
  • Thread starter husa
The standard MS driver is useless - it doesn't even let you adjust deadzones on the triggers and sticks! The XBCD driver allows you to adjust deadzones, rumble strength, remap buttons to different functions (you can make the triggers buttons instead of axes if you want) and some other stuff.

Cool. I have bought a controller, and am at that page now - which link do I download? I have Win 7 and the links only go up to XP.

I am trying to install it, (in win explorer) and all I get is a comandprompt window telling to to press any key, before closing the window and doing nothing else.

Then when I follow the steps, the option on the video that they choose when updating the driver doesn't appear when I try to do the same thing.

Any help?
Thanks mate, but it still isn't working. I uninstalled the other stuff, installed yours but when I open the sytem setup everthing is blocked (greyed out) except the exit button.
Oops - I mean XBCD setup utility.

Ok, so now I have the driver installed that came with the controller. (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows Version

On file I have the file you very kindly gave me, the file I downloaded from the site you gave me ages ago, and the XBCDv107.exe that it told me I had to get.

I tried following the steps, but nothing worked, so I uninstalled everything except the original (I think) driver.

So what do I do from there?
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Leave the standard MS driver installed at all times. Run the exe I gave you in post 817 (and nothing else). Connect the controller to your PC, and check Device Manager to see if "XBCD Xbox 360 Controller" is listed under HID.

As a second check, you should have an "XBCD" folder in C:\Program Files.

If it's not listed in devmgr, I'll uninstall my XBCD drivers and reinstall from scratch so I can work out the exact steps - as I mentioned earlier, it's been ages since I set up my controller so I can't remember what I had to do to get it working :lol:

edit: oh yes, make sure UAC is switched off, and if you get a warning about installing unsigned device drivers, click "install anyway" (or whatever the "screw you Windows, I want these drivers installed whether you like it or not" button is labelled)

I don't know what UAC is.

I played rFactor with the controller and setup the deadzones in game. The only thing that is really missing is the rumble, but I'm just so happy I can finally play the frigging game that it is not a problem at the moment.

I tried what you did and while I got what you did on screen (although I have a little yellow thing next to the the icon) and can open the utility window (albeit through right click>run as admin - not just double clicking it) but everything in there is disabled except "exit". When I first installed it, it came up with that warning window, but it doesn't anymore (tried installing, uninstalling more than once).

I reckon I'll sort that out when I get to uni - but right now I need to mod the 🤬 out of this, because I'm charged 1$ PER 10Mb, so I'll capitalise on my 80GB at home. :P

What are the best mods? I have the AE86 cup, Nurburgring 2007 and Joux Plane. I have my eye on "Historic GT & Touring Cars" and "Touring car legends" - is it worth getting both? There's one I want with a 930(?) Porsche RSR so I'd like that. Actually I'd quite like a Porsche cup too. Also what tracks? I have my eye on an Oran park one.

I need cars and tracks that people usually race with online, so that needs to be taken into consideration.
You can't go wrong with CTDP 2005 and 2006, MMG 2007, Touring Car Legends, Champcar World Series 2007 (iDT) and V8Factor/FVR 👍 As for tracks, Virtua_LM's Mid Ohio and Com8's Laguna Seca should be on the top of your list. They are simply sublime. Bathurst is good (duh), MMG Spa is excellent also.

Be warned, rFactor eats hard drive space like there's no tomorrow. My install was absurdly bloated at 55 gig, I had to put it on Jenny Craig :lol: It's now only 16 gig, and my hard drive is a lot better off for it :lol:
Cheers - I also have my eye on Group B rally cars and the 1991 F1.

I have 500gb of storage, and rFactor is pretty much the only game I'll play on it, so I reckon I have some space - but cheers for the warning. 👍
Im getting a new PC soon and im thinking of getting rFactor, is it the best sim available or is there better? And is it compatable with the DFGT wheel?
is it the best sim available or is there better?

There are better sims, but they cost way more than $30 and don't have nearly as much content as what is available for rfactor.

And is it compatible with the DFGT wheel?

It should work just fine. You should test it with the demo version first though just to make sure.
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iracing is probably the best consumer sim currently available. You have to pay a basic fee(there are different options ranging from monthly($14/month) to a couple years($179 for 2 years)) and you have to purchase each individual track and car separately($12-$15).

Here is a link to the subscription info.
Extract it. ;) Folders in Gamedata go into rFactor\Gamedata, files in rfm go into rFactor\rfm etc.
Er...I can't. :(

When I right click on it, there's no extract option, and when I try to open it it say there isn't a program on my lappy that supports it.

Just downloaded the Bathurst track and its the same deal.
Obviously not.


*goes on interwebz hunt*

Thanks for all this help. 👍 :)

EDIT: Downloaded 7 zip and got it working. :D
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I'm having issues with mods, mainly downloading them. Take this one for example, there are 6 different links. Do I DL all of them?

I also noticed to DL the Grand Slam mod you need a DL manager, where do I get one?


Edit: Simraceway is easier so I got it.
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No, you only need the Version 1.0 file and the 2.0 upgrade patch for VHR. Regarding the Grand Slam mod you don't need to use a download manager - it's merely hosted on the rfactorcentral server. You can download it just like you'd download anything else.
A couple of friends and I have a brilliant online fun session:

Two hours testing sessions.

Set lap times, test crashing, practice driving, all of that.

However, for the last 10-15 minutes, the chat is turned off. Every single car must set a fast lap. The winner of this gets to choose the mod and track for the next session.

We should have a go at this, I reckon. All we need is a server, with local access preferably, and we'd be good to go-or we could all pitch in to hire a server.

either way, yay or nay?
A couple of friends and I have a brilliant online fun session:

Two hours testing sessions.

Set lap times, test crashing, practice driving, all of that.

However, for the last 10-15 minutes, the chat is turned off. Every single car must set a fast lap. The winner of this gets to choose the mod and track for the next session.

We should have a go at this, I reckon. All we need is a server, with local access preferably, and we'd be good to go-or we could all pitch in to hire a server.

either way, yay or nay?

We could yeah, would be fun if you guys jumped on ventrilo too, I already have a ventrilo server setup so that wouldn't be a problem. As for the server.... Don't know how much they cost to hire on rFactor?
Mates server was rented, and is past it's lease.

If we were all to pitch in, it's quite expensive-around 35 euros with research.

Is anyone here on a decent wired network-we could go through you.