Ride 4

  • Thread starter Jtheripper
Forgiving in what way?
The time attack races in particular were very difficult for me in R3. If the bronze medal times were a little easier to get then advancing in the game wouldn't be so hard. There was a race in R3 on the Nurburgring where despite spending a couple hours at it, I was still 12 seconds short of the bronze medal time. That's just ridiculous. A player of average competency who can keep the bike upright and pointed in the right direction should be able to get the bronze. They can keep the silver and gold times where they are. Just ease up on the bronze.
The time attack races in particular were very difficult for me in R3. If the bronze medal times were a little easier to get then advancing in the game wouldn't be so hard. There was a race in R3 on the Nurburgring where despite spending a couple hours at it, I was still 12 seconds short of the bronze medal time. That's just ridiculous. A player of average competency who can keep the bike upright and pointed in the right direction should be able to get the bronze. They can keep the silver and gold times where they are. Just ease up on the bronze.

Yeah, THAT one. The record for a bike is what, 7:20 bridge to gantry? And we're supposed to do a full lap in 6:50 something on a 600?
I'm disappointed they dropped the Ninja 300. Next best thing to having my own bike in the game. :(

(been meaning to reply for a few days)
Those Ninja 250R's are seriously underrated jewels of the motorcycle world. I would bet the 400 (or better yet the ZX-25R) shows up as DLC somewhere, it's just to popular to be left out, so there's hopefully that at least. There's a lot of small bikes from that era I would love to see in game, particularly the old 250 and 400 four cylinder four strokes. Bikes we didn't appreciate enough back in those days...
Well my copy of Ride 4 will not download, tried restoring licences and it errors out just for Ride 4.

Emailed Sony and now just have to wait
Well my copy of Ride 4 will not download, tried restoring licences and it errors out just for Ride 4.

Emailed Sony and now just have to wait

Not a great start. Just checked, XB1 is auto-downloading fine (not that I'll get a chance to play before at least Tuesday) but they sure waited for the last minute to send it out. We wait...
I was going to look into it if Ulster was gone but I was in denial. That would be a shame if it isn't a DLC track. There are a few bike manufacturers missing as well....

Good news for you! They have just announced on Facebook that it will be free DLC :) Apparently Daytona and Ulster will be free and they named two other circuits, Valencia and Kayalami but it isn't quite clear if they are free as well (I don't think they are)

Been having a quick go this morning. It's more Ride but looks prettier and I think the bikes have a bit more weight/inertia to them, but it has been a while since I played Ride 3. Was nice to start off a Tsukuba though. A favourite little track of mine :)

edit: just seen somebody complain (on Facebook) about the brakes feeling like cheese.I think this is a classic case of somebody complaining before actually checking the settings, as the standard setting is soft braking, but you can change it to aggressive in the bike setup, and it makes a marked improvement. At least for me...I like the bike squirming around the back end when I'm braking hard.
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I tried it before work this morning. It looks good on my XbX and was I happy. The herky jerky movement when accelerating I need to get used too.

Excellent news about the tracks coming. Daytona and Ulster should always be in this game. Kayalami was a favorite from SBK X.
Good news for you! They have just announced on Facebook that it will be free DLC :) Apparently Daytona and Ulster will be free and they named two other circuits, Valencia and Kayalami but it isn't quite clear if they are free as well (I don't think they are)

My prayers answered! Couldn't believe they axed a classic track like Dundrod.
I played the game last night after the midnight start. My initial impressions were that the bikes seemed to be a bit heavier and not as nippy as R3, but this could also mean a greater deal of realism. I did feel a greater sense of contact with the tarmac, and the overall feel was very responsive. But the AI seem to be as hyper as in R3. The new track Utah didn't impress me much -flat and featureless, but the Canadian track looks interesting - fast corners and elevation changes. Some of the new tracks I could have done without. Tskuba, Laguna, Suzuka I have played a million times on other games.

But the overall look of the game is great. The menu system is sleek and sophisticated - as is the menu music. I couldn't stand the "Oh Oha Oh" music of R3, and would mute the TV.
THat's completely unacceptable re: PSN and lack of download. It's easy to say it might be Sony's fault for whatever reason. But people paid money for early access and should get some compensation if it appears (hopefully not) tomorrow.
THat's completely unacceptable re: PSN and lack of download. It's easy to say it might be Sony's fault for whatever reason. But people paid money for early access and should get some compensation if it appears (hopefully not) tomorrow.
Waiting to hear back from Sony and Milestone, let's see if they can fix it as soon as possible.
The PSN "issue" I think might just be a time zone item. Mine had a clock for the longest and then when said download I couldn't for a few hours until the am of the 5th.

As for the game itself typical Milestone. Improvements and letdowns. Overall the game feels and looks like a current gen game for a change. And the bikes actually feel closer to the real thing. But I HATE the game design. ABSOLUTELY HATE IT!!!! I don't like racing RPGs. I've been playing racing games for 20years and really all I want to do is race. Why can't they have simple custom season mode? These challenges and stuff I have no interest, yet are almost mandatory despite what Milestone and other say because it's really the only way to quickly credit up to get to the stuff you want. Those regional license tests are stupid and repetitive. If they are going to do stuff like that then again they should make an option for those who just want to get some racing in.

Also not a fan of games that don't let you set the game to your personal preferences right from the start and through you into a race to judge your level. Again this should be optional. Once again Milestone retreads a lot of the gear. If they have the license I don't get why they don't have selections?

Their choice of bike selections is also curious. Hearing Valencia and Kyalami may be coming is good news, but I don't know if it will be enough to keep me playing this. For all the improvements in actual gameplay and especially an AI that finally seems to acknowledge that you are on track, I don't know that it's enough to make me work through the same tasks again that I've done for the last few years with the previous titles. Single races regardless of difficulty settings don't pay out enough to earn $$$$$ and with no option for a season where I can just pick the tracks I want...... there really isn't a point. bummer cause the potential is there. They just dropped the ball on game design for me
Yes, the photo-mode finally has shutter speed.

Ride 4_20201005144926.png

Ride 4_20201005144956.png
Yes, the photo-mode finally has shutter speed.

View attachment 963037

View attachment 963038
This is the biggest improvement for me. A robust photo mode is what's going to keep me playing even after all the races have been won.

My game downloaded when I bought it on Friday. I finally got a few minutes in last night and a few more this morning, but I've still got less than an hour invested in the game so far. I'm just trying to make my way through the license tests. If the test with the gates at Mosport is supposed to help me learn the track, then I think it backfired, as I was concentrating so much on the gates, I didn't have time to actually learn the track. I hated license tests in Gran Turismo, and I'm not liking them any better in Ride. Just let me go race the bikes already. These license tests accomplish nothing.
After few hrs I can say I'm pretty disappointed and don't see myself putting much more time into the game. Yeah I'm hard on Milestone because they've been doing this so long that at this point there is no excuse for the issues that are still here. Too their credit the handling is better. braking is ok. Pretty graphics aren't enough to over come the bad game design. Freaking locking the game up so much and having to grind through crap I have no interest in...... the end reward isn't enough. wasted $60,

To be fair Milestone isn't the only dev that does this and I hate GT for doing it as well but at least GT is reasonable. Milestone is just insane with how much is locked and what it takes to unlock even a basic simple bike. Another year another disappointing Milestone title. I retract my AI statement as well. They still don't seem to be aware that you are present so they constantly run into and take you out. So "racing" them is pointless. You either get out front and clear off or try to race and get knocked off. The actual bike controls are good enough to where it would be kind of fun just to put laps in but again the game is so locked up not worth the effort to grind through to get a simple base level R1. Would say disappointed but Milestone lived up to my very low expectations
I'm just trying to make my way through the license tests. If the test with the gates at Mosport is supposed to help me learn the track, then I think it backfired, as I was concentrating so much on the gates, I didn't have time to actually learn the track. I hated license tests in Gran Turismo, and I'm not liking them any better in Ride. Just let me go race the bikes already. These license tests accomplish nothing.

I did the license test for the European league. I had a lot of difficulty with the final two tests and did not enjoy them at all. Not looking forward to the tests for the other leagues.
I was playing Ride 3 to get ready for R4 and remembered I could rewind the game when trying to unlock the bikes without making a dirty lap. I hope it is the same here.
Based on what I've read here and seen on YouTube... I won't be getting until it's on a sale. A little sad.
So it seems the series' Achilles' heels remain: AI, control / feedback (disorienting camera movements on steering / acceleration, poor braking feedback) and impenetrable / tedious career.

I still think I'll pick this up on Steam though...
Because its strengths are still entertaining enough for me, and now it actually looks pretty, too.
Those licenses could seriously hamper a newcomers progress. I would imagine even to the point of them giving up. The ones where you need to pass through the gates and not hit the poles are crazy for dishing out penalties. It seems so strange they have added this and made it pretty difficult even for seasoned players. I don't understand the logic behind it at all.

Oh and I tried playing it on quality mode, and hit some serious slowdown at Suzuka with one of the tests.
Serves us right for looking forward to something I guess, PC3 and now this. After reading some of these responses I'll have some serious thinking to do before that return window closes, I don't dare start the game tomorrow evening at this point. I do not have time for this grinding crap. I've read the bikes understeer hideously and someone's put silicone spray polish on the brakes (ask me how I know...), which I found to be the case in MotoGP 2020 as well, causing me to quit playing that one very quickly.

They seem pretty responsive on their facebook page, I'd encourage everyone to leave some proper feedback.

LOL, just went to cancel for now and the button is greyed out!

And I read in one review, and it's the only mention I've seen of multiplayer so far, is that it may actually, somehow, be worse than 3! All of this adds up to a real shame, as I primarily play with a small group on XBox who are all way too old for this nonsense, we're pining for a new game and I was sort of hoping we could make this one work as a supplemental game (we mostly do FM7 but have sort of migrated to doing FM7 for fun and PC2 for when we mean it recently) but it's just not going to work if people can't get licenses or bikes. Or online.
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