requests gone too far

  • Thread starter thelvynau
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I couldnt sleep last night so i had decided to jump on gt5 and play with my dlc cars.

Well I was impressed with the tc cars and enjoyed driving them my thoughts then went to pd offering dlc and i had a bit of a look at the dlc thread here and thought wow have the request gone too far.

So my question is do you think we have gone overboard when it comes to requests? are we asking too much of pd?

I do agree that we have asked to much BUT if GT5 didn't take so long to release the game which such a underwhelming result i don't think it's fans would have gone so over board.

For me i love GT5, i am i genuine fanboy but GT5 just feels like a beta or a large prologue if you like and i feel as do many others that we deserved more than this GT6 demo lol.

It's just people don't know how to address or input ideas that are reasonable and realistic.

I'm new to GTForums and posted the following threads for ideas id like to see in GT6. See what you think?...
I do agree that we have asked to much BUT if GT5 didn't take so long to release the game which such a underwhelming result i don't think it's fans would have gone so over board.

For me i love GT5, i am i genuine fanboy but GT5 just feels like a beta or a large prologue if you like and i feel as do many others that we deserved more than this GT6 demo lol.

It's just people don't know how to address or input ideas that are reasonable and realistic.

I'm new to GTForums and posted the following threads for ideas id like to see in GT6. See what you think?...

I had a look they arent bad ideas and maybe your right after all the hype maybe some people were let down by this and post wishlists

Could you imagine how long it would take to complete everythibg asked for in the dlc request thread?

And finally welcome to gt planet.
Can you imagine what the fans would say if every request was granted? I can. They would probobly complain about the 600Gb update size!
Yeah exactly..

Once they improve the UI, bring the tuning store into the 21st century, make all cars premium and MAYBE add BASIC bodykits (that improve aerodynamics not for NFS reasons) and free up the paint options that would shut a lot of people up.

That wouldn't address every issue but i think it would slow down the ridiculous requests people are asking for.

People want things from Forza and NFS put into this game... the solution is buy those titles and stop moaning.

What GT need to do is, instead of trying so hard to be different than the titles that are actually improving with every version they release and pleasing their fanbase.. they need to learn from them and be more open minded.
...Make all cars premium...

This alone would take WAY too long! Think: 6 months to model ONE car. Say they have enough people to get off ten every 6 months. 12/year=only 36 done in three years. Divide that into the 800 standard cars and you get ~66.6 years to model all cars.
I have had a look at the dlc requests section some are reasonable but others are way extreme.

I think if gt6 doesnt resolve some of the issues then they might see the fan base reduce.
This alone would take WAY too long! Think: 6 months to model ONE car. Say they have enough people to get off ten every 6 months. 12/year=only 36 done in three years. Divide that into the 800 standard cars and you get ~66.6 years to model all cars.

I'll be honest with you i was unaware of those figures :/

Something needs to be done though, i mean even is the graphics weren't premium but still A LOT more visually appealing without the ridiculous head/rear light detail and texture details within cockpit view.

I genuinely agree with this thread and i'm doing my best to be realistic.. but up scaled PS2 cars isn't good enough for GT, you must agree right?
Yes, but neither is 67 years of devolopment only to NOT gain any new cars.

LOL no i hear you. what im saying is other developers on this gen console have managed to make racing games that have a decent selection of cars that are graphically better than HD PS2 but aren't on the level as GT5s premium quality.. basically a happy medium.

GT5s non premium cars should have at least been exactly that... a happy medium?
The Project CARS models are completed in three months of man hours, half the time it supposedly takes PD and I don't think anyone could argue they're not premium quality. PD either need to increase their efficiency in car modelling or take on a lot more staff to get more done.
The Project CARS models are completed in three months of man hours, half the time it supposedly takes PD and I don't think anyone could argue they're not premium quality. PD either need to increase their efficiency in car modelling or take on a lot more staff to get more done.

Yes! There you go.
Plus, PCARS has Gumpert. And isn't a company, so doesn't have the financial backing of anyone except the fans.
This alone would take WAY too long! Think: 6 months to model ONE car. Say they have enough people to get off ten every 6 months. 12/year=only 36 done in three years. Divide that into the 800 standard cars and you get ~66.6 years to model all cars.

So they worked 16,65 years on 200 premium cars? Gt has over 200 premium cars.

I don't want all standards premium because i want more 2011, 2012 and current cars when GT6 will be released.
Add some old standard cars and make them premium.

The Project CARS models are completed in three months of man hours, half the time it supposedly takes PD and I don't think anyone could argue they're not premium quality. PD either need to increase their efficiency in car modelling or take on a lot more staff to get more done.

This. 👍
So they worked 16,65 years on 200 premium cars? Gt has over 200 premium cars.

I don't want all standards premium because i want more 2011, 2012 and current cars when GT6 will be released.
Add some old standard cars and make them premium.

This. 👍

yes? Did you say that to the question

So they worked 16,65 years on 200 premium cars? Gt has over 200 premium cars.

I said this because your calculation can't be true. They don't need over 60 years to model 1000 cars.
They have more than 10 persons or whatever you used to calculate it.

It is impossible to calculate this, because we don't know the exaxt time they worked on the premium cars in GT. And we don't know if they improved their work to work better and faster. We don't know if the will add staff. And so on.
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OK, lets say they work car ~double that speed. So, instead of the 16 years, it would be the 6 they used. That still means ~33 cars per year, which means ~24.2 years to do the remaining 800.
Someone is confusing man hours and real hours again. It takes 6 months of man hours to model a car but more than one person works on the cars. If two worked on it that's 3 real months, if four worked on it that's 1.5 real months and so on.
OK, lets say they work car ~double that speed. So, instead of the 16 years, it would be the 6 they used. That still means ~33 cars per year, which means ~24.2 years to do the remaining 800.

Nope. They never worked over 16 years on GT5.
And if you say they work faster and need half the time it's still a wrong calculation. Because they didn't develop GT5 for 8 years either.
Someone is confusing man hours and real hours again. It takes 6 months of man hours to model a car but more than one person works on the cars. If two worked on it that's 3 real months, if four worked on it that's 1.5 real months and so on.

Than how do you explain 200 cars in 6 years?
That's the question I'm asking you if you think your calculation is right.

I didn't calculate. You did it. Look:
This alone would take WAY too long! Think: 6 months to model ONE car. Say they have enough people to get off ten every 6 months. 12/year=only 36 done in three years. Divide that into the 800 standard cars and you get ~66.6 years to model all cars.

Look what i did based on your false calculation.

800 cars = ~66.6 years
200 cars = 0.25 or 1/4 of 800 cars

That means....

0.25 x ~66.6 years = ~ 16 years for 200 cars.

After that you said the only needed half the time. Means:

0.5 x 16 = 8 years
not 6 years what you said.
Than how do you explain 200 cars in 6 years?

Um, with what I just said. They had what, 40, 50 people modelling cars? With that sort of workforce modelling cars they can get 200 done in a few years.

The way you're describing is one person starts modelling a car, takes six months then starts on the next one. That's what would take 16 or 66 years but that isn't how they work. They have a large number of people working on several cars at the same time. I don't know how long it takes in realtime for a car to be complete but it's clearly not 6 or even 3 real months.
Um, with what I just said. They had what, 40, 50 people modelling cars? With that sort of workforce modelling cars they can get 200 done in a few years.

The way you're describing is one person starts modelling a car, takes six months then starts on the next one. That's what would take 16 or 66 years but that isn't how they work. They have a large number of people working on several cars at the same time. I don't know how long it takes in realtime for a car to be complete but it's clearly not 6 or even 3 real months.

This 👍

This is what i thought.
Um, with what I just said. They had what, 40, 50 people modelling cars? With that sort of workforce modelling cars they can get 200 done in a few years.

Right. So imagine what they could do with 400 people modelling cars...
I'd imagine GT5 being a much better game with 400 people modeling the cars.

Because they'd be done with that part and made the rest of the game match up graphics/gameplay wise I'd hope.
I'd imagine GT5 being a much better game with 400 people modeling the cars.

Because they'd be done with that part and made the rest of the game match up graphics/gameplay wise I'd hope.

It is not a problem of how many staff you have. PD didn't managed their staff good enough. They or Sony choosen cars over the physics, AI and the rest of the game.

Of course more staff is great if they manage it good enough.

But if they just add car designer you just get more cars, but not a better game. They should add staff to support the sound team for example.

400 people modelling cars will not fix the sound problems or the tyre model for example.
I just hop they started working on GT6 a month after GT5 came out, maybe then we will have a perfect game.
So my question is do you think we have gone overboard when it comes to requests? are we asking too much of pd?

No, but it depends on what we're talking about requesting. (I'm not bothering with several pages of replies to see if this has been elaborated on.) If we're talking about asking for features and improvements for GT6, then the answer is "not at all", since they don't have to add everything we want but we're giving them options for things to work on. If we're talking about what we wanted from GT5, for the most part the answer is still "no" because in many cases we're just asking PD to produce something comparable to Forza, and if Turn 10 can do it then it isn't asking too much of PD.
..because in many cases we're just asking PD to produce something comparable to Forza, and if Turn 10 can do it then it isn't asking too much of PD.

This one was always intrigued me.

Why are you asking PD to produce something comparable to Forza?

Do you wish that GT becomes Forza?

Why don't more people ask Turn10 to produce something comparable to GT? To produce game with actual day/night cycles, changeable weather, different types of surfaces, maintenenace/ownership philosophy, consequences for owning/driving the vehicle, B-Spec mode, integrated online lobbies, real-time damage, interior views when looking back/left/right, HDR for both in-car/surroundings in interior view, separate photomode locations, 60fps in mirrors, real-time spatial sound distribution, actual support for wheels that will not kill the FFB when countersteering, physical model that will equalise controller and wheel players, etc. You know, important things for actual racing game.

Because having additional cars in game that already have 1000+ cars is really not so important. Or spending valuable resources on producing "Livery Editor" with so much more important things for GT/simulation game to add/improve before that.

Why Forza does not have all above things that GT have? Do you think if PD can produce all above, then it isn't asking too much of Turn10 to do the same, right?

And still, amazingly, nobody actually talks/discuss about it? Why?

Just wondering.
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