
Agree, I rather see simple shadows rather then complex ones with 30 FPS.. I think even with squared edged on shadows, GT5 looks best with lightning and shadowing, you can see all the car's dents and regularities..

Side note
Myabe by the time PD makes GT6 2012 or 2013, they will improve the game engine a bit with nicer shadows.. I bet even for PS4, since GT5s car models are so complex, PD will re use them but better lightning, AA , shadows, even more resolution car skins. So even for GT7 for PS4, game will be quicker to made I bet!
I would rather we had 60fps with the jaggies, than 30fps with slightly less jaggies.
I agree. 👍 A few jaggies (that I don't even notice most of the time) are a small price to pay for a smooth 60fps driving experience. :D
My only problem with the shadows is how they are so dark in the cockpit view. They even black out the dials in some cars. I really hope this will be fixed in the final game.
In reference to the Civic Type R, it's a normal Civic with what looks to be Spoon mirrors, POSSIBLY a painted Spoon cf duckbill, and an aftermarket hood. Which would further confirm customization and what you can do with the parts.

Like paint cf or keep them cf, put on windshield banners, and select parts from certain tuner companies.

ANd I basically joined to comment on this hahaha
I have no problem with that, I think these things can often depend on your TV and the settings you're using. You should be able to switch from normal TV to a game and have the brightness and contrast etc set so they look fine in both. I do.
I have no problem with that, I think these things can often depend on your TV and the settings you're using. You should be able to switch from normal TV to a game and have the brightness and contrast etc set so they look fine in both. I do.
As well as the "Brightness" adjuster in options, 98% is good and photo realistic looking.
I have no problem with that, I think these things can often depend on your TV and the settings you're using. You should be able to switch from normal TV to a game and have the brightness and contrast etc set so they look fine in both. I do.

I tried that here before. If I set the brightness to be able to see the dials in a car like that old ferrari (don't remember the name xD) it looks really bright and weird. Most of the cars are fine, the shadows are definitely a lot darker than real life but you can still see what matters. However some cars like the F40 and that old ferrari are just too dark to the point it can't be resolved with TV settings without creating a bright mess. Not even with game settings since I tried messing around with that EV settings with no luck.

I really don't understand why the shadows are so dark when other games like shift have much more true-to-life shadow darkness. I'm hopping it's a prologue thing that will be addressed in the final game but I'm not confident.
I agree. 👍 A few jaggies (that I don't even notice most of the time) are a small price to pay for a smooth 60fps driving experience. :D

Even when you want EYE candy! We have PHOTO MODE where all shadows are bit smoother and jaggies are super smooth! In 1080p racing mode, those jaggies are not that bad even, as long I can see the racetrack and all the corners its good for the eye.
I tried that here before. If I set the brightness to be able to see the dials in a car like that old ferrari (don't remember the name xD) it looks really bright and weird. Most of the cars are fine, the shadows are definitely a lot darker than real life but you can still see what matters. However some cars like the F40 and that old ferrari are just too dark to the point it can't be resolved with TV settings without creating a bright mess. Not even with game settings since I tried messing around with that EV settings with no luck.

I really don't understand why the shadows are so dark when other games like shift have much more true-to-life shadow darkness. I'm hopping it's a prologue thing that will be addressed in the final game but I'm not confident.

Kaz said himself that GT replicates ideal conditions for racing. This is why there is little to no glare from the sun and why the shadows are so short and light in colour.

With implementation of weather that we 'may' see in GT5, they should replicate the fact that shadows get darker as the sun gets closer to the horizon.