Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
Okay, since playing this game, I noticed something odd about the livery choices made by drivatars. They would often have liveries representing other car makes. I've seen this Toyota livery here on other cars such as the Subaru SVX, Audi Liveries on MG Metros, and I just now saw a Nissan BRE livery appear as a recommended design for the Fiat 124. Is there a joke that I'm not getting or something?
Silvia S13 - Toyota livery.png
I've had that happen too. The one thing I can laugh about now but never during the moment is every single time I get into a drifting PR event and there's zero traffic, suddenly everyone and their mother's sisters wants to drive down those roads.

I always mumble something to the effect of "Get the 🤬 out of the way! Are you serious?" :lol:

I had that happen with a 250k chain. I was... Mildly upset, to put it lightly.

A few minutes later, a skill song came up while I was in a field. Ended up banking a 1.5 million chain, so that fixed things!

Haven't really been able to play since our stream. Really excited to get some seat time in tomorrow before the weekend sucks up all my free time. Curse you, real world!
I've been wanting this car back for a long time, in general :(

Me too, my garage queen IRL is a stage 3- 2005 Legacy GT (Atlantic Blue) with only 47,000 miles on it, I've owned it for 11 years now. It's pro-tuned with a VF52 turbo, grimmspeed upipe, Cobb DP, and SPT catback exhaust and is dyno'd at 300HP/300 ft lbs to the wheels. I rejoiced when it was included in FM3 and FM4, but it was not in FM6, it was included as a traffic car in FH2 and FH3 but not purchasable. Since the Liberty is an Aussie-specific version of the Legacy, I thought there might be chance it would be included. I hope they consider it for future DLC at least, nothing would make my money disappear faster :lol:
Is anyone else having trouble importing vinyl groups from F6 to FH3? It's says I have too many of this file type please delete some.
FINALLY!! Finally I acquired the 65' Mini Cooper from the auction house for 20,000c (last time I lost a bid for it...) Now, I can rest at last!!
I just got a Mini aswell, but I got mine from the skill perks.

I just did a bunch of jumping around on dunes and piles of gravel in my homemade Lancer Evo VI Rally Car.

One moorreee thing, I got another HE car. The Horizon gods decided to smile on me once again.
BMW M3 Horizon Edition e36.png
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I bought a Mk.2 Jag from the auction house and promptly set about resto-modding it. I started with a race intake and exhaust on the standard 3.8, but that was too tame in sound and for the race tyres on the 16" Rotiforms. So now it has the M3 3.2 and the race gearbox. Adding the race intake gives it that carbon airbox rasp from the CSL. Fittingly, it was already mid grey in colour.
I just got a Mini aswell, but I got mine from the skill perks.

I just did a bunch of jumping around on dunes and piles of gravel in my homemade Lancer Evo VI Rally Car.

One moorreee thing, I got another HE car. The Horizon gods decided to smile on me once again.
View attachment 591291
Sweet! Congrats on both acquiring the mini and winning a another HE car. 👍

I remember being so so close to getting the mini perk with only one more perk to get, but than the game bugged out on me from obtaining more perk points... >_> But once I get the second one through perks, I'll probably sell it through the auction house with a rally tune and design.
I'll give you a hint.
V8 Nomad + Banana farm + x6 multiplier + Skill Song + drifting around in circles = easy 1 million plus skill points in one combo.
I've been sliding 'round a roundabout for too long :lol:

I would use a skill boosted Horizon Edition car for the best results.
In my case I've been using the M4 Horizon Edition 👍
Anyone up for some free roaming/racing online this weekend?

I have almost poured 48 hours into this game and have yet to go online with a group of people.

I'd probably be down. :)

I did co op with a buddy last weekend, that's a blast too.
Can now say that I'm the proud owner of 2 '65 Coopers. Already unlocked the Perk one, and just snagged another for 90,000.

Have two of them too. :) Found in the auction Store. Now Just gotta find the impossible extra RX-7.

Never seen it at the auction house.
Is there not a way to save replays from online races? I've had some races I wanted to take pics from and I see no option to save replays after a race.
Except that it's actually not. There is little change to the customization aspect from an aesthetics standpoint, aside from the new hero kit upgrades.

Wait what? How is that statement true? He said "Turn 10 didn't add any new visual mods other than the widebody kits". Which is absolutely false. Upgrade Heroes includes cars not just with new widebody kits, but cars with new visual modifications such as Rally/off-road parts, blowers, roof racks, roo bars etc. The upgrade hero part is just a preset. Again, upgrade heroes doesn't even encompass all the cars with new parts/widebody kits. It only lists about half of the cars with new visual modifications.

So no, it is actually a false statement.

What I was expecting was more in terms of the older kits to return, except, for the most part, it seems like a port of a lot of stuff we already had rather than a substantial upgrade to the system. Not once was it asked for customization on all cars, but there is a ton of missed potential there. Not everything has to be Rocket Bunny this, or Liberty Walk that. There's more to the world then those overrated kits.

Again, we already had an outline of what exactly we were getting with visual customization in this game pre-release. Not once did they say older kits were gonna return. So to expect them to fulfill that expectation is pretty unreasonable.

I agree that not everything has to be Rocket Bunny/Liberty Walk and would have loved some TRD, Varis, Veilside kits. But I completely understand why we got mostly RB/LW stuff in terms of widebodies. I would imagine it's costly for PG/T10's artists to revisit older models and add new modifications (especially widebodies) because you're foregoing the opportunity to model new cars. With it being a costly process - they'd want to model the widebodies that are popular right now to get generate the most advertisement - which are RB/LW. Hopefully they'll build on bringing more kits from varying manufacturers in FM7.

It's a good step, I agree. I very much like the fact that we're not forced with one Driver selection, or the fact that I can change my license plate to my liking. I also like the sidewall text on the tires. However, I don't agree that it was huge

Fair enough
Some Speculation, but i sure there will be in future DLCS some cars from Muscle Car Stables in Australia, check it Out last HWM in Forza Net, i'm sure they scan for game Peter Brock's Commodore SS and dat Falcon XC Cobra.
i have talked with Muscle Car Stables on Facebook, they said there will be more in Future, but ATM they can't share those infos.
Also, in Credits there are International Harvester license! maybe they put also this one in DLC?
The only International Harvester "car" I can think of is the Scout, unless they throw us a curve ball and give us an actual tractor.
On the topic of car mods and DLC, calling the structure of the DLC packs:

They'll include two upgrade heroes (probably one of which is going to be featuring a widebody kit, if only to ride on that fad), two returning cars from previous games, two "regular" new cars and some utter snoozefest to be handed out as the free car.