Agree, I rather see simple shadows rather then complex ones with 30 FPS.. I think even with squared edged on shadows, GT5 looks best with lightning and shadowing, you can see all the car's dents and regularities..
Side note
Myabe by the time PD makes GT6 2012 or 2013, they will improve the game engine a bit with nicer shadows.. I bet even for PS4, since GT5s car models are so complex, PD will re use them but better lightning, AA , shadows, even more resolution car skins. So even for GT7 for PS4, game will be quicker to made I bet!
Side note
Myabe by the time PD makes GT6 2012 or 2013, they will improve the game engine a bit with nicer shadows.. I bet even for PS4, since GT5s car models are so complex, PD will re use them but better lightning, AA , shadows, even more resolution car skins. So even for GT7 for PS4, game will be quicker to made I bet!