We don't know the real answer, we can only speculate
Which is exactly what I said to start with. If PD told us what the problem was we wouldn't have to speculate.
We don't know the real answer, we can only speculate
daus26Gaikai is an investment for the whole Sony Playstation brand, and possibly even their mobile electronics division. It's an investment that will carry into the long future. You can't compare that to an investment of a TEMPORARY sub-license for Porsche for a single racing franchise, which btw seems to be doing just great without. I think their (Sony) priority is elsewhere for now if they're to help PD.
SimonKWhich is exactly what I said to start with. If PD told us what the problem was we wouldn't have to speculate.
T10 has Microsoft money, nothing's out of their reach. That's pretty much why they got it, big bucks!
Good point microsoft has and are willing to throw the money around pd and sony are not.
Which is exactly what I said to start with. If PD told us what the problem was we wouldn't have to speculate.
Sampyla20plusI gladly pay 60$ each 5 years than buying a "full price demo" each 2 years,
GT5 did everything I expected GT to do, yes, I was shocked about the standard / premium cars at first but then just got over it and. Career is also abit too short but isnt as hearbreaking as some people tends to name it.
Dont know how many here does work as a game developer, but to think how much work does it need to create a racing game like Gran Turismo, especially when they coded GT5 from scratch (Physics, graphics, sounds, tracks, layouts, online etc)
I say people are expecting way too much these days, and still the same people buy every CoD game once a year, which doesnt change one bit.
Afterall, as their first big title for PS3, GT5 really added alot of things that havent ever been in the franchise until now, so are we really the people to judge them about their work ?
More simple, once you buy a product, you voted for YES, if you didnt buy the game, you did vote for NO.
Career is also abit too short but isnt as hearbreaking as some people tends to name it.
Dont know how many here does work as a game developer, but to think how much work does it need to create a racing game like Gran Turismo, especially when they coded GT5 from scratch (Physics, graphics, sounds, tracks, layouts, online etc)
I say people are expecting way too much these days, and still the same people buy every CoD game once a year, which doesnt change one bit.
Afterall, as their first big title for PS3, GT5 really added alot of things that havent ever been in the franchise until now, so are we really the people to judge them about their work ?
Sampyla20plusI gladly pay 60$ each 5 years than buying a "full price demo" each 2 years,
Sampyla20plusGT5 did everything I expected GT to do, yes, I was shocked about the standard / premium cars at first but then just got over it and. Career is also abit too short but isnt as hearbreaking as some people tends to name it.
Sampyla20plusDont know how many here does work as a game developer, but to think how much work does it need to create a racing game like Gran Turismo, especially when they coded GT5 from scratch (Physics, graphics, sounds, tracks, layouts, online etc)
Sampyla20plusI say people are expecting way too much these days, and still the same people buy every CoD game once a year, which doesnt change one bit.
This is like saying that because I have $2Billion and you only have $1Billion, I can afford to buy a Lamborghini and you can't. Both companies have more than enough money to buy any license or make any improvement to the game that they want to.
That wasnt my point, you should read the italics above the line that you quoted and what thelvynau and I were talking about.T10 has Microsoft money, nothing's out of their reach. That's pretty much why they got it, big bucks!
BluntifiedBut, the one with $2 Billion as an extra Million to seal the deal. My whole thing from before was about Porsche. EA has exclusive rights to Porsche, MS has the money to own EA, that leaves PD/Sony in the background.
BluntifiedIsn't that who EA works?
BluntifiedHave you only just heard about EA?
BluntifiedThey own rights to anything the can get their hands on and sell/auction sub-licenses' to other developers?
BluntifiedThey had a lock on sport franchises for years now, there is no game that can use Official Team logos (until now with a few baseball games) as no one could put the money up/unwilling to pay, to get a sub-license from them.
BluntifiedI know it's only speculation and assumption here,
BluntifiedEdit, to anyone saying "Well Sony can afford it too", afford it yes, have more money than the competition to out-bid, no. It's not the question of Sony affording it or not, it's the matter of if they're willing to put up the money or not, especially if the tag is high. Almost everything here I've mentioned, has to do with winning bidding wars, just to be clear.
I was, and still am, talking about obtaining sub-licenses from exclusive license holders. I agree that anyone can get a license! But rather than repeat myself, just read my previous post, it should clear things up.
....and that is the proof that you havent re-reed my previous post to see what i was talking about....Anyway...Here's a hint, EA is the exclusive license holder's in this case.
Now honestly how many chances do you give, if lets say tomorrow PD gets the green light from EA, to release porsche's as a free DLC? I give 0.Edit, I don't think it necessarily has to to with "if it sells", Porsche, and a lot other other cars in the game, won't make or break the game. Unless you're talking about DLC, that's different as DLC has to be sold separately.
Following these forums long enough, you'll find if it'll sell as DLC or not.
+1As for not knowing about EA's history, come on, everything in media has exposed them, from newgroups to South Park. South park painted a pretty nice picture if I might add. They are a money hungry organization that will do anything to keep costs high.
Well when PD finally finish mapping the entire planet, and every means of transportation is available for use, people will start complaining that we don't have space shuttle launches in the game. Some people will never be satisfied, while I love the GT5 as it is, I'm just happy they're still hacking away at the games flaws! Keep it up Kaz!
dude no offense but we are discussing adult stuff here, we love GT too, thats why we can't stand PD's actions
BluntifiedAs for not knowing about EA's history, come on, everything in media has exposed them, from newgroups to South Park. South park painted a pretty nice picture if I might add. They are a money hungry organization that will do anything to keep costs high. This includes buying something (holding exclusive rights) and selling some of it (not the whole thing) others for a price. Hence EA owning "exclusive" rights to Porsche and sub licensing to T10.
BluntifiedAnd, I will repeat myself. Most, if not all, deals have to do with money (or something else monetary value)! What else would there be? These are big corporations we're talking about not some "mom and pop" store, the only thing on their mind is money.
BluntifiedEdit, before you go on the "we don't know" spree again, just know that it's easy to judge a companies intentions by past activities.
People are asking for way too much. Come on, understand that Porsche won't be coming to GT for a while. Think of reasonable DLC requests, not "add everything exotic".
R34EVO9why not?
And theres no such thing as too much its a game anythings possible. Let them ask away and then let pd pick the ones they like..
Not really, there are hardware/software limitations - I mean, be reasonable....And theres no such thing as too much its a game anythings possible. Let them ask away and then let pd pick the ones they like..
I think most people do remember that, and they felt sorry that it happened to them.
Thing is though it doesn't change the fact that GT5 isn't where it should be in terms of a GT game the lacking of Events for Rally, Nascar, and other sports. It's like what are they there for that space could have been used much better than what we got.
It's also kind of funny my friends and I use to have this saying, and I don't know if you guys got it as well, but we'd say "Every time a game has online play the single player part suffers greatly compared to a previous game in a series."