Resource: Satellite Track Maps From Around The World

  • Thread starter motzkopf
Something everybody can do by himself!

great list ... but i'm not finding any scale or measuring tool .... am i missing it?
google earth provides a very accurate tools for our purposes
great list ... but i'm not finding any scale or measuring tool .... am i missing it?
google earth provides a very accurate tools for our purposes

You can copy Road and Track's maps to your google mymaps. If you click through the tracks some of them have been mapped and you can use the "draw a line" feature (use walking or bicycle) to trace the track on the map (it should follow the mapped track) and export it to a KML file which you upload to your tablet and import into Eifel Flat.

For satellite map images, you'll need to add a visual scale to scale it in the Track Path Editor with an image editor; I used Photoshop to create one for Road America.

Using images is a lot more involved to get them placed at the proper scale. Finding tracks that have already been added to google maps is the easiest route, as you can trace them and export KML files which import at the proper scale.

But when you have a copy of the map in your mymaps, just change the base map to satellite and you have the measurement tool.
thanx, at the moment, i am using google earth for the track image with an east-west, or north-south, line drawn with the ruler tool, usually 800 meters exactly, then screen cap

this gives me correct orientation to north, and a clear line to scale and match to the grid in the track editor


i much prefer 'drawing' it myself, tracing a satellite photograph, massaging my track to the actual tarmac,
rather than relying on the track editor to just center a track surface on a single car trace with GPS, or a single line drawn by me

matching my surface to the photographed surface allows me get a more faithful reproduction

that said, there are so many other 'little things' that prevent real accuracy, elevation and camber, to name a couple, that whatever method works for any of us is fine

i know my way can be tedious, infuriating, a total nightmare, compared to loading a KML or GPS file, but i prefer the results
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I do the following steps and its perfect

-Open google earth/google maps or another satellite map view
-Find the track and center it to the screen
-Press "Print screen" button, and paste the screen capture in Paint or another image managing tool. Crop it.
-Import it to the tablet and start doing the track
-Find the lenght of the main straight and scale it accordingly with the app lenght guide, and you should get an approximate enough length of the whole track.

Using a satellite image instead of a map is more useful because you can also try to replicate the environment (forest and other stuff) and the kerbs aswell.