Relaxed, General Forza 5 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
What about Direct X 12? Could devs unlock benefits on Xbox One games also available on PC?
What about Direct X 12? Could devs unlock benefits on Xbox One games also available on PC?
Spencer himself said DX12 won't make that big of a difference on the One.

Mind the language, and this guy can be a bit condescending:
Perhaps I should have worded that better.
What I mean is comparing how the devs utilize the console's power. Despite the PS3's complicated architecture, look at games such as Uncharted 3, The Last of US (Both ND) and even GT6. TLOU in particular is gorgeous, runs great and when compared side by side with the PS4 version, holds up on its own very well. They really squeezed out every drop out of the PS3 on that title, same with GT6. Imagine how much more they can utilize with the PS4. Games on the XBone won't be able use the same sort of technology and power and it will be noticeable in the future.

And yet games only available on the PS4 already show signs of compromise, not just XB1 games. Drive Club looks gorgeous but runs at 30fps, same for Killzone while it runs at up to 60fps in MP its resolution is reduced to get the fps up from the 30fps it runs in the sp campaign. Infamous (and TLOU) includes an option to run the game at 30fps for those that would rather play at a steady and consistent frame rate than a fluctuating one. Even The Order which is yet to be released will not be native 1080p and run at 30fps with black borders at the top and bottom of the screen.

None of these things will stop you enjoying any of the games I have mentioned but it is these exact same compromises that when seen in an XB1 game people use as ammunition to say that the XB1 isn't fit for purpose. No, the XB1 isn't some no compromise gaming behemoth but neither is the PS4 and im yet to see any significant evidence to suggest otherwise, to those that think it is then maybe they should get their information from somewhere other than the comments section of youtube videos.
Apart from the memory type? Man, I could write for hours about the difference between DDR3 and GDDR5. Mind you, the XBone also has 32MB of ESRAM, but even that didn't really help out the devs as much as it initially was thought to do. CPU's are pretty irrelevant in consoles, actually.
You can write all you want, so far I haven't seen this huge difference that everyone is talking about. And saying that CPUs don't matter is just plain dumb, I'm sorry. These CPUs are actually bottlenecking both systems, and a PC with a similar GPU to PS4 and a better CPU performs better with better resolution/fps. The benchmarks are out there, Alien Isolation is a good example.
Perhaps I should have worded that better.
What I mean is comparing how the devs utilize the console's power. Despite the PS3's complicated architecture, look at games such as Uncharted 3, The Last of US (Both ND) and even GT6. TLOU in particular is gorgeous, runs great and when compared side by side with the PS4 version, holds up on its own very well. They really squeezed out every drop out of the PS3 on that title, same with GT6. Imagine how much more they can utilize with the PS4. Games on the XBone won't be able use the same sort of technology and power and it will be noticeable in the future.
Again, there are plenty beautiful games on 360 as well, Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable. I have both consoles and there wasn't any noticeable gap in graphics. And so far there isn't one for Xbone and PS4. We can speculate all day about future titles, but as of now there isn't a single technology that has been used in PS4 games that hasn't been used in Xbone's. That's just facts.
^^ Interesting.

I say give it 2 years; that is a reasonable time to see strengths and weaknesses of both consoles.

Example: I remember how basic the first Gears game looked on the X360 or how basic the tire smoke for example, was in FM2.

Look at Gears 3 and Forza 4... they almost... ALMOST look worlds apart compared to older versions. I'm not going to comment on how the PS3 evolved, since I bought it just for GT5, and sold it too, unfortunately.

I don't think MS is stupid. Even if they may be slightly lagging behind Sony in terms of hardware oomph, I'm sure they're going to find a way to even out the odds.

As far as racing games go, the X1's look far more beautiful than the PS4's only one at the moment (correct me if I'm wrong) Drive Club.
. And saying that CPUs don't matter is just plain dumb, I'm sorry.

Taking my words out of context isn't very nice. I said that, compared to a PC, a console's CPU doesn't make anywhere close of an impact as the GPU does. When comparing the XBone's and the PS4's CPU, it's an irrelevant fight. One doesn't have any advantage over the other as far their CPU's go. Both consoles have quite similar AMD CPU's, and the differences lies in the details, and quite frankly, we won't see any difference as far as game performance goes based on either console's CPU. No need to be a rude, this is a discussion board, not a Youtube comment war.

Again, there are plenty beautiful games on 360 as well, Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable. I have both consoles and there wasn't any noticeable gap in graphics. And so far there isn't one for Xbone and PS4. We can speculate all day about future titles, but as of now there isn't a single technology that has been used in PS4 games that hasn't been used in Xbone's. That's just facts.

Man, why does everything have to be about graphics? I am sorry, but I am reading into the different consoles on a much more technical level. My past profession had me dealing with these kinds of stuff all the time. It's not just about how the product looks, but how it is executed.

@Demetrius 81 makes a very valid point. Even PS4 games have made compromises in frame-rate, not just the XBone.
The type of memory used in the PS4, along with its more powerful GPU (1.8TF vs. 1.3TF,) has given the PS4 the upper hand in multiplatform games. This is very much possible to be the cause of developers starting out on the PS4's platform, as the dev that I had talked with mentioned. Games like Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, The Witcher 2 and Thief all run at a lower resolution on the Bone, and have more texture popping and graphical infidelity than their PS4 versions. Tomb Raider, which runs at 60FPS on the PS4, only runs at 30FPS on the Bone.

It is very early on to tell which console is the "most powerful" one, and quite frankly, it's just as relevant and important as measuring sizes in the locker room, if you get what I mean. It's a pissing contest.

The hardware in the PS4, on paper, can be utilized a lot more than the hardware in the Bone, and again, this is just on paper. CPU's don't matter much in this case, like I said, but I am very confident that devs can squeeze more out of a PS4 than they can out of the Bone.

Also, please don't be rude in your replies, guys. Thank You.

EDIT: I was gonna include some more numbers in my argument, but then I stumbled upon a site that explains what I was getting at very well, so no need for me to write it out.

Give this a look:

Also, here's a framerate and resolution comparison between PS4 and Bone games:

Again, this is a bit of a pissing contest, but all-in-all, the PS4 has more potential than the Bone.
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DX12 wont make much a difference. They already use a low level API. They might be able to make some refinements and tweaks but I doubt it'll be the difference maker.

But that doesn't mean games wont start looking a whole lot better. Halo 2 was made for the original xbox. That was a hybrid Celeron based CPU and was x86. Its GPU was pretty weak even for the time. But at the end everyone was very impressed by Forza 1 and Halo 2, a lot of people said they looked as good as the "next gen" games.

That was because the next gen games were not super impressive at the time. It took the devs time to make the tools, refine the tools, and master the use of those tools. These so called "simple" CPU's are not so simple, there is 8 of them. It will take time for coders to master that. SMT/SMP is still hard to do.

Lets just chill out and give them time. The first games to come out on consoles are NEVER their most impressive graphically. If we hit this time next year and Forza 6 doesn't impress us much. Then we can start getting worried.

Taking my words out of context isn't very nice. I said that, compared to a PC, a console's CPU doesn't make anywhere close of an impact as the GPU does. When comparing the XBone's and the PS4's CPU, it's an irrelevant fight. One doesn't have any advantage over the other as far their CPU's go. Both consoles have quite similar AMD CPU's, and the differences lies in the details, and quite frankly, we won't see any difference as far as game performance goes based on either console's CPU. No need to be a rude, this is a discussion board, not a Youtube comment war.
Man, why does everything have to be about graphics? I am sorry, but I am reading into the different consoles on a much more technical level. My past profession had me dealing with these kinds of stuff all the time. It's not just about how the product looks, but how it is executed.
@Demetrius 81 makes a very valid point. Even PS4 games have made compromises in frame-rate, not just the XBone.
The type of memory used in the PS4, along with its more powerful GPU (1.8TF vs. 1.3TF,) has given the PS4 the upper hand in multiplatform games. This is very much possible to be the cause of developers starting out on the PS4's platform, as the dev that I had talked with mentioned. Games like Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, The Witcher 2 and Thief all run at a lower resolution on the Bone, and have more texture popping and graphical infidelity than their PS4 versions. Tomb Raider, which runs at 60FPS on the PS4, only runs at 30FPS on the Bone.
It is very early on to tell which console is the "most powerful" one, and quite frankly, it's just as relevant and important as measuring sizes in the locker room, if you get what I mean. It's a pissing contest.
The hardware in the PS4, on paper, can be utilized a lot more than the hardware in the Bone, and again, this is just on paper. CPU's don't matter much in this case, like I said, but I am very confident that devs can squeeze more out of a PS4 than they can out of the Bone.
Also, please don't be rude in your replies, guys. Thank You.
EDIT: I was gonna include some more numbers in my argument, but then I stumbled upon a site that explains what I was getting at very well, so no need for me to write it out.
Give this a look:
Also, here's a framerate and resolution comparison between PS4 and Bone games:
Again, this is a bit of a pissing contest, but all-in-all, the PS4 has more potential than the Bone.

For a while now, its been a lot more about what the artists can do with the power, than the power itself. That's how we are seeing impressive versions of the same games on last gen hardware. Once these artists become verse in the new hardware, that'll become less and less possible.
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Joining in on this thread just to share my thoughts on graphics and my impressions of the two systems being discussed:

Graphically GT5 and GT6 are superior to Forza. having said that, Forza 4 (too me) is a much better game. It has good enough graphics but the immersion factor is off the charts. It's how Forza pulls in all of the elements car enthusiasts love, (sounds, ForzaVista, cars not available on any other game) that make it such a compelling game. I adopted the X360 late in it's lifespan, and afer sitting down and actually playing it, it was more fun to play. Which in turn influenced my decision heavily on getting an XB1.

After playing F5, GT6 feels ancient. I just don't that same visceral sensation of speed and being on the edge of control as I do with F5, I know I mentioned graphics but I would also like to point out that the standard cars in GT5/6 are extremely unimpressive.

Granted, both systems have their own "Killer Apps" but having both the PS4 and now XB1, there really isn't aything (right now at least) that will pull me away for the XB1, graphics is just icing on the cake, but truthfully it's the fundamentals and how a game makes me feel that is much more important and so far this gen. Forza 5 leaves me smiling like an idiot everytime I turn off the console. (well it doesn't really turn off, it just goes into a hibernate mode)

InFamous was cool, so was Killzone, Resogun was fun, AC Black Flag was awesome but it was a multi, TLOU is a damned good game but still = last gen (graphics are amazing, but again It felt wonderful on the PS3, graphics alone dont make a game)

XB1, Sunset Ov = a lot like Infamous but, more fun, play it! F5= No comparison 10/10(IMO)

So to conclude, I have had more fun on an xbox console these past few months than anything I have on my PS's. Well except GTA5, but that was a multi as well so I had just as much fun as anyone with a 360. So we'll see what the future brings for both systems.

Hopefully Fallout 4 is not too far away :) But should I get it for the XB1 or PS4....Decision's...
Granted, both systems have their own "Killer Apps" but having both the PS4 and now XB1, there really isn't aything (right now at least) that will pull me away for the XB1, graphics is just icing on the cake, but truthfully it's the fundamentals and how a game makes me feel that is much more important and so far this gen. Forza 5 leaves me smiling like an idiot everytime I turn off the console. (well it doesn't really turn off, it just goes into a hibernate mode)
That's probably my favorite feature of Xbone, I turn the console off, I get back to it and I'm right where I left off the last time, no loading and crap like that, it's a really nice feature.
I aggree, it's those nuances that seperate it from other consoles. Not wanting to start a flame war, but I think the once more people get access to the XB1 be it for the holidays or curiousity, the tide will turn in terms of sales and popularity among the masses. :)
Joining in on this thread just to share my thoughts on graphics and my impressions of the two systems being discussed:

Graphically GT5 and GT6 are superior to Forza. having said that, Forza 4 (too me) is a much better game. It has good enough graphics but the immersion factor is off the charts. It's how Forza pulls in all of the elements car enthusiasts love, (sounds, ForzaVista, cars not available on any other game) that make it such a compelling game. I adopted the X360 late in it's lifespan, and afer sitting down and actually playing it, it was more fun to play. Which in turn influenced my decision heavily on getting an XB1.

After playing F5, GT6 feels ancient. I just don't that same visceral sensation of speed and being on the edge of control as I do with F5, I know I mentioned graphics but I would also like to point out that the standard cars in GT5/6 are extremely unimpressive.

Granted, both systems have their own "Killer Apps" but having both the PS4 and now XB1, there really isn't aything (right now at least) that will pull me away for the XB1, graphics is just icing on the cake, but truthfully it's the fundamentals and how a game makes me feel that is much more important and so far this gen. Forza 5 leaves me smiling like an idiot everytime I turn off the console. (well it doesn't really turn off, it just goes into a hibernate mode)

InFamous was cool, so was Killzone, Resogun was fun, AC Black Flag was awesome but it was a multi, TLOU is a damned good game but still = last gen (graphics are amazing, but again It felt wonderful on the PS3, graphics alone dont make a game)

XB1, Sunset Ov = a lot like Infamous but, more fun, play it! F5= No comparison 10/10(IMO)

So to conclude, I have had more fun on an xbox console these past few months than anything I have on my PS's. Well except GTA5, but that was a multi as well so I had just as much fun as anyone with a 360. So we'll see what the future brings for both systems.

Hopefully Fallout 4 is not too far away :) But should I get it for the XB1 or PS4....Decision's...

Well now, I certainly enjoyed reading through that. 👍

I liked how you described a few things about Forza; namely how the immersion is off the charts. <--- Ditto!
GT's graphics and replays are stunning.... but where are those emotional, testosterone and adrenaline-inducing moments you feel when you become one with the car and track, as you're pushing it over the edge? Bingo... Forza has them!

".... visceral sensation of speed and being on the edge of control"... Sir, you have framed this all too well and I salute you! "Visceral" being the key word here.

As far as multi-plats go, you can check out reviews before making purchases but this is pretty much a no-brainer: pick the PS4 version. Always.
Well now, I certainly enjoyed reading through that. 👍

I liked how you described a few things about Forza; namely how the immersion is off the charts. <--- Ditto!
GT's graphics and replays are stunning.... but where are those emotional, testosterone and adrenaline-inducing moments you feel when you become one with the car and track, as you're pushing it over the edge? Bingo... Forza has them!

".... visceral sensation of speed and being on the edge of control"... Sir, you have framed this all too well and I salute you! "Visceral" being the key word here.

As far as multi-plats go, you can check out reviews before making purchases but this is pretty much a no-brainer: pick the PS4 version. Always.

I appreciate that! it's quite ironic though that we all started at one point being fans of the GT series by coming to these forums, but with the series' stagnation Turn 10 has taken the ball and blasted into the outer stratosphere. This may sound like hyperbole but there is a good chance I probably will never play GT6 ever again.

I guess the gist of what I am trying to write here is that me; a long time fan of GT am objective enough to say that it's reign is over. There was a time I thought Forza was nothing but a GT imitation, yet here I am eating crow :) and it tastes darn good.
There was a time I thought Forza was nothing but a GT imitation, yet here I am eating crow :) and it tastes darn good.

Couldn't agree more. I even thought it was an arcadey type imitation, couldn't have been more wrong. The time I used it with a wheel and learned I actually had to heat up my tyres I got this massive feeling of joy which hasn't faded ever since. In fact I am so happy I'm not even waiting for FM6. I mean I will definitely buy it when it comes out but this is it, I don't need more.
Its refreshing to come to this thread and not see "xbox sucks/playstation sucks" posts. Us Forza guys (IMHO) feel like a stranger in a strange land this being mainly a site built around one of PS best racing games. But to you that have just joined into Forza with the last instalment you missed out on alot. T10 has taken alot out of this game from Forza 4. I bought the One and FM5 day one and when I did I lost alot of good friends/racers that was a community that was built. If you can find an old 360 and a copy of FM4 and you will see what Im talking about.
Its refreshing to come to this thread and not see "xbox sucks/playstation sucks" posts. Us Forza guys (IMHO) feel like a stranger in a strange land this being mainly a site built around one of PS best racing games. But to you that have just joined into Forza with the last instalment you missed out on alot. T10 has taken alot out of this game from Forza 4. I bought the One and FM5 day one and when I did I lost alot of good friends/racers that was a community that was built. If you can find an old 360 and a copy of FM4 and you will see what Im talking about.

I liked how you put the "stranger in a strange land" bit. BTW, that's a SUPERB Iron Maiden track! \m/

To anyone who's enjoying FM5 or just getting into Forza, if you already don't own FM4, you must. Even with slightly inferior everything, it is easily the best version in the franchise. Track variety (yes it gets dull at times, but you learn to appreciate it after taking a break and going back!), car count, stuff to do online and offline. Oh and yes, you get to listen to your own music..I know that's a console thing but still.

Bottom line: Any Forza lover MUST have FM4 in their collection.
I never owned a 360 so never got the chance to play Forza 4 which I'm a bit gutted about in a way.

I'm aware Forza 5 has less content but for what it's worth I still enjoy it.

I'm kind of hoping it's like Gran Turismo 3 where they had less Cars than 2 but focused more on graphics etc.

So when we get to Forza 6 that will hopefully feel like Forza 4 again :)
@katpeeler Classic metal tunes rarely frizzle out.

I listen to it to this day, whether I'm just lifting weights or running! Killer solo. :D

I never owned a 360 so never got the chance to play Forza 4 which I'm a bit gutted about in a way.

I'm aware Forza 5 has less content but for what it's worth I still enjoy it.

I'm kind of hoping it's like Gran Turismo 3 where they had less Cars than 2 but focused more on graphics etc.

So when we get to Forza 6 that will hopefully feel like Forza 4 again :)

Can't say for sure. The hardware is better, but it's difficult to determine if massive improvements will start coming from FM6 onwards or not. I hope we don't get a filler like FM3. Would have been nice to see them make a mark... something along the lines of a FM2 to FM4 transition on the X1 hardware.
I never owned a 360 so never got the chance to play Forza 4 which I'm a bit gutted about in a way.

I'm aware Forza 5 has less content but for what it's worth I still enjoy it.

I'm kind of hoping it's like Gran Turismo 3 where they had less Cars than 2 but focused more on graphics etc.

So when we get to Forza 6 that will hopefully feel like Forza 4 again :)
indeed. for me, GT3 is a firm contender for 'best in series'. great gfx and the handling model was epic. 190 (ish?) cars seemed enough too

GT4's gfx were a step backwards and I hope T10 don't go that way to get masses of content into FM6. sure it needs more but not at the cost of gfx and fps

imo, of course :)
Forza 5 GotY edition is currently $29.99 on the marketplace. Car pass is also 25% off. Ends December 1st.
Thinking about getting an XBONE but before I do I just need to know can you change the pad controls from triggers to sticks for acceleration and braking in this + Forza Horizon 2?
indeed. for me, GT3 is a firm contender for 'best in series'. great gfx and the handling model was epic. 190 (ish?) cars seemed enough too

GT4's gfx were a step backwards and I hope T10 don't go that way to get masses of content into FM6. sure it needs more but not at the cost of gfx and fps

imo, of course :)

Hmm, yes. I hope they never compromise graphics and frame rate.

However, Forza is in desperate need of better particle are sooper.. but the particle effects look like they've been copied/pasted from last gen.
I played FM5 for the first time in a couple of months last night. I haven't played since Horizon 2 came out. I mostly just checked in the get all the credits I was owed (about 3,000,000) and the Aussie Ford race car. I raced an Alfa Romeo GTA around the Sebring full course in a Class D race. I came in second, so I raced it again and came in first, and as I was racing, I thought to myself "this is fun." So it looks like I'll be making some more time for FM5 in my evenings.
Hi all :D

Seeing as this is a 'relaxed' thread, I thought I'd ask...

Do you drive/race on your pc too? I have GT Legends, GTR2, rFactor and
Race 07 on my pc

GT Legends is my favourite of them :cool:

So, what've you got for your driving fix on your pc? :D

ps. Yes they're all old ones, my pc wouldn't handle anything more modern

I've tried, wasn't pretty :lol:
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Hi all :D

Seeing as this is a 'relaxed' thread, I thought I'd ask...

Do you drive/race on your pc too? I have GT Legends, GTR2, rFactor and
Race 07 on my pc

GT Legends is my favourite of them :cool:

So, what've you got for your driving fix on your pc? :D

ps. Yes they're all old ones, my pc wouldn't handle anything more modern

I've tried, wasn't pretty :lol:

I race on PC also, I just recently bought a Logitech G27 so I could start enjoying them again. The TX wheel I had bit the dust back in July. I play these games at the moment.

Via Steam:
Assetto Corsa
Project cars
Dirt 2/3/showdown
Grid 1/2/autosport
F1 2013
F1 2014
Raceroom Racing experience (once in a while, it is a free one based on Race 07)

Via Origin:
Need for speed Most Wanted (remake)
Need for speed hot pursuit (remake)
Need for speed the run
Need for speed shift 2 (hate this game, one of the worst ever because of the controller input lag)
Need for speed pro street
Need for speed undercover

I also have cd versions of Need for speed 3 up to Porsche 2000 somewhere as well. I also have PC versions of other racing games somewhere also, but cant remember their names atm. I think one of them was a Toca racer driver game, and at least one F1 game from when EA had the license.

I also have Rfactor.
I race on PC also, I just recently bought a Logitech G27 so I could start enjoying them again. The TX wheel I had bit the dust back in July. I play these games at the moment.

Via Steam:

Raceroom Racing experience (once in a while, it is a free one based on Race 07)

I also have Rfactor
I'd like to get a wheel for my PC when budget allows. I also have a go on Raceroom from time to time but can't it run much in the way of visuals on my PC. I haven't purchased anything for it for that reason. Seems expensive too

rFactor is great. I can run it at a good level visually and the amount of mods and add-on tracks is epic :cool:
A synapse of my Forza sessions last night. Typically I move from one to the other as the night goes by. The closer it is to bed time the more inclined I am to hit the F5 tracks to either a) just use ForzaVista and drool or b) hit up a Rivals event in a bone stock vehicle to see how high I can go in the leaderboards.

A little backstory: I have been a little upset at the Ferrari 458. I found it too have so much oversteer on initial turn in that I dismissed the car completely. Having said that, it is probably one of my favorite Ferrari's so I painted a Novitec Rosso style 458 and went to town on the 'ring, determined to tame the prancing horse.

It was very frustrating, but as with anything; practice makes perfect. The 458 drives so differently than in GT or even F4, really, the only thing I can compare it too is balancing on a very very sharp knife edge. The slightest slip up, over-braking or too much speed and that's it. Either drift wide, very instant oversteer, or simply losing time by applying the power and sliding the tail out on every single turn. Patience, throttle control and Mid-Engine driving style are a must. (no aids BTW)

Needles to say, I felt the greatest feeling of accomplishment last night when I rocked my best A class time at the track with the 458. My hands were sweating I was jittery and it felt amazing. I will stand by these words: Forza in the most fun I have ever had in a driving game, EVER.

I think she is starting to like me :)

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