- 4,323
Rewind = gimmick
Please keep the gimmicks away from GT please.
I have heard this a few times... what exactly is so gimmicky about it and is that thing actually bad?
Main Entry: 1gim·mick
Pronunciation: \ˈgi-mik\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1922
1 a : a mechanical device for secretly and dishonestly controlling gambling apparatus b : an ingenious or novel mechanical device : gadget
2 a : an important feature that is not immediately apparent : catch b : an ingenious and usually new scheme or angle c : a trick or device used to attract business or attention <a marketing gimmick>
GT is not a gambling apparatus. Most other definitions paint a rather positive light on the work gimmick. In fact I would say this is probably the most accurate sounding one to me 2 a : an important feature that is not immediately apparent :
The sales thing is the only one left...
Now if this is something being used to attract marketing or attention, why would that be bad for the game and why should it be left out?
Basically I am asking, how exactly does the work gimmicky apply to rewind and whatever way that is, why is that something negative that needs to be kept out of the game? To me the definition that best applies paints rewind in a very positive light and the only one that might be negative at best is an attack on marketing and not an attack on the function itself.
Have you never encountered a moment in your life where you put a thing elsewhere because you wanted to escape the temptation to use it?
Sure... but not things I don't want or don't like... to me that's like saying "I hate brussel sprouts, you better hide them from me lest I eat one even though I don't like them or want to eat them!"
I'm baffled by this comment. Who said they were too good to need rewind?
And for the majority, having the button within reach will be tempting. Removing the button will remove the temptation of using a feature the gamer has chose to live without. I wouldn't expect you to understand this, it's based on the logic that Rewind is a form of cheating.
Well if you don't need rewind, what are you saying if you aren't saying you are good enough that you don't need it?
I don't need training wheels on a bike. Because I can ride a bike well enough they offer me no benefit.
I don't need glasses because my eyes are good enough they offer me no benefit.
If you don't need rewind, aren't you saying you are good enough that it's not of use to you?
So it sounds like from your explanation, the term "I don't need it" would be more correctly replaced with "I am afraid I will succumb to my own desires unless they are removed from my grasp"?
I just don't get it... I mean I don't need people to remove god mode cheats or no clip cheats from games despite the fact I could easily get to them. Why? Because I don't need them and I don't like them so, much like brussel sprouts, I don't need them to be hidden from me.
BTW as for the hardcore SIM argument and why it's in, I forget who but someone on here quoted a line intended for Sonic (but which applies to most games) that went something like:
The sooner hardcore Sonic fans realize they are the minority, the sooner they will realize why a Sonic game will never be aimed at them again.