly worn tires.

The main difference between race 1 and 2 is that the skyline was using the BBB Special FR setup that I just made up and apply to every FR car, whereas the 2002 was using a setup from my usual tuning source where I got my stratos and Quattro tunes from as well. I didn't practice at all with it, well I usually never practice other than a few laps before the race to get my auto transmission top speed set. I feel the more I practice, the more misguidedly confident I feel and usually do worse, I like going into races with no confidence and no idea what will happen. So I didn't get to change the brake bias which was front biased and I almost always use rear biased brakes on everything other than MR cars. So it was a bit understeery at the start but then I eventually figured it out and got faster and could save my tires also since it never oversteered. I could tell venari was trying harder than I was so I just mostly decided to let him wear out his tires, and I can usually drive better when I'm following someone anyway. But eventually I passed him and on the last lap I did my usual "let's go 100 percent and see what gap I can pull out on him" and as usual that ended with me going off in a weird place and only through luck managed to pass him cleanly on the last corner.

I was worried I'd have to make a move like this (start watching at about 1:00), which I think was a great racing move by the way.
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I was worried I'd have to make a move like this (start watching at about 1:00), which I think was a great racing move by the way
I did something like that during the race but not on purpose. Is it legit?

about the race, I have really enjoyed it. In both races I lost control over car at turn 9 (that downhill sweeper after the corkscrew) and ended up in the sand. This was the last place I expected to mess up yet I did twice :lol:

On to my ultimate bogey track - the ring. Don't think I've ever competed a lap round there without some sort of excursion. Too big for my little brain to remember, but I'm sure there'll be great racing just the same
Yeah, my goal for the next race is to complete it without bigger disasters. I liked the nurburging challenge split into 4 sectors in GT5, maybe I'll check it out. Seems like a good way to learn the track



Race 2












Next week...

I was hoping for two 3-lappers and all the nail-biting that goes with almost certain pitstops... but I don't mind.
Well I managed to (just about) make the two races.

The Europa in first race handled really well but was a little under powered.

Good to see you on the grid IfAndOr. I think the Europa was my 3rd choice for Laguna but the way Race 2 went, maybe it should have been my second. You seem like the kind of driver that we want to have around. Very clean and competitive and I look forward to racing with you more mate!

@reefer - great race in round 1, cheers ("I nearly had you man") but your off after turn 3 (Race 2 Lap 1) was a nasty tankslapper. Again, another shame, the Fairlady was a nippy beast as you noticed in your mirrors in the first race. :D

You did indeed nearly have me Venari. If I’m honest though, I was expecting more harassing, badgering and looking for a way by because I know how fast you can be. My slippy, slidey set up, which ain’t great in the Esprit, gave me some problems. Controlled pushing (on your own) is fine, pushing with a car close behind is just manageable but pushing with a car ‘all over you’ is nigh on impossible (with my current Esprit set up). Will need to try the one you posted. So I’m glad you weren’t completely all over me and had a couple of moments yourself which allowed me some breathing space. I guess your tyres must have been going off?

The second race saw me running a car I knew was quick –the Fairlady – as I had posted a 1:34.9 earlier in the week with it. But the trouble was, I hadn’t had it out all week and hopping into it for Race 2 without any real practice was asking too much of my lowly ability. Into T3 I felt you closing in on me and decided to run late into the corner before braking. Never paid off and sail into the sand I did. Couldn’t get into any rhythm after that. I even managed to dunt Jocke up the backside – sorry Jocke – as I tried gaining places. I think after a couple of more corners Jocke decided to pull over and let me go as he probably didn’t want another ding in the rear end. The second race was a funny one for me as I just didn’t connect with the car like I knew I could.

Shame I came in too late for the first race but it was amazing watching everyone and how quickly the 4wd cars wore their tyres down compared with others. :)

I enjoyed driving the Mitsubishi GTO. It had quite a growling exhaust sound but I couldn't stop it from sliding round corners.

Just glad you could make it Suts. I love the Galant and the sound it makes. Not the quickest but I like the drive. I’m looking forward to catching up with you next weekend mate.

Well done to Joe for first of all racing despite feeling girly, then for going on and thrashing us with a win like a man.

Just felt so fragile. My concerns weren’t for me but for hitting someone else, or causing a big pile up, which almost came true on T3 of Race 2 whilst leading!To race or not? I swithered. Couldn’t decide. When I got up at some ridiculous hour to open the Room I was 95% sure I wasn’t going to race. In the end it wasn’t an easy decision to make as spoiling it for others (because I had zero concentration) ain’t cool. Being told to “Man up!” by you (Buybon) had nothing to do with it, honest!

Well done @bloodyboyblue for race 2 win, looked like a great battle, I'd have loved to have been involved in that.

Yes, well done bbb. Looked like a well-matched fight with you Buybon, Venari and bbb until you hit the barrier. Shame that we didn’t see the battle continue all the way to the end. You were doing so well too!!

On to my ultimate bogey track - the ring. Don't think I've ever competed a lap round there without some sort of excursion. Too big for my little brain to remember, but I'm sure there'll be great racing just the same

I think I’ve only ever been on the Ring about a dozen times so I know I won’t be in contention. I fully expect to be around a minute per lap off the pace leaders. I included it in this series as it’s a track I’d like to improve on but I can’t see me finding the practice time this week.

...I like going into races with no confidence and no idea what will happen.

Interesting. If I have the time, I like to practice for 30 minutes each day. I like to go in knowing that what I’ve learned through practicing can only help. I also think it’s important to practice where to brake for T1, 2 and 3 at the Start on an inside line and outside line. As the cars all concertina up, the potential for a contact is at its greatest here so getting the braking down on these corners on cold tyres benefits everyone.

only through luck managed to pass him cleanly on the last corner.

That pass was a beauty and on the last corner of the last lap too! Did you anticipate that move Venari? Did you give him space?

Isn't it just one 4 lap race next week?

The Nurb (next up) will be one 4 lapper unless there are other requests, which I'm very open to.

Cheers for the photos guys. I appreciate you taking the time to go through the replays and snap them.
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MEET 3: Laguna Seca

Race 1 Results
2nd GTP_Venari_____18
3rd buybon355______15
4th bloodyboyblue___12
5th iamtooma_______10
6th IfAndOr_________8
7th Michael-O-Pear___6
8th Dave76543210___4
9th bcd73__________2
10th JockeP22_______1

Eran004 ______DNS


Race 2 Results
2nd GTP_Venari______18
3rd buybon355_______15
4th Dave76543210____12
5th Michael-O-Pear____10
6th joe__kerr_________8
7th bcd73____________6
8th iamtooma_________4
9th Sutsagrd__________2
10th JockeP22_________1
11th IfAndOr__________0

Eran004 ______DNS

Driver Standings (after 3 meets/6 races)

1st bloodyboyblue___116
2nd buybon355 _____110
3rd joe__kerr _______90
4th GTP_Venari ______76
5th dave76543210 ___50
6th iamtooma _______44
7th bcd73 __________26
8th Michael-O-Pear___16
9th JockeP22 _______12
10th IfAndOr_________8
9th Sutsagrd_________2
11th Eran0004 _______0

Please note: all up-to-date race results and the Driver Standings can be found on post #4 and 5

*The best 14 results from 16 races (8 week championship/2 races per meet minus the two lowest scoring races) will count towards the driver's total points score.
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Did you anticipate that move Venari?


Did you give him space?


Quite simply, I was taking my normal line and thought I was going fast enough... then there was a car where the apex was. If I had turned in harder, there would have been contact. It was very neatly done. I should have covered the centre of the track, of course.
Actually the front bib is cosmetic only. There's no downforce available from it, just like the rear standard fitted spoiler.
Reefer (Joe) - That OK?

No problem mate. Didn't know it was cosmetic only, so good to know.

Re the Nurb: anyone up for increasing the laps?

It's currently at 4 and maybe some have been practicing with that in mind? If so, no problem. We can keep it as is. However, is there any interest in a 5 lapper, 6 lapper or even a 7 lapper? I'd prefer to run one race rather than split it into two races.

I've managed to get on track for 30 min to 1 hour each day and have made some progress. Deciding my car took some time. I tried out the Merc-Benz 300 SL Coupe '54, the RUF BTR '86, the Jaguar E-Type Coupe '61 and Skyline HT 2000 GT(KPGC10) '70. I think the Skyline is gonna do it for me. Started off running 8:25s and finished tonight with a 7:53, so we're heading in the right direction. I'm actually enjoying the practice sessions as I'm making less and less grass excursions/offs which is a massive improvement for me. I just haven't spent any real time on the Nurb in the past but have enjoyed these last 3 or so days. Anyway, I'm glad to be improving on a track I've yet to learn properly but still fear (guess) I'll be a good 15-20 seconds off the pace setters (which I suppose is better than the one minute I thought before)!

So, any takers for increasing the laps or shall we just stick to what we have?
4 laps make for a short evening, so I feel something should change. To keep consistency with the dropped scores, I'd go for two races, but let the majority rule.

I'll be down the back anyway doing piruettes on the grass and building castles in the sand.

Think a stop will still be needed on 4 laps, but knowing how well @IfAndOr can conserve fuel and tyres, he may well manage the race in one hit.
Two three lap races. :D


... have a Nur race, and then a race on one of my fabulous Course Maker 'designed specifically for low PP cars' tracks?

Lakeside or Smörgåsbord

[* Satisfaction not guaranteed, all transactions are final, no refunds.]
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Two 4 lap races. Reckon the cunning can squeeze 4 laps out the tyres and fuel. I had a wee run tonight, just under half a tank after 2 laps with my lead foot. Don't see 3 laps being strategy taxing. Think there needs to be 2 scoring rounds per meeting.
Two 4 lap races. Reckon the cunning can squeeze 4 laps out the tyres and fuel.

I tried it and couldn't manage it.

Don't see 3 laps being strategy taxing.

That's what I'm thinking too.

To keep consistency with the dropped scores, I'd go for two races, but let the majority rule.

In fact, do we need a way round this? We can just use the two lowest-scoring races whatever they are without it being silly or penalising anyone, can't we?

Think there needs to be 2 scoring rounds per meeting.

Any other benefits aside from being consistent with 2 races per meet? I'm thinking we could treat the Nurb as a special case without any ill effects?

In other words, would a 7/8 lappper cause any issues with fairness in allocating lowest-scoring race points or similar?
A "sprint" go for it flat out 1 (or 2) lap race followed by a having to think about it endurance 6 (or 7) lap race maybe?

My only trouble with the longer event (apart from real life interruptions again) is that if the field gets split up it can be long and lonely race.

I'm finding to remain competitive (and stay on the road) the Stratos will need tyres after a couple of laps. Some easing off strategy would have to come into play to make them last longer.
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