Rita! (cat 4 or 5) to hit near NO

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz

145mph are nothing to a raise in gas prices though.

And you dont even have a car...
Gas is already going up here. It has reached $2.709 USD a gallon. During the hurricane that hit New Orleans, the gas went up to $3.509 USD a gallon.
Nah, i still would'nt, im loyal to Houston.

There isn't going to be a Houston left to be loyal to, there bud.

Galveston is owned. O.W.N.E.D. There is no chance in hell Galveston will leave without a scratch and a bruise.
just deal with it, its pointless to argue with me. Face it, im not leaving, its my decision. So deal with it. IM NOT LEAVING, PERIOD

I take my words back.

You are not an idiot.

In fact:

You're completely stupid! 👍

You can call me an ass but really, this is 2 weeks after a CAT4 devestated an entire REGION. I mean, you literally saw thousands of people, with nothing, come to your city because of Katrina. You have no excuse. Even if your family doesn't budge, you can still find a way out if you need to.

Just be sure to snap a picture of the 2 x 4 or the airplane as it comes at you at 150mph.
Hehe i just found this link you guys have got to see what this mayor is doing to get the die-hards out of his town.


Staying? Better write your SS# on your body...
From one mayor, a sobering message in attempt to get die-hards to leave

By Ron Blome
NBC News
Updated: 2:19 p.m. ET Sept. 22, 2005

Ron Blome
PORT LAVACA, Texas - Mayor Alan Tharling of Port Lavaca, a city on the Texas coast between Houston and Corpus Christi, is taking creative measures to make citizens take the threat of Hurricane Rita seriously.

Tharling says that the 1,000 or so die-hards who refuse to evacuate are being given permanent markers and asked to write their Social Security number, next of kin and a phone number on their arm or across their abdomen — so that returning officials can identify their bodies.

For the most part, Tharling has had few problems persuading residents to leave — Hurricane Katrina, which devastated the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and the New Orleans area almost four weeks ago, has made believers out of most Gulf Coast Texans. Many of the Port Lavaca’s 13,000 citizens have already packed up and were on their way by Wednesday night. Many more are still streaming out, joining other evacuees in traffic jams as they head inland.

And they have to go a quite a way. Because this part of the state is table-top flat, even the residents of Victoria, 24 miles from Port Lavaca, are being encouraged to move further inland.
ive had enough of this, you people are really ticking me off, lets let my situation go, forget about me, and be done with it, i've had enough.
Ok, it's your decition not to leave, so I'll leave you with these pics:



I suppose you won't need these pics soon, you'll be seeing it first hand! :scared:

Edit: These pics update ever once in a while, keep looking. :)
Is Ram-Rod really 12? If he is, it's really up to his parents to decide if they are going to leave or not, isn't it? Personally, I'd get the heck out of there, but I don't think it's going to do much good calling him names for not leaving.

I hope the Texans in the affected area make it out OK.
Very true a6m5. I dont think he has the freedom to leave on his own w/o his parents. Plus, at 12, you need them.
Yeah kids unlucky. If only he had a older brother.

If I wasin that dsituation and my parents wouldnt want to leave id kiss them goodbye then hit my mum over her head and put her on my back and leave with my siblings. It would then be up to the old man to either stay or leave.

Ram-Rod why exactly arent you leaving? Doesnt your mum or dad want to leave the house behind ?

Im sure many people who arent leaving are just scared that they will be put into a hard and difficult strange situation and in theyre mind theyd rather die in the comfort of their home than go through something similiar as what happened in that stadium in New Orleans.
It just won't weaken below a Cat 4. They're still saying it may pump up a little before it comes ashore:


Apparently Galveston and Houston are true ghost towns now. Pretty much only officials and law enforcement personnel are left.

They say it will hit slightly northeast of Houston. Port Arthur and Beaumont are going to get creamed. Lots of oil industry facilities are in real jeapordy.
If Rita stays a cat 4 right up to landfall, then when it goes onto land it will go down to a cat 3. That is, if I learnt anything about Hurricanes over the last month.
Well, good luck venom, the freeways cleared up, you know, you could still get out, unless evacuations or closed, or something like that.
If Rita stays a cat 4 right up to landfall, then when it goes onto land it will go down to a cat 3. That is, if I learnt anything about Hurricanes over the last month.

There's some warm water near the Texas coast. It could reintensify the storm, meaning it'll stay a Cat4 until it's some way inland...

The last Galveston Hurricane was so powerful that it was still a tropical storm when it passed over the Great Lakes.
There's some warm water near the Texas coast. It could reintensify the storm, meaning it'll stay a Cat4 until it's some way inland...

The last Galveston Hurricane was so powerful that it was still a tropical storm when it passed over the Great Lakes.

Yeah, they keep talking about that possibility. Meanwhile, from the Weather Channel site:

Hurricane Rita hangs on to Category 4 status with winds of 135 mph and keeps mending the damage that entraining drier mid-level air does to its western side.

Hurricane Rita will make a final approach to the upper Texas coast/western Louisiana coast today and is expected to make landfall by mid-morning Saturday. Rita should make landfall as a large, intense, major hurricane with impacts extending well away from the center.

Squalls of torrential rain and gusty winds could extend well east and north of the core of the hurricane across southern Louisiana and southern Mississippi creating renewed flooding for New Orleans.

As Hurricane Rita comes onshore, the destructive winds and surge (a water level rise of 5 to 20 feet) could especially target the coast from Galveston, Texas, to Cameron, Louisiana. Large waves (peaking 20 to 30+ feet) will affect most of the coastal areas around the entire Gulf. Once inland, a rapidly weakening Rita could move northward and then stall in easternmost Texas and extreme western Louisiana and possibly drifting back to the south or southwest.

Rainfall across southeastern Texas and southwestern Louisiana may exceed 12 inches initially, but if the stalling scenario plays out then well over 20 inches of rain is possible in some locations. The result could be extensive flooding through at least the first part of the upcoming week not just in and around the location of landfall but farther north into locations such as Shreveport and Alexandria, Louisiana, Marshall and Lufkin, Texas and Texarkana, Arkansas.

Great. There go another 50,000 jobs...
How high is Galveston above sea level? 8 feet? And Rita will be dropping between 22-23 feet of water....
How high is Galveston above sea level? 8 feet? And Rita will be dropping between 22-23 feet of water....

I'm starting to doubt that now since hurricane Rita is how a category 3. A very big and powerful category 3 though... On another note, I was playing soccer about an hour ago and the wind felt rather strong here in Houston. No rain has fallen as of yet.
Yeah it did, but it sounds like it is repaired again. The army fixed it.

CNN photojournalist Alfredo DeLara echoed his observations. "We're talking 5 to 10 inches in the one to two minutes we were standing in this one spot," he said. "There's nothing stopping that water from just pouring in."

"The Army Corps of Engineers placed a lot of sand here with helicopters, with earthmoving equipment, and tried to shore it up. But it looks like it didn't hold," he said.
I'm mad because people fled and suffered hours on the road. Some of these people even died because of exhaustion and others like the ones in the bus that caught on fire.
yea this second hurricane turned out to be a scam. we're now way over crowded here in dallas. friday night the gas stations were hell. turns out prices still havent gone up and several stations are now out of gas and there isnt to be a single gas can to be found. and from the looks of the news, galviston doesnt even look like it was touched.