requests gone too far

  • Thread starter thelvynau
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It would help. I mean for example when has PD ever said what is happening with the Porsche licence beyond Kaz saying it'd be nice to have? Have they tried to get a sub licence? What is the problem and what are they planning to do about it? We can only guess and make assumptions.
It would help. I mean for example when has PD ever said what is happening with the Porsche licence beyond Kaz saying it'd be nice to have? Have they tried to get a sub licence? What is the problem and what are they planning to do about it? We can only guess and make assumptions.

If I had to make a guess or assumption, I would say that they just don't want to pay the money for it. The license holders are probably asking for a ridiculous amount of money to sub-license it.

In the end, it always comes down to money.
Money is correct.

My problem is RUF. How did PD not manage to make one RUF premium? Kaz would say: "we just didn't have time".

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my request for PD is that they hand the game to another studio and **** off for good, is it too much?

everytime i think of GT5's flaws, the same old song comes ro my mind,

6 years of developement
almost the most expensive game ever made

and this is the result?

WTF is going on at PD's headquarters?
I wonder how much complaining there would be if PD were allowed to visit our jobs and critique our work with a microscope.
my request for PD is that they hand the game to another studio and **** off for good, is it too much?

everytime i think of GT5's flaws, the same old song comes ro my mind,

6 years of developement
almost the most expensive game ever made

and this is the result?

WTF is going on at PD's headquarters?

I disagree. PD is a great racing studio and one of the Top 4 racing studios out there.
There are way too many requests, but I can't blame gamers for wanting more, GT5 was very dissapointing to a lot of people when released in 2010 due to Sony wanting to rush PD to complete the game. 1.5 years later, and the game is still not complete.
I don't blame PD since they really didn't have much time to make. out of the 5 years between GT4 & 5, I bet PD was only working on GT5 for 2.5 years; maybe less.

The rest of the time was used towards other games such as GTHD, GT5: Prologue, Gran Turismo PSP, & Tourist Trophy.
So would it be better for pd to state we cant get x car due to we arent allowed the licence?
Things change mate you know that, they may have not be able to get the license for the X manufactures today and get it tomorrow, but it would be nice to share some infos from time to time.
*I want to be clear here that i am not comparing T10 with PD for the following line but is a very good example
Like T10 did when they said that they talked with EA but EA isnt willing to hand over porsche's, later on they did though.
However T10 showed off: You know guys we are hearing you, we tried, but...

would the dlc requests reduce with more communication from pd?
I believe so
The BMW e30 is the most wanted car in the feedback section, if PD just have stated: We know, but we have licensing problems, or we are working on it (<< that may trigger inpatient people go wild)...anyway.... people would at least get the feeling that PD isnt on a long vacation.

Plus what SimonK very well said here
It would help. I mean for example when has PD ever said what is happening with the Porsche licence beyond Kaz saying it'd be nice to have? Have they tried to get a sub licence? What is the problem and what are they planning to do about it? We can only guess and make assumptions.
*For the bolds
Really kaz? Thank you for sharing that cause honestly, i dont think that anyone that plays GT have ever thought of that.
Blame Burger King for it all. The "have it your way" has spread like a virus. I don't blame people for wanting things their way on a game that had release delays one after one, but then again, I am not a developer and have no idea how long it takes to make car models and track models.

I do however, wish there was more to the game. Simple add-in's that I wouldn't figure would be too difficult. Everyone does. From cars, more modification parts, tracks, wheels, color options, etc. The amount of request threads, and how far some requests go can get pretty crazy... but it's just people wishing.

I for one, like any DLC option released (except the racing suit pack... who cares, I don't look at the driver). I would rather we had some sort of DLC than nothing at all. Who knows when the next GT will ever be released.
It happens with every game nowadays. Put thousands of entitled gamers in an internet forum and 70% of the posts will either be DLC requests or complaints.

Finally someone has shear light on the madness. I thought I was losing my mind but, no its not just me it's the 70%. It may even be that select group of people that need IMO need to make there own video game so that they can see just how easy it is to please everybody all of the time. :-)
I don't think we're asking too much. The car wish lists are pretty ridiculous but other than that.. I think everyone agrees on the same things the need attention. Sounds, Physics, Vehicle Upgrading/tuning etc..

Sounds are my biggest issue with the game. I'm not gonna sit here and beat a dead horse and complain but the sounds of driving and racing are 90% of the experience, for me anyway. I'm pretty sure we've got the message across to PD for most things.

I'm excited and anxious for GT6 just to see if they actually payed attention..
Like T10 did when they said that they talked with EA but EA isnt willing to hand over porsche's, later on they did though.
However T10 showed off: You know guys we are hearing you, we tried, but...

T10 has Microsoft money, nothing's out of their reach. That's pretty much why they got it, big bucks!
T10 has Microsoft money, nothing's out of their reach. That's pretty much why they got it, big bucks!

Good point microsoft has and are willing to throw the money around pd and sony are not.
T10 has Microsoft money, nothing's out of their reach. That's pretty much why they got it, big bucks!

Rumour. Fact is we don't know what EA/Turn10/Porsche had for an agreement.

Sony has enough money to get the sub-license. It seems that money isn't the only problem.
If you still think money was the only problem then you have to think Sony don't care about Porsche or the community.

I think they have enough money, but are not willing to make a sub-license deal or can't do it for other reasons.

Good point microsoft has and are willing to throw the money around pd and sony are not.


Sony just bought Gaikai but some people think they don't have enough money to buy a manufacture license or sub-license.

Maybe MS paid for the Porsche license we don't know.

Pls Note: Money is and was NEVER the problem for the GT and Forza Franchise. Sony and MS have enough money, but the discuss if they spend the money for XY license.
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Rumour. Fact is we don't know what EA/Turn10/Porsche had for an agreement.

Sony has enough money to get the sub-license. It seems that money isn't the only problem.
If you still think money was the only problem then you have to think Sony don't care about Porsche or the community.

I think they have enough money, but are not willing to make a sub-license deal or can't do it for other reasons.


Sony just bought Gaikai but some people think they don't have enough money to buy a manufacture license or sub-license.

Maybe MS paid for the Porsche license we don't know.

Pls Note: Money is and was NEVER the problem for the GT and Forza Franchise. Sony and MS have enough money, but the discuss if they spend the money for XY license.

Its not so much not having the money more unwilling to spend it.
Rumour. Fact is we don't know what EA/Turn10/Porsche had for an agreement.

Sony has enough money to get the sub-license. It seems that money isn't the only problem.
If you still think money was the only problem then you have to think Sony don't care about Porsche or the community.

I think they have enough money, but are not willing to make a sub-license deal or can't do it for other reasons.


Sony just bought Gaikai but some people think they don't have enough money to buy a manufacture license or sub-license.

Maybe MS paid for the Porsche license we don't know.

Pls Note: Money is and was NEVER the problem for the GT and Forza Franchise. Sony and MS have enough money, but the discuss if they spend the money for XY license.

Fact, what fact. If you don't believe money is in play here, you are on another planet!

I will look for some figures, but I'm certain MS grosses way more than Sony. They can afford to pay the higher price tags. I'm not implying that Sony is broke, I'm just saying "the giant" MS has mor le and is willing to pay the higher price tag.

As per you note, most, if not all, sub licensing acquisitions are done through bid, who ever has more, will get it. Is it that hard to understand? Your keyword in your statement there was "was", things change, corporations get greedy.
Rumour. Fact is we don't know what EA/Turn10/Porsche had for an agreement.

... or can't do it for other reasons.

Exclusivity. Magical word.

Same word that prohibited Ferrari being on PlayStation systems during last-gen (their agreement with Microsoft) until Ferrari Licensing Department decided to forget the exclusivity in order to allow promotion of the brand.

Same word that allowed Bernie Ecclestone to fully convert policy of his licensing department from issuing multi-licenses to multi-licensers (pre-2000) to current situation where only one license-holder is choosen after license-pitch (post-2000). With Ferrari as notable exception (as we know it from GT5) due to their unique position in accordances of Concorde Agreement.

Same word that allowed people from Simraceway to sign an exclusive licensing deal with the McLaren group about exclusive licensing their entire historical catalogue, including all F1 cars, with exception of MP4-26 (because it is covered by FOAC license).

Same word that granted Microsoft rights to GTA IV expansion packs on first half year. Or COD expansion packs. Or Pagani Huayra being in the Shift 2 game for the first 6 months after release for EA.

Money and will to do something. Someone comes with money and invest and want his investment protected. Those are other reasons. Having Porsche as exclusive brand in their title is comparative advantage to Microsoft (Turn 10) over Sony (Polyphony). And be sure they will do whatever they can to keep that comparative advantage to themselves. Because that particular comparative advantage is very, very important *mindset asset*. And it also provides additional profits.

Money can buy many things, but contracts are contracts and long-term business relations are long-term business relations. Sometimes you can have all the money in the world but still couldn't buy something you like.

Or you don't find it feasible. Or whatever. But real-life is often much more complicated than you think it is.
Fact, what fact. If you don't believe money is in play here, you are on another planet!

I only said. Fact es we don't know what the Deal includes!
Money? Other thing? A little bit of both? We don't know.

I will look for some figures, but I'm certain MS grosses way more than Sony. They can afford to pay the higher price tags. I'm not implying that Sony is broke, I'm just saying "the giant" MS has mor le and is willing to pay the higher price tag.

And Sony can afford it too.

As per you note, most, if not all, sub licensing acquisitions are done through bid, who ever has more, will get it. Is it that hard to understand? Your keyword in your statement there was "was", things change, corporations get greedy.


I know that Money is needed, but it can have other reasons.
Do you need an example?

The Indie game "Limbo" was a XBLA Summer game and time exclusiv. Money wasn't the main issue according to the developer.
They talked with Sony before. The Problem was Sony wanted the rights on the IP and wasn't willing to let the developer own the own IP.

So the developer started talking with MS.

If i remind correct Turn10 said that they have a good relationship with Porsche and both talked with EA.

Of course Money is needed but you still need good contacts to achieve it. They can make other agreements to.

For example:
I give you this and you get this. You can't say it was only the money, bevause we don't know. And as i said if money is the only problem Sony could make an agreement too. They have enough money and the fans want Porsche. But they seem to don't care or can't do a agreement for other reasons.
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I gladly pay 60$ each 5 years than buying a "full price demo" each 2 years,
GT5 did everything I expected GT to do, yes, I was shocked about the standard / premium cars at first but then just got over it and. Career is also abit too short but isnt as hearbreaking as some people tends to name it.
Dont know how many here does work as a game developer, but to think how much work does it need to create a racing game like Gran Turismo, especially when they coded GT5 from scratch (Physics, graphics, sounds, tracks, layouts, online etc)

I say people are expecting way too much these days, and still the same people buy every CoD game once a year, which doesnt change one bit.

Afterall, as their first big title for PS3, GT5 really added alot of things that havent ever been in the franchise until now, so are we really the people to judge them about their work ?

More simple, once you buy a product, you voted for YES, if you didnt buy the game, you did vote for NO.
Dont know how many here does work as a game developer, but to think how much work does it need to create a racing game like Gran Turismo, especially when they coded GT5 from scratch (Physics, graphics, sounds, tracks, layouts, online etc)

I think they didn't create sounds from scratch. They used the old sounds. I saw a comparison with a GT1 car vs GT5 premium car. Same sound.

We have premium tracks and standard tracks. They didn't create all tracks from scratch.

Well but i agree that they done the engine and some other things from scratch.

Afterall, as their first big title for PS3, GT5 really added alot of things that havent ever been in the franchise until now, so are we really the people to judge them about their work ?

Yes because we want GT to get better and buy the product. If we don't judge or critizise GT and just buy it we will get Call of Turismo soon.
And no one want this.

More simple, once you buy a product, you voted for YES, if you didnt buy the game, you did vote for NO.

Good sentence
The license might have been sold to the highest bidder with some help of backroom deals, who knows ? We all know that Porsche license must have been wanted by more than one company, that's for sure, to get exclusive rights on something is not an easy job of saying " Shut up and take my money ", no matter how much money was given.
I agree that the " other reasons" known only to the licensor and licensee is at play, and we can't simply blame the losing party. License battles happen all the time, we can't blame all who lose by saying that they don't or unwilling to spend more than the winner.
The license might have been sold to the highest bidder with some help of backroom deals, who knows ? We all know that Porsche license must have been wanted by more than one company, that's for sure, to get exclusive rights on something is not an easy job of saying " Shut up and take my money ", no matter how much money was given.
I agree that the " other reasons" known only to the licensor and licensee is at play, and we can't simply blame the losing party. License battles happen all the time, we can't blame all who lose by saying that they don't or unwilling to spend more than the winner.

Do you suggest that MS has the exclusiv Porsche license now?

EA has still the exclusiv license and according to Turn10 the Deal from EA with Porsche will not run out soon.
^I was referring to EA when they got the exclusive license, another backroom deal with Turn10 maybe ?

Why with Turn10? EA has the Porsche license for years now. Turn10 only made a sub-license agreement with EA/Porsche.

EA can decide if they allow Turn10 or other developer to use the Porsche license.

We are getting a little bit off topic now
Why with Turn10? EA has the Porsche license for years now. Turn10 only made a sub-license agreement with EA/Porsche.

EA can decide if they allow Turn10 or other developer to use the Porsche license.

I am simply guessing, no mean to offend the said companies. Why would EA only sub license agreement to certain limited number of party ? Did Porsche as the original grantee have a role in it ? Or is it simply EA discretion to give the sub license according to their needs, strategy or wants ? We might never know, but I suspect that PD tried and they failed to acquire the license not for obvious reason of money.
Yes because we want GT to get better and buy the product. If we don't judge or critizise GT and just buy it we will get Call of Turismo soon.
And no one want this.

Judging by majority of *requests* and *criticisms* prevalent at GTPlanet you would get exactly that: Call of Gran Turismo. And Forza Turismo, naturally.

Hopefully, GT will always stay GT.
I am simply guessing, no mean to offend the said companies. Why would EA only sub license agreement to certain limited number of party ? Did Porsche as the original grantee have a role in it ? Or is it simply EA discretion to give the sub license according to their needs, strategy or wants ?

Maybe Sony never ask for the Porsche sub- license? I can't answer your questions because no one can. We don't know what EA do or want from a company to make an agreement. Or if Sony care about the Porsche sub-license?

To many open questions to answer it :(

Hopefully, GT will always stay GT.

While i agree with this sentence i have to add something. Well said amar212 btw ;)

I think GT needs to make the next Step now. A new career mode and more A Spec events, better AI, better tuning and so on.

The sound must improve heavily.
We will see what GT6 will be. I hope GT6 - The Real Gran Turismo 5 racing game will blow us away.
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Maybe Sony never ask for the Porsche sub- license? I can't answer your questions because no one can. We don't know what EA do or want from a company to make an agreement. Or if Sony care about the Porsche sub-license?

To many open questions to answer it :(

We don't know the real answer, we can only speculate :(
PD most likely did have an interest as they have Ruf in the game, they would have wanted the original to appear in the game as well. Business deals are often trivial matters, the big wigs sometimes made weird decisions that are unpopular or unpredictable, but by looking at EA and MS somewhat "smoother" business relationship in gaming industry than EA with Sony " bumpier" one, the outcome was not that surprising to me. Just my opinion.
Sony just bought Gaikai but some people think they don't have enough money to buy a manufacture license or sub-license.

Maybe MS paid for the Porsche license we don't know.

Pls Note: Money is and was NEVER the problem for the GT and Forza Franchise. Sony and MS have enough money, but the discuss if they spend the money for XY license.

Gaikai is an investment for the whole Sony Playstation brand, and possibly even their mobile electronics division. It's an investment that will carry into the long future. You can't compare that to an investment of a TEMPORARY sub-license for Porsche for a single racing franchise, which btw seems to be doing just great without. I think their (Sony) priority is elsewhere for now if they're to help PD.
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