It's been very quiet in here lately... I know why the Garage is quiet - Ridox's TV committed suicide - but that doesn't explain the crickets in here! Where da white womins at?!

Are all the regulars racing today??

Sorry it took so long to get back to you on this, but I forgot

In fairness I was half asleep when I saw it, so...
Well, let me try and answer....with a little hindsight in hand
Well, I would imagine so yes

I'm pretty sure
@danbojte and
@OdeFinn will be in there respective "Hakosuka" ready and raring to fight it out for the highest step on the podium

There go the first two places....
@TurnLeft will no doubt be there for the first race as usual, before having to take his leave early to go to that nasty four letter word

(No ALB, not that

) so I'll have a fight on my hands for last place in the first race at least

But probably not a hard fight, because I suck round here
I heard a rumour that R2D2 was seen in the area too.
@RMan72 will probably turn up and do the double or something

That turning circle of his will do wonders on Tsukuba
As for poor ole
@ALB123, He'll turn up, unless by the GT Gods' planning, some other evil fate keeps him from racing

or he falls asleep wheel in hand, again
I'm not sure about
@Brewguy44, though. I heard him hard at work in his shop late last night. So he'll probably be too exhausted and tucked up in bed still....or a little hungover of course
But, all I can say for sure

is I'll be there and I'll be sure to enjoy it

Whatever the outcome