Reverse Game Confirmed or highly probably in GT5 (or maybe not)!

  • Thread starter Zathra5_
Because it might be tempting?

If you want to lose weight, you put away those super-yummy chocolate bars you come across every day. If you want to stop smoking, you put away the packs of cigarettes lying around everywhere. Why? Because you know that when you see them, you will be tempted to eat and smoke again.

Now, I am absolutely certain that a lot of members who say that they'd never use the rewind function will come across moments in their life with Gran Turismo where they'll at least consider doing it.

You know ... that perfect lap. In the time trial. The one you were trying to do like a million times before. And you finally nail it, getting all the sections, corners, difficult pieces perfectly. And you force yourself into concentrating on driving, trying to suppress the ever growing "I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna make it!" feeling. And then, you screw up the last corner. Rats! This would have been the perfect lap! I'll never get it this cleanly again!

... and then, there's that innocent little button. It whispers ... "press me, and all your misery will go away!". And you think "No way, I will not use rewind, it's like cheating!". But the button is there. And it knows that it will get you one day, one way or another.

That is why people say there should be an option to turn rewind off completely in the game. Sure, you can still turn it on in the menu, but when turned off, the temptation of randomly using it will be gone.

Well stopping smoking and stopping eating are things you are trying to stop doing that you already enjoy doing too much... I would think starting to do something else, something you are too good to need would be pretty different.

For instanceI don't smoke, I don't need to smoke and I don't have any use for smoking... you can leave packs of cigarettes all around... it's not going to change that I don't smoke.

So I when someone says "I want to turn it off because I would never use it"... well again I just don't see why one necessitates the other...

It is so hard for you to comprehend this simple aspect of human psychology?

I think while smoking is addictive it is sort of irrelevant, Devedander is right for that, if you don't smoke and don't want to, you never will. But rewind and food are different. Everybody eats, everybody playing this game races and makes mistakes from time to time. So resisting rewind is like resisting the urge to eat the less healthier food, its still tempting. But if its not an option you will not be tempted by it.

To put it another way, if you give a man something and take it away again, he will be angry. If you give him nothing in the first place he has no reason to be angry at you. Not the best of examples, but its similar. By not mapping the rewind button onto the controller, we are removing the temptation. By the sounds of it you will succumb to said temptation, and it will take time for you to adjust without it, because even with a great deal of practice, when you make that inevitable mistake you will 1) Not be used to recovering from a spin and 2) be tempted to start using rewind again.

If you remove the temptation from the start there will be no problems. This is why even some hardcore GT fanboys claimed to use rewind when playing Forza. There is no option to remove the feature, only the option not to use it, but it is always there, tormenting you.
My biggest gripe if rewind is included (as mentioned before) is the use of another precious button, I hope you have to press pause and select it to use it.

If they FINALLY make that you actually shift to Reverse (or use the Brake in AT) instead of "celebrating more than a decade of press triagle for reverse", you have your button right there :)

This is why even some hardcore GT fanboys claimed to use rewind when playing Forza...

And I liked it a LOT :D
If they FINALLY make that you actually shift to Reverse (or use the Brake in AT) instead of "celebrating more than a decade of press triagle for reverse", you have your button right there :)

Well I am also thinking of the possibility of other controls that might be needed/wanted, like windscreen wipers, headlights or other possible things. Many will (if included) probably be automatically switched and/or even real time settings but buttons are scarce.

I do trust they will find a good balance and assignments can be adjusted later but I wouldn't want any function dropped out for lack of controls and rewind is on the far end of my wish list.
I see, no more learning from mistakes, just rewind and it never happened. No experience gained and the money earned.
Rewind kills the spirit of racing, just because the fear of crashing is completely gone and noone needs to learn the perfect line on a whole track, any mistake can be undone.

IF it really comes to GT5, i shall never use it!

By the way, you dont need one button rewind, just put the rewind feature into the pause menu.
The fact of the matter is, experienced players will get more out of the game without rewind.

I'll be getting just as much out of the game with or without it. In fact, I'm more likely to get more with rewind than without. I think that statement only applies to you (and maybe some others), but even then it might only be because you misunderstand rewind.

As for the whole temptation thing, cigarettes are addictive, food is typically something you like. If everyone hates rewind so much, why would it temp you? I think that's what Dev is saying.

But I say, whatever, if you need it to get over rewind just let there be an option to turn it off whether it makes sense or not. I've seen it in games before, a sim I play on the computer allows you to mark enemy fighters positions on your screen. You can turn it on and off in game, so the need to make it defeatable as an option (which is also included) is completely redundant.
By the way, you dont need one button rewind, just put the rewind feature into the pause menu.

Yeah as I said in a above post, best solution IMO. Also allows rewinders to continue whenever they're ready by unpausing.

As for the whole temptation thing, cigarettes are addictive, food is typically something you like. If everyone hates rewind so much, why would it temp you? I think that's what Dev is saying.

Well when some people get so frustrated and desperate (when they should actually take a break) some people do things later they regret (not just in games obviously), much like people that apply cheats then later wish they didn't, but with cheats you have to go out of your way to get and enable cheats by that time you have committed yourself. Rewind mapped to a button makes the option very easy to jump on especially for weak willed people who really don't want to use it. A good option would be the ability to disable it (can be on by default) so you would have to go into options to re-enable it if you want to use it. I assume button mapping would be a easy way to disable it.

A friend of mine for example likes to do things in certain ways (in games), then late at night when he gets frustrated and tired folds in and 'cheats' or 'shortcuts' things, next day he kicks himself. His fault and he should know better but disable options helps weak willed people.

Oh and BTW, if it really does attract a good amount of new players to GT then I am all for it as a option.
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My summary regarding Rewind:

1) We have always been able to map buttons in Gran Turismo, even on the PSP. So, I am 99.999999% sure you can have it not mapped or out of the way. I don't even know why that is debatable.

2) From my experience with Forza 3, it allows me to play games with friends who otherwise get frustrated with Sim-like physics in a racing game and usually only find Burnout style driving fun. So, even if I don't use it I get extra enjoyment from it because I can play with (and likely beat) more of my friends.

3) It gives a great opportunity for a gold trophy to let the "hardcore" stand out of the crowd. So, even if you don't like it you may get some bragging rights, just like the A-Spec points.

4) More options never ruined anything. There is boost, racing lines, overly nanny like TCS and ASM, active steering (in GT PSP at least), and a lot of other helpful things in the GT series. This may just be another one.

5) I personally do not intend to use it for one simple reason. In GT4 I learned that when I tried using the boost as a "just in case" it became a crutch. I had to remove it from my cars or I used it to make up for bad driving. In Prologue I used the driving line to learn a track, but found I was actually worse after I turned it off. So, as all past aids have had more of a negative effect on my abilities than positive I intend to just avoid this altogether. But I will not judge those who make themselves better through its use. I will, however, judge my times without it differently than times achieved with it.

6) It is not confirmed. Reverse your game does sound like that is what he is referring to, but that is a translation then cleaned up by a journalist to sound like clean English. It could mean anything from wiping results to win the prizes again, like in GT4, to having multiple saves from various points in career mode so you can go back if you sold everything and spent your money on a bad car/upgrade choice and realize that you are stuck doing one race over and over until you earn a lot of money again. It could even be, as some have pointed at as a possibility, tied to replays. We don't know yet.
My summary regarding Rewind:

1) We have always been able to map buttons in Gran Turismo, even on the PSP. So, I am 99.999999% sure you can have it not mapped or out of the way. I don't even know why that is debatable.

2) From my experience with Forza 3, it allows me to play games with friends who otherwise get frustrated with Sim-like physics in a racing game and usually only find Burnout style driving fun. So, even if I don't use it I get extra enjoyment from it because I can play with (and likely beat) more of my friends.

3) It gives a great opportunity for a gold trophy to let the "hardcore" stand out of the crowd. So, even if you don't like it you may get some bragging rights, just like the A-Spec points.

4) More options never ruined anything. There is boost, racing lines, overly nanny like TCS and ASM, active steering (in GT PSP at least), and a lot of other helpful things in the GT series. This may just be another one.

5) I personally do not intend to use it for one simple reason. In GT4 I learned that when I tried using the boost as a "just in case" it became a crutch. I had to remove it from my cars or I used it to make up for bad driving. In Prologue I used the driving line to learn a track, but found I was actually worse after I turned it off. So, as all past aids have had more of a negative effect on my abilities than positive I intend to just avoid this altogether. But I will not judge those who make themselves better through its use. I will, however, judge my times without it differently than times achieved with it.

6) It is not confirmed. Reverse your game does sound like that is what he is referring to, but that is a translation then cleaned up by a journalist to sound like clean English. It could mean anything from wiping results to win the prizes again, like in GT4, to having multiple saves from various points in career mode so you can go back if you sold everything and spent your money on a bad car/upgrade choice and realize that you are stuck doing one race over and over until you earn a lot of money again. It could even be, as some have pointed at as a possibility, tied to replays. We don't know yet.

Agree 100%. 👍
My summary regarding Rewind:

1) We have always been able to map buttons in Gran Turismo, even on the PSP. So, I am 99.999999% sure you can have it not mapped or out of the way. I don't even know why that is debatable.

2) From my experience with Forza 3, it allows me to play games with friends who otherwise get frustrated with Sim-like physics in a racing game and usually only find Burnout style driving fun. So, even if I don't use it I get extra enjoyment from it because I can play with (and likely beat) more of my friends.

3) It gives a great opportunity for a gold trophy to let the "hardcore" stand out of the crowd. So, even if you don't like it you may get some bragging rights, just like the A-Spec points.

4) More options never ruined anything. There is boost, racing lines, overly nanny like TCS and ASM, active steering (in GT PSP at least), and a lot of other helpful things in the GT series. This may just be another one.

5) I personally do not intend to use it for one simple reason. In GT4 I learned that when I tried using the boost as a "just in case" it became a crutch. I had to remove it from my cars or I used it to make up for bad driving. In Prologue I used the driving line to learn a track, but found I was actually worse after I turned it off. So, as all past aids have had more of a negative effect on my abilities than positive I intend to just avoid this altogether. But I will not judge those who make themselves better through its use. I will, however, judge my times without it differently than times achieved with it.

6) It is not confirmed. Reverse your game does sound like that is what he is referring to, but that is a translation then cleaned up by a journalist to sound like clean English. It could mean anything from wiping results to win the prizes again, like in GT4, to having multiple saves from various points in career mode so you can go back if you sold everything and spent your money on a bad car/upgrade choice and realize that you are stuck doing one race over and over until you earn a lot of money again. It could even be, as some have pointed at as a possibility, tied to replays. We don't know yet.

Great post! I also agree with everything. Let me add though..

7) One less thing people will complain about the game not having. Even though I would prioritize other features before rewind, its still one more check mark on the list.

P.S. I agree with irnbrutwinturbo that the thread title is misleading and should be changed by an admin.

My Suggestion is to just take out the word "Confirmed" and replace it with "Possibly"
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I have never used "Rewind" in any game that has had it as an option (and I've had them all). I still have the first Formula 1 game for the PS1 and will go back and check it for this feature as someone stated on Page 2 of this thread. I did however try it once in DIRT2, just to see what it looked like and how it functioned, but simply do not believe it has any tangeble benefits. One learns to be a better driver by suffering their own mistakes, not by erasing them.

The same can be said for "auto braking". It was said that it would help you to learn the correct braking points and I disagree completely. You would learn the correct braking points by being forced to learn them, not by having the game do it for you.

I also agree with the people who think that having the "racing line" shown for them doesn't really help you turn a faster lap. I have never been to a race track that had a dashed line painted on the surface :)

I will also accept the fact that I am a bit of a hypocrite in that I occassionaly have no problem with "Restarting" a race because of an error I have made. This is actually the same thing as "rewind" but to an earlier point in time, that's all. I know this has been stated before, and I agree with it philosophically.
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There I changed the thread name. I hope everyone is happy. We are now on page 19 about a minor feature that we have no idea of how it will be implemented in GT. Aren't there more important things to discuss? Is the name of a thread about a minor feature that will be probably be in GT really that important?
There I changed the thread name. I hope everyone is happy. We are now on page 19 about a minor feature that we have no idea of how it will be implemented in GT. Aren't there more important things to discuss? Is the name of a thread about a minor feature that will be probably be in GT really that important?

I dont think its a "minor" feature at all. The many threads and polls and posts on the subject prove, to me at least, that it isn't.

P.S. That thread title is stupid but funny, well done!
I just find it so funny, seeing these posters taking his comment, as confirmation that its in the game. Think I will just wait till he actually tells us what he meant by rewind. it can mean alot of things, such as rewinding replys etc.
I have never used "Rewind" in any game that has had it as an option (and I've had them all). I still have the first Formula 1 game for the PS1 and will go back and check it for this feature as someone stated on Page 2 of this thread. I did however try it once in DIRT2, just to see what it looked like and how it functioned, but simply do not believe it has any tangeble benefits. One learns to be a better driver but suffering their own mistakes, not by erasing them.

The same can be said for "auto braking". It was said that it would help you to learn the correct braking points and I disagree completely. You would learn the correct braking points by being forced to learn them, not by having the game do it for you.

I also agree with the people who think that having the "racing line" shown for them doesn't really help you turn a faster lap. I have never been to a race track that had a dashed line painted on the surface :)

I will also accept the fact that I am a bit of a hypocrite in that I occassionaly have no problem with "Restarting" a race because of an error I have made. This is actually the same thing as "rewind" but to an earlier point in time, that's all. I know this has been stated before, and I agree with it philosophically.

I agree, a lot of assists don't help you learn. But the thing is that there are players that don't necessarily want to learn. That's exactly why so many people play Guitar Hero instead of taking the time to learn a real instrument.

Some argue that since GT is a simulator, it shouldn't have these features. But I disagree. They're entirely optional for those who don't want to use them, and it allows the vast number of non-hardcore players who are inevitably going to buy GT to enjoy it.
Actually since the polls show most people don't want it and won't use it makes it a minor feature in my opinion. The amount of attention this feature gets is way out of proportion to how important it is.
Actually since the polls show most people don't want it and won't use it makes it a minor feature in my opinion. The amount of attention this feature gets is way out of proportion to how important it is.

How important it is to YOU.

The amount of attention this feature gets proves its not a minor issue to GTPlanet as a whole, though you obviously see it as minor and I am happy for you for seeing it that way.
How important it is to YOU.

The amount of attention this feature gets proves its not a minor issue to GTPlanet as a whole, though you obviously see it as minor and I am happy for you for seeing it that way.

Minor issue and minor feature are two different things. A feature that no one is going to use is a minor feature. I find that the fact that a minor feature is such a major issue with so many people rather amusing and perplexing.
The three most popular poll options in the "Should GT 5 have a Rewind Option?" thread were...

  • No, it shouldn't be in GT5. (210 votes)
  • I would never use it if it's in the game. (74 votes)
  • I don't care if it is included, nor if it isn't. (71 votes)

... so why is this thread so popular? Makes no sense to me. :confused:
sorry, I see what your saying now.

GT has been the hardcore console sim and we got a lot of hardcore sim guys here, myself included. I find it amusing and perplexing that people even want this feature.

P.S. what the guy below me said
So popular because its a small feature that, in my 'illogical' opinion, has a significant impact on the direction GT is going. I'm no way a GT pro, but I really do believe the dumbing down of GT to the arcade styles of NFS, for the sake of making the game easier for 'noobs', is a bad move.

I too agree that i do find it odd that fans of the GT series actually want this feature.
So popular because its a small feature that, in my 'illogical' opinion, has a significant impact on the direction GT is going. I'm no way a GT pro, but I really do believe the dumbing down of GT to the arcade styles of NFS, for the sake of making the game easier for 'noobs', is a bad move.

I too agree that i do find it odd that fans of the GT series actually want this feature.

The addition of an optional rewind feature wouldn't dumb the game down. Why? Because it's optional. Simply choose to not use it and magically the game becomes the same old GT we know and love!

And the people who aren't harcore racing fans and who are interested in GT5 for some reason or another still get to have some fun with the game.

So it's not really that I personally want the feature. It's that I disagree with anyone saying that GT shouldn't have this optional feature. With the option of rewind, those who don't want to use it can choose not to use it, and those who do want to use it can. That's what's called win-win. Arguing for rewind not to be present is arguing for win-lose instead of win-win. Which is fundamentally absurd.
Personally, I think it would be a nice tool to perfect corners on a track. You can't get more hardcore sim than that.
So popular because its a small feature that, in my 'illogical' opinion, has a significant impact on the direction GT is going. I'm no way a GT pro, but I really do believe the dumbing down of GT to the arcade styles of NFS, for the sake of making the game easier for 'noobs', is a bad move.

I too agree that i do find it odd that fans of the GT series actually want this feature.
I see then, and I agree with you. I would hate if this feature made it into the game, because it would make the game even more arcadish as you say.

The "Drag Racing Mode" poll has 218 yes votes so far while this feature had 210 no votes, so if drag racing is let out again (after promising it to be in GT2, 3 and 4) and this feature is implemented, I'm gonna be quite disapointed actually.
if i want to learn to drive, in every GT, i work for gold in all licence tests....

i'm wondering to think about a lot of childish record on youtube (or any other site)..

for example a 45" lap of tsukuba ....the result of 55 minutes of rewind :dopey::lol::lol::lol::lol:

and this isn't a good thing for GT ...
Looks like this discussion has run its course yet again. The people who think rewind will be useful won't understand why others hate it so much and those who adamantly don't want it won't understand why even hardcore sim people may find it useful. Looks like we will all get the choice to use it or not in GT5.

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