What do you mean by "ppl"?
Do you mean everyone? No absolutely not then.
Do you mean most people? MMM... I am gonna go with probably not.
Some people? Almost definitely...
But really what I am saying is that YOUR statement (which I understand to mean that rewind does not have the ability to sway any sales) is incorrect.
Basically I am saying that rewind has the potential to generate a sale, and also has the potential to save a sale.
Not often, but certainly I would think this type of scenario might well pop up. There are a lot of gamers who don't really know much about games and are basing their decisions on bullet points and features. And as I illustrated above, some that will find a feature they like and, knowing they like the feature, specifically look for it in other games and weigh in favor of those games that have it.
And that's where you go off kilter again... making a black and white generalized statement. You are making an assumption that rewind wasn't a factor and you are assuming the rational he used to pick one over the other - specifically you are assuming he won't use rewind as part of the rational when there is no reason preventing him from doing just that.
This is what I keep seeing from the people who 'won't buy it"... they have some fact set up in their head about how things will, it's a certaintly and it's always right and it thus proves the rest of their logic... accept it's not a certanitly and thus when used as one invalidates the rest of the argument.
First off, how do you know it didn't loose sales? What numbers are you using to compare "with forge" to "without forge sales"? But more importantly and really the issue, do you think it might have sold MORE if it had forge?
And there are your lost sales

Remember failing to capitalize on a potential sale is a lost sale.
And you would not be one of these potential sales. If everyone were just like you and thought and behaved just like you, then you would be right. No one would every buy a game with rewind over a game without based on rewind.
But not everyones like you... and that's where your whole argument falls apart. You base it on the assumption that the way you would do it is the way everyone would do it.
Do you think before replying?
First there are new gamers every day, gamers who weren't around since GT1, gamers who are just entering the market, or reentering the market. People who maybe up until now had no interest in racing games but for any number of reasons do.
Here is the same mistake being made... the assumption that everyone is like you and knows waht you know or is like the people in our little gtplanet universe.
And did you stop to think that what you said totally supports my point?
People HAVE figured out it's not casual friendly and guess what? That's probably causing a lot of casuals to not buy it... those are lost potential sales. See above.
Solution to losing these sales? Provide options that can make the game casual friendly without removing the core challenging gameply ie make evryone happy.
And here we go again, making up a fact and then basing an argument on it. You believe it's easy enough for casual players? Based on what?
Becuase I can tell you plenty of people who find Grid and NFS too challenging... heck I know people who can't keep the cars in GTA on the road.
Sorry but your belief that normal mode is easy enough for anyone doesn't make it so. However my experience with people for whom normal mode would be too difficult kind of backs my position (along with some common sense that GT's normal mode is still more demanding than many racing games).
I assume you mean how not having it would hurt PD?
I covered it above in quite some detail. Again, X+Y sales > Y sales.
You seem to be stuck on hurting PD in only one viewpoint and that is to loose sales. You fail to comprehend the idea behind failing to capitlize on a potential sale.
Again and as simple as it gets:
There are people who don't buy GT becuase it does not accomodate them.
If GT adds options that accomdodate them they may pick up those otherwise lost sales.
Failing to pickup those sales hurts.
Does that make sense?
That's because you keep talking in globals and certainties. Again, rewind won't magically make everyone buy GT and lack of it won't magically make no one buy GT.
But if you honestly don't see the potential for SOME people to buy GT with rewind where they might pass it up if it didn't have rewind... well then you are not thinking clearly or are in denial.
Again, do you think the ADDITION of forge might have INCREASED sales? See your problem is you are saying it didn't "stop" sales. No one is saying GT will not sell without rewind... the point is GT could only sell MORE if rewind is included.
There you go making assumptions, then extending them to generalizations and then making them facts again...
I am not saying GT fans who bought previous GTs and liked them will suddenly say "GT5 has no rewind? I am not buying!".
You have completely missunderstood what I am saying or suffer have some very odd logic in your head.
Way out there... I can only assume you have misstyped something here...
The point of the "it's your opinion statement" was that it's ONLY your opinon but not backed up with fact or at least reasonable examples and logical arguments.