Genuinely interested, where is the evidence that GT is too hard as standard and it frustrates people? Lot's of statements in this thread without any evidence.
Well am tempted to say it's too common sense to need graphs or polls to prove (kind of like saying "please show me some data that many people find driving an indy race car competitively too difficult).
But if you even look around these forums, there is no shortness of the elitest attitude that GT is the very challenging and it runs to the point that many members would point friends towards other games with the knowledge that GT would be out of their league.
Personal experience shows me that there are plenty of people who find GT to have too steep a learning curve... Just in my circle of friends I know quite a few people who don't play GT because it's just a frustrating experience.
If you really don't believe GT is challenging enough that there are people who don't buy it simply because of it's difficulty... well I don't know what to say... I honestly thought it was kind of a given.
for many years i've read that GT is not simulative , is too easy ..
and many comparasions with other games (rfactor .. GTR and other)
etc etc
and NOW .. GT is so difficult to put this childish option ???
It is entirely possible to be too difficult for many and also too easy for many at the same time. Especially if you are crossing platform boudaries and marketing demographics (PC gamers vs Console gamers have a lot of overlap, but their niche markets tend have a lot of differences).
In fact it is exactly the fact that there are people who find GT too hard and GT too easy that shows that GT has potential market untapped. By putting in things that give what either party wants, GT could gain those markets. Even better offer something for both markets (ie options to help lesser skilled drivers like auto brake and rewind as well as options to make the game more challenging like a professional physics option and damage).
It could be well accepted, but I wonder if it would be a deal breaker. I'm no Pachter, so I won't go any further.
That's not a question that can be answered yes or no. For some it could well be a deal breaker, for some it might not matter at all, for some it could be a put off. It's like asking "If we put brussel sprouts on the menu will people like it?". Some will, some won't, some won't care.
I wasn't necessarily talking about rewind, but the dangers of spending time and money in order to expand your audience.
Yes and as I said it's definitely something to address. I think it's pretty safe to say there is a large casual gamer market out there that is untapped by GT so far, and also safe to say that the majority of GT fans will not abandon GT regardless of options aimed towards lesser drivers as long as the ability to play the challenging game they are used to is also included. ie rewind won't chase them away as long as professional physics and the ability to turn off/not use driving aids is available.
But I keep thinking to myself: if the game kept the same core experience as opposed to try to be a GTA rip off, wouldn't it have done better? That relates to what I said about the "vibe" of the game (I know it's a bad term, but I can't think of anything better). It's true the game has to go forward, but in the Driver case, wouldn't it be better to expand on other things, but keep the same core gameplay?
Anythings possible but I think driver was in a lose lose situation. Being a one trick pony with an awesome trick is a double edged sword and that's where driver was. Eventually no matter how great, people will have gotten all they want of your trick and it will be time to turn to a new interest. I don't think driver could really have taken the core gameplay of driver much farther (at least in a manner that allowed to keep releasing good games often enough to stay in businness).
I think they were in a bad position where people were looking for more tricks than they had and the competition was doing more tricks really well. They had to try expanding becuase their one trick just wasn't gonig to cut it anymore, and to put it frankly as you know, they didn't do a very good job of it.
As for GT, I do agree the series can't stop in time. But I don't agree that it must implement rewind in order to go forward.
At this point I don't think you can say it must get rewind to move forward. Just like it doesn't NEED WRC or NEED NACAR to move forward. There are plenty of options to move forward and no one of them is really necessary as long as GT does SOMETHING to move forward and does it well.
But that said, you have to remember GT doesn't exist in a vacum and relative progress is as important as abosolute progress. What I mean is that if GT was the only game in town, any improvement would be noteable. But with competition showing other improvements, not having those improvements could easily be considered a failure and damaging.
I think it's wrong to think that if rewind takes away the tension of the race then it's my fault. ... It's not that I have low will-power, it's the case my desire to win is even greater.
It is acually quite literally your fault and not the games fault. As you see above, you find the problem isn't the game, it's your desire to win. What stands between you and what you want is a fault in your own control of desires.
I think we have become accustomed to GT taking care of this for us, now that it may no longer take care of keeping your desires in check for you, it's easy to blame the game, but really, it's always been you that was the problem, before the solution just came from outside.
As I said, I don't use God codes despite my desire to win.. I have learned to keep that desire in check and thus have rectified that fault.
It's important to remember what "it's my fault" really means... a fault is a failure in something and if you fail to keep your desires in check, the fault is in you. It has a very negative intonation, but it can very much just be an obvservation.
So bascially your saying, Rewind will let causal player feel better, because they can rewind 1000 of times, until they get that corner right?
But you still havent explained to me, how Rewind changes the driving phyics. It only corrects the mistakes, but the driving phyics is still their, which causes the person to be frustrated in the first place. If they havent learned how to adapt to the driving phyics in this game, they will always be frustrated .
You should really listen to turbo's advice...
But I will try again...
How will rewind change the game physics?
It won't.
Does that mean people are doomed to be forever frustrated because the gamme never gets easier?
Well... are you now better at GT than when you first played? I would think the answer is yes?
Is that a result of GT's physics getting easier? I would think no.
So how come you are better? I will bet it's large part practice isn't it?
What does rewind do? It lets you practice efficiently and easily while alleviating the frustration of being completely dusted for making a mistake.
I Just dont see how a person would be less frustrated with the game, with or with out that option. Because once again, let me explain it, that a 4 year old would understand, Rewind only corrects mistakes, doesnt change how the game plays.
Unfortunately your kind gesture of simplifying the explanation is wasted because... you're wrong.
Rewind doesn't correct anything.
The player changing how they play corrects things.
Remember, rewind lets you do it again, but in the end you still have to do it right.
Does practicing the piano make pianos work in a different way? No... it makes you better at it and thus less frustrating and difficult. And just like racing, practicing only the part of a song that is giving you problems is probably going to be more efficient and less unpleasant than being forced to go through the whole thing just to try that one part agian.
I highly doubt that PD is worried about that. They will sale millions, regardless if rewind is in the game.
If you don't think Sony and PD are constantly considering sales, you are sadly mistaken. They are a business, they have invested at least an estimated $60 million dollars in this product (I would actually have guessed more) their is no way they aren't concerened about capturing sales.
If you ask a person why didnt they buy GT5, I bet they wouldnt say, oh because it didnt have rewind option. Most likely they will say , just wasnt my type of game for what ever reason.
Because if a person is buying a racing game, just for rewind option (which I dont see any one buying a game just for this option) then its good that they didnt buy it.
You keep saying that... people woudln't buy a game just because it has rewind... I didn't say they will buy it for rewind (as in "I am going to the store today and will buy a game with rewind!) I said that if they have been shying away from the difficulty and frustartion of playing GT before, options that help remove those frustrations (like rewind) may help them stop avoiding GT for fear of a frustratinng and not fun experience.
Mulligans do it for golf, taking back a move does it for chess... rewind can do it for a racing game.
You make these long chains of assumptions as if each is fact to get yourself to your desired destination... (ie a person would do this, then they would do that, the reason they would do that is this) and at best those assumptions may be true of some people, but can't be made to represent all people as you use them to in your arguments.
If you really want to debate, you will need to open your mind to consider what the other person says before disputing it...