requests gone too far

  • Thread starter thelvynau
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Not sure exactly what you're asking. Didn't post on forums much back during GT4's days.

As far as the future goes for GT mode, KY has said: If I can think of one (thing he'd like to fix), I think we should have made more A-Spec races. When you buy a car, it’s fun to be able to participate in a lot of races with that car, and I don’t think there were enough.- Kazunori Yamauchi.


Well what im asking is do you think that the amount of dlc requests would be the same in gt4 if dlc was available.
Well what im asking is do you think that the amount of dlc requests would be the same in gt4 if dlc was available.


Anytime fans can ask for more content without having to wait for another game, and anytime a developer is capable of sharing/selling new content without having to wait for another game, you'll see a lot of requests.

GT4 had its own little oddities, too.

Anytime fans can ask for more content without having to wait for another game, and anytime a developer is capable of sharing/selling new content without having to wait for another game, you'll see a lot of requests.

GT4 had its own little oddities, too.

Even requests that are out of the realm of possibility?
Do you have any examples of "out of the realm of possibility" requests?

ill have to go back to the dlc thread but off the top of my head i would say porsche being outside the realm of possibility for the time being as well as posts where people list 200 different cars in a single post although not sure if they are wanting the whole lot or just hoping a few from that list atleast make it.
ill have to go back to the dlc thread but off the top of my head i would say porsche being outside the realm of possibility for the time being as well as posts where people list 200 different cars in a single post although not sure if they are wanting the whole lot or just hoping a few from that list atleast make it.

I wouldn't consider the DLC wishlist comments as serious posts. It's just a dump for our dreams, hopes, etc. Look at the total number of posts alone. It's not meant to be the final word on DLC. Just a nice place to chat and post pictures/videos of cars/DLC we want.

As far as Porsche, we've seen that EA can give out sub-licenses. If PD/Sony wanted to pay the price, we could likely see Porsche in GT. Microsoft has a lot of money, so I am in no way surprised that they managed to grab Porsche.
I wouldn't consider the DLC wishlist comments as serious posts. It's just a dump for our dreams, hopes, etc. Look at the total number of posts alone. It's not meant to be the final word on DLC. Just a nice place to chat and post pictures/videos of cars/DLC we want.

As far as Porsche, we've seen that EA can give out sub-licenses. If PD/Sony wanted to pay the price, we could likely see Porsche in GT. Microsoft has a lot of money, so I am in no way surprised that they managed to grab Porsche.

Good points there and is definately on topic of requests gone too far i guess if its not demanded or expected frim pd then it must be harmless.
Really? We have loads of driving challenges! The "Special" events, and of coarse the seasonals! Manufacturer races are still here, obviously to a lesser extent but we do have Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Mini. They also brought back the one make/model races included in GT4's manufacturer races with the Vitz, Gallardo, TWO Miatas, Lupo, NASCAR, and FGT.

Have you actually played GT4? GT5 does not feature driving challenges and manufacturer races as GT4 did. Fact.

So, you would rather have all low quality cars rather than some low and some high? Why?

Yeah vecause that's exactly what he meant and not the other way around.
Anyone counted how many Special Events we have gained since launch ?

And dont say "those doesnt change the fact there is too less races"

If you say that, do you have some information about the date when PD just stops giving these new races each week ?
Even if they are races or not races. The seasonal's from my point of view isn't even racing it's playing catch the mouse always starting from the rear and playing catch up which is stupid.

Regardless GT5 career mode stinks
Well that's exactly what I mean, that isn't racing. Plus a large chunk of them were removed a couple of months back.
Oh right, that is exactly the same than saying "WRC Rally Championship races arent exactly races because every driver aims to catch the leader" Logic ?
Well that's exactly what I mean, that isn't racing. Plus a large chunk of them were removed a couple of months back.

Sorry about that it really wasn't aimed towards you more like adding on to what you were saying.

The Special Events are races well at least some of them that I played, but they weren't the Driving Challenges from GT4 per say.
Rally is completely different because they don't drive on the same road at the same time.

Find me a real world tarmac racing series, amateur or professional, that is set up like the GT5 seasonals and i'll agree it's racing.
Oh right, that is exactly the same than saying "WRC Rally Championship races arent exactly races because every driver aims to catch the leader" Logic ?

That's rallying, based on time trials, which isn't the same as racing.
In racing you're ultimate aim might be to eventually catch the leader (if you can) but it's the stuff that happens inbetween that counts.
If the other AI cars are just moving chicanes, it isn't racing but avoiding obstacles in a pursuit to get ahead.
Rally is completely different because they don't drive on the same road at the same time.

Find me a real world tarmac racing series, amateur or professional, that is set up like the GT5 seasonals and i'll agree it's racing.

You seriously saying that every single WRC driver drives on different special event ?

Like this "Only single person can go through the Ouninpohja in Finland because drivers cant drive on the same road" ?

Find me an official WRC event where every driver has whole different road to drive on, please.
You seriously saying that every single WRC driver drives on different special event ?

Like this "Only single person can go through the Ouninpohja in Finland because drivers cant drive on the same road" ?

Find me an official WRC event where every driver has whole different road to drive on, please.

Faster drivers catching slower ones on the same stage happens obviously, but they're not racing each other directly.
You seriously saying that every single WRC driver drives on different special event ?

Like this "Only single person can go through the Ouninpohja in Finland because drivers cant drive on the same road" ?

Find me an official WRC event where every driver has whole different road to drive on, please.

Is that what I said? No, I said they're not racing on the same part of the track at the same time. They race as a time trial at different intervals down the same road. They are not racing each other on the road, they're racing against the clock and in turn each other.
Is that what I said? No, I said they're not racing on the same part of the track at the same time. They race as a time trial at different intervals down the same road. They are not racing each other on the road, they're racing against the clock and in turn each other.

So, how are the Seasonal Events much different from that ? These just doesnt happen on point to point circuits, thats all.

Note, even FM players claim that their "Rivals" mode is a new R A C E each week or less often, and what race is in that ? You, chasing a ghost. Logic ?
So, how are the Seasonal Events much different from that ? These just doesnt happen on point to point circuits, thats all.

Note, even FM players claim that their "Rivals" mode is a new R A C E each week or less often, and what race is in that ? You, chasing a ghost. Logic ?

Now you're reversing the argument in a strange way, if the Seasonal Events aren't that different to rally events like you're suggesting, doesn't make them anymore closer to being a race but closer to rallying (which isn't conventional racing as explained).

Ofcourse the Seasonals are races strictly, it's just that people don't experience them as being proper races, where you have to fight for every position gained and the process of racing involves more than simply overtaking the whole pack and catching the leader on time.
So, how are the Seasonal Events much different from that ? These just doesnt happen on point to point circuits, thats all.

Note, even FM players claim that their "Rivals" mode is a new R A C E each week or less often, and what race is in that ? You, chasing a ghost. Logic ?

Because all of the cars are on the track at the same time, trying to get to the finish line first? That's nothing like rallying, but it's also nothing like conventional racing.

So yes, seasonals are races but they're races against the clock, not races against opponents which is what A-Spec is supposed to be. Is that better?
Because all of the cars are on the track at the same time, trying to get to the finish line first? That's nothing like rallying, but it's also nothing like conventional racing.

So yes, seasonals are races but they're races against the clock, not races against opponents which is what A-Spec is supposed to be. Is that better?

Atleast you admitted that these ARE races, no matter what.

Also, didnt you know that 24 hour races has different class cars on road at the same time, and each class starts at the different time.
But to be honest, I'd wish we have more actual Aspec races, especially the manufacturer ones, so I dont disagree with you totally.
But maybe IF PD ever released a championship race generator / creator, then the problem would be solved.
Well personally I'd call them time trials but it's semantics, whatever you call them they're certainly not conventional motor races which is what the game was/is seriously lacking in. Which was my point really, the seasonal races in no way made up for the very poor A-Spec showing.
The Seasonal Events are pretty much just time trial events with rolling roadblocks, like an Out Run game, rather than actual races. They in no way counter people taking issue with the game lacking single player events when they aren't even structured the same way.
Oh right, that is exactly the same than saying "WRC Rally Championship races arent exactly races because every driver aims to catch the leader" Logic ?

No. The AI in GT seasonals behave like normal people in traffic. Stay the line and don't fight or try to pass you.

ASpec and Seasonal are time attack with traffic.
Ok i have also been thinking along with dlc requests possibly being too high could expectations escalate higher for gt6 more so than they were for gt5?
Could the requests escalate? Most certainly and for no reason than this: as the GT series gets more popular - sells to a wider audience possibly used to playing other racing/sim-style games - you will always have a number of people who don't actually research what they're buying or can expect. Those will likely feel dissatisfied.

There have been a number of comments on other forums along this line for other racing games, so it appears to be an endemic problem.

Then there are the other reasons stated previously in this thread which will cause an increase, in my opinion. I doubt they'll go away and not all of them have to do with the quality of the game either. It's just representitive of a proportion of humanity and not necessarily human nature, after all, we don't all make such demands.

Rally is completely different because they don't drive on the same road at the same time...
To be fair, that wasn't entirely clear...
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