Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
For the first time with a Forza : I love the lighting :) The blue sky in the outback is gorgeous.
Indeed, for me this is the first ever Forza to get close to realistic lighting. I still think Driveclub is a bit better (in absence of having seen Horizon 3 via HDR) but the improvement is very clear. And very welcome.
Usually a tree of the non-smashy kind in my case. I got up to 12x multiplier and lost it all.
Ouch... I can relate. Lost a 130,000 point combo with a x18 multiplier (skill song + convoy skill bonus + BMW M4 HE) because a god damn Ford Falcon XR8 that was in my convoy rammed straight into me as I was drifting furiously on the airport runway. :grumpy:
Did you hit traffic or a Drivatar?

Neither. I was in a field and not a tree I hadn't noticed. I've always been super annoyed when losing a good amount of skill points, but that was certainly the worst.
Neither. I was in a field and not a tree I hadn't noticed. I've always been super annoyed when losing a good amount of skill points, but that was certainly the worst.
I've built up a good combo, and crashed into an object that you're able to smash through(I believe if was some sort of scaffolding or something) and it registered it as a hard crash I guess and took away about 100k. I was fairly upset, considering the fact that the damn thing was something that should have gotten me points, not take them.
I've built up a good combo, and crashed into an object that you're able to smash through(I believe if was some sort of scaffolding or something) and it registered it as a hard crash I guess and took away about 100k. I was fairly upset, considering the fact that the damn thing was something that should have gotten me points, not take them.

I've had that happen too. The one thing I can laugh about now but never during the moment is every single time I get into a drifting PR event and there's zero traffic, suddenly everyone and their mother's sisters wants to drive down those roads.

I always mumble something to the effect of "Get the 🤬 out of the way! Are you serious?" :lol:
Neither. I was in a field and not a tree I hadn't noticed. I've always been super annoyed when losing a good amount of skill points, but that was certainly the worst.
I've always hated the trees for that in FH games. I wish like in The Crew when you're leading towards a tree at high speed, you get pushed aside and continue scoring points and maintaining speed.
Kinda of regretting my choice of Surfer's Paradise for the 2nd location, I mean it's a great location for events but I think the Outback and off-road racing would have offered more diversity early in the game. Still, what I have played so far is fantastic.
Kinda of regretting my choice of Surfer's Paradise for the 2nd location, I mean it's a great location for events but I think the Outback and off-road racing would have offered more diversity early in the game. Still, what I have played so far is fantastic.

I'm getting that as well. I don't mind the location though. Sadly, it did make me realize how bad the stuttering was on PC...
When opening new locations, I went from Byron Bay to the Outback to Yarra Valley to Surfer's Paradise. The game says only 10% of players choose Surfer's last.
You and I both bud. :)👍 Did the very same myself, but than again I'm a type of guy who never liked urban areas (hence why I went with the two locations you mentioned in the exact same order as yours before Surfer's Paradise.)
You and I both bud. :)👍 Did the very same myself, but than again I'm a type of guy who never liked urban areas (hence why I went with the two locations you mentioned in the exact same order as yours before Surfer's Paradise.)

Me too but haven't unlocked Surfers Paradise yet :ill: How do you guys finish all the events so quick! Level 22 and counting :P
Anybody having issues with the servers? My multiplayer is a bit...sparodic at the minute.
I beat the fourth and last Midnight Battle, against the Murcielago SV, a few hours ago. Jesus, that Lambo pulled off so hard I just couldn't beat it with my 458. Thankfully my One:1 and some dirty tactics did the trick.
I have tried to make one evening without a picture but I just can't when that new car or Sky comes out..Ok I think I am addicted to photography :sly:

Edit: @doblocruiser @imported_rik19 Have the disc editions turned up yet? Playing it?👍

yeah its really hard not to take pictures, it also happens to me, you are driving thinking on doing an event and all of the sudden you find an aweome spot for a photo... you must stop and take that picture! xD.... i havent completed much events either...
Why is the Aussie 2005 Subaru Liberty STI not in this game? They have the Legacy as a traffic car already, the Liberty is Aussie version and the STI version is the special-tuned version. Would love to see this added as a purchasable car.


Why is the Aussie 2005 Subaru Liberty STI not in this game? They have the Legacy as a traffic car already, the Liberty is Aussie version and the STI version is the special-tuned version. Would love to see this added as a purchasable car.


I've been wanting this car back for a long time, in general :(