- 3,823
Originally posted by Jordan
Ah, that's easy!!! Countless miracles have been very well documented in the Bible, and there's no way anyone can "misinterpret" them! Jesus made the lame walk, let the blind see, and gave the deaf their hearing back. He also raised Lazarus from the dead, and himself too!
Although Jesus is the main "miracle worker", there's miracles that happen every day - you've probably experienced a few yourself!
Knee Replacement surgery, Surgery for the deaf (http://home.vicnet.net.au/~garyh/preemie_forum/old-messages/17535.html), Corneal Transplantation, and a good old fashioned Defibrulator.
While none of this is quite the same thing, in 100 years or so, our technology is going to bring us to a point in time where the miracles of the bible are going to be kind of commonplace. I would begin to delve into what part of religeon actually makes you believe in a divine power, because Miracles will soon be obsolete. Give it enough time, perhaps Time travel will be on the list of accomplishments. From that point on, who is to say that I couldn't travel back to the time of neandertals, strike a match on my butt, and set up shop as Tom supreme ruler of planet Spira.
As for why I believe... It just seems natural that in a universe bound by Chaos, that there must be one thing giving it all order.
And to Answer you Schumy, I interned at Brookhaven National Laboratory's NSLS (National Synchrotron Light Source) way back. Apparently quite a bit of my Education there seems to still be rattlin' 'round the olde noggin'