
  • Thread starter husa
Hi guys,
can point me a link or place where i can learn steps by steps how to add mods like cars and tracks? after adding what special function to do inorder to use them pls... thanks alot.
It is insanely easy, but there are some addons out there which can install the Mod/Track/Car/Addon for you. Or you could sign up and download from Simraceway. If you went ahead and download the mod you were attempting to add than unzip/rar the file (some come with an .exe file so you don't need to do this) then extract the subfolders to the proper directory in your rFactor folder, as indicated by the actual folders in the .rar file. For example if the rar contains a folder titled "Uldata" than extract everything from that section of the .rar file into the "Uldata" folder in the rfactor directory. (My computer > Drive: > Program Files > rFactor > Uldata). If a mod says Gamedata than open that up in the rar file before extracting and then extract those contents into the appropriate folders (sounds, locations, etc). If a track, for instance, comes with a folder of the track name then goto (My computer > Drive: > Program Files > rFactor > GameData > Locations) and extract the folder with the name of the track into the "Locations" directory.

*edit* Oops, I guess someone else answered before me.
Yes, basically just install the folder inside each one to the appropriate place. So if it says "sounds" there could be a folder inside called "V8Factor" for instance, you'd extract that to sounds. 👍

Locations are easy, simply extract the track straight to locations. 👍
Off-topic, but great to see the car used in the 3 screen shot is a Commodore from the Touring Car Legends Mod! :D

Yep, its the VK. Currently racing in an league at the moment with it.

Bit of a pig when its tight, but the power makes overtaking it impossible.
Finally someone reply me.. Thanks a million RyanWrek and Mad94D for your reply and advise. I did the steps already as you mentioned. Really... For example i copy and paste the files into respective folders or i run the mit evo exe file, after it i launch the rfactor game.. Where to see these vehicles? i go under customise, vehicles, forever is the KODA team only, the vehicles i installed will never be there?

After we copy paste or extract or run the exe, when we go back into the game? is there a special steps to do inorder to see the cars or tracks?

even though i paid the fee already, when i click the CONNECT button, it says demo version funtion not available...sigh.. I wrote to the rfactor support.. hoping they can shed some light also.. 3rd day of install uninstall and troubleshooting i still not getting anywhere...


Putting that into perspective, my hard drive is 250 gig total. The partition rf is installed on is 161GB. :scared:
Yep, its the VK. Currently racing in an league at the moment with it.

Bit of a pig when its tight, but the power makes overtaking it impossible.

Yeah, I race the VL TWR in a league at Adrenalin Factor, where do you race?
xgn (www.simraceway.com.au)

Raced the VL TWR last season.

Unfortunately in that mod the TWR and the Sierra are a bit of a standout (if only they had put the R32 GTR and the XJS Jag there would be a few more cars to compete with)

This season we are sticking to 1986 cars, they cars seem pretty even so far, at the moment we have Volvos and Rovers matching the same speed at the VK (until we get to Spa i imagine.)
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rFactor has the bigger community, imo. GTR2 has more features (weather, 24h races with mid-race saving, animated pit crews, driver arms in the incar camera), and better AI. Graphics are about even, the really well made rFactor mods on full detail probably tip it in rf's favour (CTDP '06 McLaren anyone?) slightly.

Physics is hard to judge... I use a 360 controller and not a wheel, so I'm probably not the most "qualified" to comment on which has better physics. :lol:
hey dudes, quick question... i bought my rFactor from eBay (still on its way). What's with the activation thing? When i get my copy and have it installed, do i need to pay for an activation key/code? What does 'activation' mean anyway? What does it activate.

hey dudes, quick question... i bought my rFactor from eBay (still on its way). What's with the activation thing? When i get my copy and have it installed, do i need to pay for an activation key/code? What does 'activation' mean anyway? What does it activate.


You need to buy it yes to get the activation code. It activates the game. 👍
Hi, I have 2 questions:
1. I "installed" the historic and touring cars mod. Now can I remove it to run a different mode without reinstalling the game? I know there are mod managers, but I installed it manually.
2. My sound system is 5.1. I know rfactor does now support 5.1 sound, and it uses both my front and rear speakers, but not the subwoofer. Even when I set my soundcard to 2ch it still does not output to the sub. Can I make it do so?
If you go into the player part of the settings tab in-game, you should see a 'series' box. Open that, and you can select a mod to run.
Hi Mad94 and Ryan
Finally after writing to rfactor support they replied me the below. And wala... it is solved i am so happy. It turns up the registration and activation have some hicups and i did not get the full version unlock. No wonder no matter how i copy and paste the tracks and cars nothing comes out.. It was really frusrtating.. now i begin to enjoy the game ...

I am using G27 wheel and was puzzled on the forcefeedback setting, the deadzone n sensitivity setting.. Would you know of a place where it discussed on such setting? so far i goggle n read alot but not alot of answers found.. I find that the steering wheel would not return to the normal position... whenever i turn in the corner say going left.. my steering wheel will kind of power - assited and turn left by itself....It is abit weird... even though i had turn the assist to OFF. I was thinking in a normal real car.. the steering wheel should fight and try go back to center position right>? As I compare to the feel of GT Prologue...thanks for ur comments and advice.

Below is the solution to my earlier problem which i would like to share. Thanks again.

1. For a list of content that comes with rfactor, see the features page of rfactor.net. You can then compare this with what you see in the game after activation. If not all the content is present and the game is reporting that some features are not available in demo mode, then you might have an rfactor.exe that came with the G27 wheel or elsewhere that is non-functional. In this case, download the rfactor.exe from the file repostitory and reactivate.


After doing so, you may get a trymedia error "Missing Information" or similar. See below for suggestions to fix this.

- Ensure you have administrator access when installing and running the game

- This can also sometimes be fixed by deleting the trymedia license folder located in "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data" on Windows XP or "C:\ProgramData" on Vista then reactivating the software. You will need to have "Show hidden files and folders" enabled (see your Windows documenation for instructions).
Physics is hard to judge... I use a 360 controller and not a wheel, so I'm probably not the most "qualified" to comment on which has better physics. :lol:

I may sound like a total n00b asking this, but how?

And could I do the same thing with a PS3 controller?
Wow. I have absolutely no idea what to do with tthe second page, but with the first (and again - n00b question warning), is there any difference between that controller and the one you plug into an XB360? Can I go into a shop and buy an XB360 controller or does it need to be a special one?
Thanking you. :D

You see, I'm going away to uni, and I'm not taking my PS3, and I can't afford a G25, so although I have rFactor, its useless on a keyboard - so I was facing time away from online racing (which is something I didn't want) while I was at uni.

So again, thanks. :D
Not a problem! :)

To be honest, using a wired 360 controller is far far easier than using a DS3 - the MotionInJoy DS3 driver is a PITA to get working properly. To top it off, on occasion you need to press the PS button to get Windows to recognise the controller... but if you've left your PS3 plugged in (ie in standby) while you've been using the controller on your PC, when you disconnect the controller from the computer your PS3 turns on. :lol:

Do any programs need to be running in the background? I know of drivers, but I don't know the inner workings and if they need to be constantly running (I presume so).

My lappy is running 6GB of RAM and 2.2GHz but it still only peaks at about 40fps in rFactor, so minimalising the processes going on in the background is the done thing, otherwise it starts dropping below 25.
Nope, no background services except for Microsoft's Xbox driver app (it comes with the controller, on an installation disc). Only uses 440k memory, so you never even notice it running.

I run rFactor on a 2.1GHz/2GB laptop and on medium/high settings I usually get 40fps+, and only really suffer FPS hits when I turn detail up to max, maximum number of visible cars to 99 and race in huge fields.

I'll get back to this thread if performance decreases, because I reckon mine should be running smoother.

I'll definatly pick up the XB360 controller.

If it comes with a driver on disk, why did you give me that other website full of drivers?
The standard MS driver is useless - it doesn't even let you adjust deadzones on the triggers and sticks! The XBCD driver allows you to adjust deadzones, rumble strength, remap buttons to different functions (you can make the triggers buttons instead of axes if you want) and some other stuff.