Rest In Noise, Fred Phelps

  • Thread starter Pupik
And the world is a better place without him. He was a truly hateful man.

If it were the 1700's he'd be one of those guys who kills those who won't convert to Christianity 'in the name of the Lord' 👎 Rot in Hell for all I care. He either never paid attention in church, or skipped the part of the bible that says, 'love the sinner, not the sin.'

But to answer the OP's question, no, I wouldn't protest just to show that it's wrong. Even if it would feel great.

I agree with those from above. I think they would take some sort of glee if people showed up to protest. Better to let his work and his message die cold and alone in Nowhereville, Kansas.
I know, but couldn't resist ;)

Out of interest, have WBC said what the plans for ex-Phelps are, or will he simply be "collected" in the same way as Satan's Corvette was from the GM museum? :)
To those commenting on the funeral, there won't be one according to his daughter. Hmm, I wonder what ever reason that could be. :rolleyes:

A horrible man. But a man nevertheless. Sadly consumed with hatred.

Perhaps we can take something from this. Rather than discuss how we're all so glad he's dead and how he was evil, instead look upon his life and his actions, and try to be better than him. We can be tolerant and reasonable. We can resist being hateful. Let's be glad for that. If we behave in a hateful way towards him, are we much better?
To those commenting on the funeral, there won't be one according to his daughter. Hmm, I wonder what ever reason that could be. :rolleyes:


Because they believe funerals to be idolatrous.

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