I hear that captain! I've had the same sound system since I picked up an X360 in late 2005 (I'm on my second console actually), and with the addition of the smaller woofer plus satellites, along with proper speaker placement, it's made a heckuva difference. I'd say games sound nearly 40% better.
GTR2 is no doubt a fine product, along with all the other signature PC sims. Mate, if I could, I'd rush out to get a gaming PC TODAY! Unfortunately, I do not see the same level of detail being translated into console racing games or sims, perhaps because devs think "hey, it's a console only being used by casual gamers, why bother?". I wish this philosophy would change, as there are a handful of us console gamers who would absolutely LOVE to see the same level of detail being showcased in a console racer/sim.
GT4....great game...and the ones before it. Sadly, other devs caught on fast and released products that absolutely plummeted it into the earth!
The same choppiness and artificial sound you speak of can also be heard in the X360 version of Race Pro as well as other games.. such as the SBK and MotoGP games..those are kind of dreadful too.. the sound offends me! Though I am eagerly waiting to see and hear what the finished PCARS will look like. Those guys are perfectionists, and judging from their track record, they will leave no stone unturned.
BTW, can you honestly tell me what's stopping SimBin from also releasing GTR3 on current gen consoles? They don't think anybody would buy their game on a console? They are WRONG!
I was excited when I popped in S2 for the first time seeing how it was a game coming from SMS. However, the "need for speed" title in the game irked me a little. And even after countless tweaks and tuning, I find the control extremely bizarre. It's as if you're driving hovercrafts. And that pivot and turn model is just too annoying - as if someone is forcibly shoving your car into corners, even though you're being completely smooth on the controls. Oh gosh.. don;t get ME started on the understeer/oversteer in that game! Even with full wheel lock, you can't reverse or turn your car properly in case you happen to end up the wrong way on a narrow track. You have to try at least 3 times, banging into walls before getting the car to turn, even though it's in first gear turning at 5 or 10 kph! Terrible understeer...only ice on the front wheels, no tread! And now the oversteer - couldn't get the back end to step out under aggressive acceleration even on a 500 HP car.. whaathh?! Enough said.
Oh I can think of a whole bunch of cars in FM4 that exhibit that dirty growl. RS200 anyone? How about a GTR or F40? D3 is indeed king when it comes to exhibiting those effects, and FM4 is a close second. Too many people complained the cars were loud and distorted in FM4 (little did they know their sound wasn't set up properly no matter how expensive the systems were), and T10 makes the cars sound more Horizon-like: meek and civilized.
Well, good thing we held on to our last gen consoles then. For me, it's the only one I have, so no complaints whatsoever. I count thy blessings each day!