RKM Motorsport - Tuned Tuners - May '13

Blackpool Tuscan Problem:

I've been having some trouble with your "Blackpool Tuscan" tune. The car handles really well, no oversteer, nice braking distance, acceleration, ect. But there's one huge flaw with the tune... Understeer... There's a huge amount of it and it rears it's ugly head on
No mater if the corner is a long, short, curved, flat, or sharp. The understeer just ruins it.

I love all your other tunes, they all seem to take away the bad points of the car and add new great ones.
I'm just a little disappointed with this one.
just ran the Ford GT that i have used for quite some time. My competitor was an xanavi GTR with high horsepower, so i had the car set with slicks and 660hp... needless to say i lost , he was a great driver which i did not anticipate and ran a 6:09 at nur with me following with a 6:47, which coming from a mustang guy is amazing for a Ford that is not going in a straight line.
2010 Lexus LF-A GT

Before the review, a couple of words. Power seems to sit at 562hp, not 542.
Now, on to the Nurburgring, where the car was practically born to drive in. It was driven as-is, with no settings touched since applying your tune. This review will base itself on each aspect/component in chronological order (which one will be noticed first?).

This is the only time the car saw SSR7. Standing start run from the tunnel, with TC on 1. 0-100kph takes around 4 seconds. 100-0 takes 3 seconds. First gear is long and nice, reaching exactly 100kph before redline. I found this helpful in launching the car without TC, because a closed 00 number makes for easier shifting points. Reverse? Absolute top speed of 96.9kph, which helps to recover from spin outs. 2nd gear is not recommended for corners, and 3rd is a little long for corner exit. But I’d rather use 3rd because of handling nature, which I’ll explain in due time. Absolute top speed sat at around 330kph, which was perfect for the long straight.

Oversteery nature, wants to switch ends during hard high speed braking. Might be my fault though, because I tend to brake late. But when it doesn’t try to kill you, the braking is very solid, and does in fact allow for some late braking.

During braking, the car doesn’t seem to riot when you send full lock in any direction. It just glides into the corner’s entry point. Corner entry just after releasing the brakes, somewhat massive over/understeer. Like, both at the same time. That happens a lot though, so the technique required to control it is eventually learned. Hits the apexes without protesting much (if at all, actually). It has some good/bad corner exit oversteer when practically any amount of throttle is applied. It’s fun sometimes, sometimes it’s a race killer. But in general the car will handle like a dream. Until the tires are 1/4th worn out. Then the car becomes hard as hell to control at times.

Lap Times
I took it lapping, same everything. Push limits? Not very easy. All previous comments got into one whole mound here and started working against me. When I started upping the pace a little and braking harder, insane oversteer would take control and the car would ver off in any direction it pleased. And yes, it was 100% straight-line braking. My guess is the car’s balance is already upset when I mash the brakes. Applying power during corner exit (in the end, I found 3rd gear was just too tall to power it out) throttle control had to be microscopically controlled for the car to maintain course. So I suddenly found myself taking corners at noticeably lower speeds compared to other RKM cars I’ve driven. In all honesty, I prefer putting more effort on the track than on controlling the car. It might be fun at times, but when concentration is set on hitting the apex, having the car swap ends isn’t nice at all. There’s a certain rhythm to it that I’m still trying to learn. Then I found out that early braking stabilized the car and I pulled a faster lap, that I was satisfied with.

First lap of the Nordschleife: a slow 7:05.

Second lap: I pulled it together for a 6:59.3

Third lap: I let the car handle itself for a 6:57.5

Then my left thumb gave up. As a small conclusion, I suggest tuning the car, highly focused towards understeer, in practically every aspect. Because this car can take corners just as fast as any other on Sport Softs when braking is done way early, but it’s too demanding to constantly hot lap and race online when racing full pace. If RKM is going to play with this car again sometime, giving it enough understeer to convert it into a more neutral car would greatly improve it's performance.

Now, that's not to say this is a bad car. It got me out of a couple of surprises, but tried to kill me on most. It's corners brilliantly when done right, and that engine is quite soothing. Overall, it's a murderer that you can't hate.

Pictures, as promised.

Corner exit oversteer sent me to the grass. I countersteered too much.


Hard braking at 300kph led me right into the grass.


This was on the second lap, where I could control the car better. But this is some braking oversteer. The car is pointed in a direction not appropriate for the corner. As in, I'm about to hit a barrier.
Hey, i wanna know if the ford gt tune works for the ford gt wtv the hell it was call race car, cuz I have one, but haven't dared drive it
Hey, im a newbie in tuning, might not even know much. But i have a question, I'm trying to fit the emperor evo into the below 500 PP class, so to decrease the PP from 502 to 500, which method would work best? Adding a weight ballast to it or limitting it's engine power?? Would be grateful if anyone would help me out. :)
since I'm bored, i decided to do a review of your mazda mx5 tune:
(driven on Top Gear Test Track)
The mazda MX5, one of the best small roadsters in the game, was quite a good car to start with. Eager, fun to drive, and never bites the driver. Even when you go crazy with it and lunge into a corner, it will very rarely spin. But most of that is really due to the fact that, with only 137hp, it never had enough power to cause wheelspin in the first place.

The car could easily cope with more power, in fact, it needs the extra power. My suzuki cappuccino could walk past it (ok, ok, I admit, it is maxed with 137hp).

So, the RKM tune for it, what has it improved? Well, power has nearly doubled (245hp), it's lightened (816kg), and stiffened. It has also been lowered, and the result is a car that's fun, but now has the power to match its cornering abilities. It feels, and sounds, more muscular, less prissy, and can pull off a 1 minute 20 second track time (to put into perspective how quick it is, my 420 FC did a 1 minute 19 second). It's also huge fun when your not in the mood to race. It can pull off nearly impossible angles of drifts, and the really amazing thing is, it never ever spins! I charged into Chicago (the second corner of TG test track), stamped on the brakes and slammed on the power, so vigorously that it understeered wide. But just give it full throttle, trust it won't spin, and with just a hint of tyre smoke, I shot out of the corner. It doesn't matter what type of mess you get into, there's always some hope. All you need is to give it some power, some trust, and there's always going to be hope to get the tail back in line.
Now if you don't mind, I'm off for a few more laps :D
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I have a question about the subaru tune:

I have been trying her out (a blast to drive) together with some other tunes. Trying to put together some cars around the 550PP range for our online meetings. These cars are a blast to drive, however in the subaru build the transmission settings you say to put the max speed on max (thats 420 kph here), as a result the car reaches top speed of about 270 on the nurb straight, but very slowly. I am using auto shifting btw, so maybe this is the problem?

I love the subaru so far, it's fast around the corners, it sticks to the road when you can tell the limits, and friggin' scary to do battle for going over the limit. A bit high though :)

I have no mechanical knowledge btw, so anything I say may be considered as such.
I have a question about the subaru tune:

I have been trying her out (a blast to drive) together with some other tunes. Trying to put together some cars around the 550PP range for our online meetings. These cars are a blast to drive, however in the subaru build the transmission settings you say to put the max speed on max (thats 420 kph here), as a result the car reaches top speed of about 270 on the nurb straight, but very slowly. I am using auto shifting btw, so maybe this is the problem?

I love the subaru so far, it's fast around the corners, it sticks to the road when you can tell the limits, and friggin' scary to do battle for going over the limit. A bit high though :)

I have no mechanical knowledge btw, so anything I say may be considered as such.

Auto shifting completely breaks the Impreza; you have to shift at about 7500rpm for peak acceleration whereas automatic shifts at what, 8500? Power drops like a rock past about 7000rpm so I'd reckon with it being in automatic, acceleration is only roughly equivalent to that of a car with 320-340hp.
Auto shifting completely breaks the Impreza; you have to shift at about 7500rpm for peak acceleration whereas automatic shifts at what, 8500? Power drops like a rock past about 7000rpm so I'd reckon with it being in automatic, acceleration is only roughly equivalent to that of a car with 320-340hp.

Understood, thank for the clarification 👍
"Not again another review about the mighty God Zilla, aka R34 Black Edition",

first of all I really hated IT for not doing what I was asking for. I could turn my wheel like mad but IT simply didn´t obey to my orders. So I had to make a visit to you guys at RKM works for being known as delivering top-quality overall-tunes. Maybe your impressions will help me on my journey. When I´m stuck somewhere and can´t compensate a seemingly slower car with my right foot, I´m always throwing an eye into your hangar. And what nice cars I´m seeing all the time, followed by your appearance as cartuners. It´s always nice to be welcomed personally from the bosses themself. Not a "normal" appearance, nowadays
Besides you can put the facts on the table and tell us about your employee Gina. I can tell you, she´s not only familiar with car diagnostics device

Back to topic then. There "it" was. Toned in a beasty red, with a carbon hood, so big all of us 4 could have a nice picnic on it. Rounded by a nice and "not-so-understatement-like" rear-wing, I just thought "hm, looks good". Yeah, this definitely was a red edition of RKM´s feared R34.

No more beating around the bush, I needed to take this monster directly to the track. So, after clearing business and a week passing by, my journey continued on R246. Well known for a quite technical track with long straights where power comes in handy, specially with AWD´s tricky to conquer. This is Zilla´s playground, isn´t it?
Understeer is a constant companion here, so I did a look into the already brilliant setup and adjusted slightly the suspension to fit my needs and did the power distribution as 20/80. Finally, dialing in the whole car to my needed pp range, I decided to take my "little" friend out for a ride.
And BAM, it directly hits you in the face like Tysons right uppercut. Acceleration too much to be real. I just had to ensure to not miss the braking spot too late as I tend to do with all the other cars
This results in taking the corners nicely sharp. And from that point on, keeping the car at constant speed on its line through corners, just not over-doing it which would lead the nose outside of any corner. But the best is yet to come: When I pedaled it down at corner exit, Zilla answered this with that small little amount of power-oversteer I really missed at the beginning. I would call this behaviour "hot coughing". Yes, the next straight is yet to come.
From this moment I fell in love with HER and knew our relationship will last for ages.
Not to mention it made me a good second faster, while listening to "Obey Your Master".

Thanks guys, always nice to get a hand on your tunes. Sometimes using them just out-of-the-box, sometimes with just my little personal tweaking depending for which purpose it´s needed.

If this review opens me maybe the door to a tune, I´d have to look after a car, but surely I´d find one.

So I did: I´d really believe that an Autobacs Garaiya roadcar with 500pp ss can be as fast as an equally equi-pp´d 111r, but didn´t have the chance to prove it yet. Would you like to help me prove it? :)
Will send a PM soon once I decide my tune. I've got many things on my mind I would want as of now...

And the Cappuccino seemed a bit more oversteery for me than my previous tune. In the actual race I came second to last, but that's cause I'm not a pro driver. :lol: Unlike the others who know how to get round properly :lol:
I see. I think it's a difference in driving, it seemed a bit understeered to me but still fairly neutral. :lol:
actually, forget my earlier requests, i would like you to tune a Option Z for me.

and has any1 reviewed the SP1 and the DB9 yet?
I think I have an Option Z somewhere. It was a pig in GT4 so this should be fun. :lol:

Only the people who requested the SP1 and DB9 have reviewed them. Otherwise nope.
I'm going to have lots of time to fire this game up tomorrow. Anything you guys want reviewed?
Umm... I cant really think of any. One of RJ's I guess? :lol:
Blackpool Tuscan Problem:

I've been having some trouble with your "Blackpool Tuscan" tune. The car handles really well, no oversteer, nice braking distance, acceleration, ect. But there's one huge flaw with the tune... Understeer... There's a huge amount of it and it rears it's ugly head on
No mater if the corner is a long, short, curved, flat, or sharp. The understeer just ruins it.

I love all your other tunes, they all seem to take away the bad points of the car and add new great ones.
I'm just a little disappointed with this one.
Interesting. Are you using the same parts or have you added some on top of our list?
2010 Lexus LF-A GT
I'll take the recommendations into consideration when I work on the LFA again. It's main issue is a lack of downforce. Couple that with a horsepower figure that begins with 5 and you've got a car that just wants to pretend it's in the D1GP. :lol: I'll take a look at the suspension and LSD since those are the main components that decide how the LFA corners. Thanks for the review!
Challenger SRT8 setup works well with a maxed out Chrysler 300c 👍
Nice to know, thanks. :D
Hey, im a newbie in tuning, might not even know much. But i have a question, I'm trying to fit the emperor evo into the below 500 PP class, so to decrease the PP from 502 to 500, which method would work best? Adding a weight ballast to it or limitting it's engine power?? Would be grateful if anyone would help me out. :)
Add ballast. It's already only got 360bhp so it probably wont do any good to make it even less powerful.
since I'm bored, i decided to do a review of your mazda mx5 tune:
(driven on Top Gear Test Track)
The mazda MX5, one of the best small roadsters in the game, was quite a good car to start with. Eager, fun to drive, and never bites the driver. Even when you go crazy with it and lunge into a corner, it will very rarely spin. But most of that is really due to the fact that, with only 137hp, it never had enough power to cause wheelspin in the first place.

The car could easily cope with more power, in fact, it needs the extra power. My suzuki cappuccino could walk past it (ok, ok, I admit, it is maxed with 137hp).

So, the RKM tune for it, what has it improved? Well, power has nearly doubled (245hp), it's lightened (816kg), and stiffened. It has also been lowered, and the result is a car that's fun, but now has the power to match its cornering abilities. It feels, and sounds, more muscular, less prissy, and can pull off a 1 minute 20 second track time (to put into perspective how quick it is, my 420 FC did a 1 minute 19 second). It's also huge fun when your not in the mood to race. It can pull off nearly impossible angles of drifts, and the really amazing thing is, it never ever spins! I charged into Chicago (the second corner of TG test track), stamped on the brakes and slammed on the power, so vigorously that it understeered wide. But just give it full throttle, trust it won't spin, and with just a hint of tyre smoke, I shot out of the corner. It doesn't matter what type of mess you get into, there's always some hope. All you need is to give it some power, some trust, and there's always going to be hope to get the tail back in line.
Now if you don't mind, I'm off for a few more laps :D
That MX-5 is the only reason I survived the Roadster 4h race. It's just so fast and fun, I was drifting laps on worn out tyres. :lol: Thanks for the review!
"Not again another review about the mighty God Zilla, aka R34 Black Edition",

So I did: I´d really believe that an Autobacs Garaiya roadcar with 500pp ss can be as fast as an equally equi-pp´d 111r, but didn´t have the chance to prove it yet. Would you like to help me prove it? :)

Thanks for the review! Seems like my little revision did some good in making the R34 more enjoyable than before. May I ask what suspension adjustments you did?

As for the Garaiya, it can be done. 👍
lol good luck with the Z, i used to have one (sold it for a 2000gt) and its turbo-lag was horrendous.
and since no one has reviewed the db9, i'll happily do that, since i don't have much to do anyway.
if you don't mind, can you help me tune a spyker c8 (not very popular, but it's stylish and i like it)
lol good luck with the Z, i used to have one (sold it for a 2000gt) and its turbo-lag was horrendous.
and since no one has reviewed the db9, i'll happily do that, since i don't have much to do anyway.
if you don't mind, can you help me tune a spyker c8 (not very popular, but it's stylish and i like it)

+1 on the spyker here, that car´s a sleeper...
Add ballast. It's already only got 360bhp so it probably wont do any good to make it even less powerful.

Ah, thanks for the answer. :) By the way, nice tunes. Loving it so far! Just one more nit picky question. Does it mean that it'll be better to add the ballast to the rear end ofthe evo since it's engine is on the front so as to equal out the weight distribution?
Thanks for the review! Seems like my little revision did some good in making the R34 more enjoyable than before. May I ask what suspension adjustments you did?

As for the Garaiya, it can be done. 👍

That´s cool, Roj. Honestly, I first accidentally sent my review to Kyle via PM. He then told me that this tune is out of your hand and best used as-is. Means, I was using the aftermarket LSD and torque distribution which isn´t really part of this tune. Least, I am not feeling that fine with AWD´s in general. So I decided to put in the custom parts and 20/80 the power distribution. Thought I´d need to compensate on the suspension because of this, but after having it tested today, I don´t 👍
So I set the suspension according to your setup and...voila. Now this car is round like an apple and tastes even better.

How does it work with the Garaiya? Ill have to send you a FR and the car with its parts, I guess?

Thanks and keep up your fine work!
The R34 GT-R Black Edition tune has proved to work quite nicely for me. Funny thing is, I actually haven't used an R34 GT-R with it too often!

I used it a few months ago, back when we had the Seasonal Bonus race with the Audi TT-S. It worked wonderfully, despite the size difference and the different awd system. That said, my first attempt at the race(on Cape Ring) didn't go so well. I had demolished the rest of the field, but couldn't catch the Lotus Evora in front. Then I realized I was still on comfort soft tires. Oops. :ouch: I bought soft sport tires and easily got my revenge. I had multiple accounts, so the tune worked great on that full-weight TT-S as well as one I later built with a Stage 1 weight reduction and less power(both tuned to 3.5kg/hp). Both cars are a joy to drive, and I'll be keeping them in the stable as 2P Battle cars for my friends to use.

Today, I was catching up on the 4WD Challenge bonus races, and decided to try an Alfa Romeo Brera. Of course, the tune made this car shine as well. I didn't tune it very much either, so with 371hp I was at a serious disadvantage compared to the AI(weakest opponent 392hp, strongest 420hp+). With only a Stage 1 weight reduction, this Brera was more than capable of hunting down the AI in the corners and was able to get the win despite actually losing ground on straight-line battles and not being able to draft.

Being able to use your tunes on a variety of cars really testifies to the fact that you guys understand tuning fundamentals. Keep up the great work!
?? What is happening now? So a tune for a FF can be applied to all FF? A tune for a MR works on all MR?

I don't think the point of a tune is this...
I'm sure the basic principals of a tune can apply to all cars similar (drivetrain, HP, weight), but you will see much better results using a tune designed for that cars specific characteristics. That's not to say that a tune that's designed for a similar car wouldn't, at the very least, be better than not changing any settings at all.
?? What is happening now? So a tune for a FF can be applied to all FF? A tune for a MR works on all MR?

I don't think the point of a tune is this...

Those aren't the only times I've applied an RKM setup to a different car. The results obviously won't be perfect because the settings are not tailored specifically to that car, but they can still produce acceptable results within reason.

I remember that earlier in the thread, someone mentioned using the '08 Honda CTR tune as a 'general' FF setup with nice results. I've done the same. I used the '10 Camaro SS tune for a few of my heavier FRs, and the RX-7 Spirit R tune for some of the lighter FRs. I'm sure they weren't the perfect settings, but they worked well enough for me to use them in a race.
RKM Motorsport’s Corvette C6 Z06/R



Based on: Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (C6) RM ‘06
Obtained: Brand new from Chevrolet

Drivetrain: FR
Horsepower: 865 BHP (@ 240.4 miles)
Torque:---- 99 kgfm
Weight:---- 1090 kg

Okay so I decided to try out this insane car.

Acceleration/Speed - 10/10

This thing is insanely fast. It can probably outrun some of the LMPs in the game. With the new gear ratios in 3rd gear and up you just hear the scream of the supercharger going and it almost drowns out the v8 noise. This thing is so fast that if you floor it and manage to keep it straight it will hold a burnout through third gear. Just to test it I did a lap of La Sarthe using only 3rd and 6th gear and this thing still was insanely fast. I ran out of straight with the chicane and this car was going at 230 mph while still accelerating. This thing felt like it looks on the in car view of Chris Rado's 1000+ hp scion. I could barely floor this thing at all throughout the entire lap because there was just so much power available.

Braking - 9/10

Surprisingly this thing is very stable under braking. It kept really straight as I was braking for the chicanes after going 230 mph on the straights.

Handling - 7/10

This thing does not like to turn... at all. With the power that this has I'm not surprised though. First this thing has severe on throttle oversteer even if your being pretty careful with the throttle.

Corner entry with this thing is a nightmare. Though it brakes well it just doesn't want to turn . You have to be all the way off of the throttle and yank this in to get it set up. There were a couple times where this thing just flew straight into the wall even though I was at the appropriate speed.

Mid Corner - If you have gotten this far you should be okay. Just make sure that you don't get too throttle happy through here otherwise you'll have a choice of two bad things. If you get on progressively and go too far this thing will start to understeer. If you have a case of lead foot then this thing will demonstrate some throttle oversteer.

Exit - This car likes to oversteer pretty bad on exit. I can't stress enough that you will never be going full throttle with this car. Even if your at about half to three quarters throttle on exit this thing will take you around.

Overall - 8/10

Though this thing is insanely fast and really fun as a result this car is let down because it just can't turn very smoothly. This car requires the driver to be very careful of what he's doing at all times.
hey, i asked this already, maybe you didn't read it, but does the ford gt tune work for the LM race car? (can't be bothered to type out its full name)

also, if possible can you please figure out a tune for the ford gt w/o the rear spoiler, cuz i think the spoiler ruins the gt's looks.
and i may also be reviewing the lfa
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The Trial Mountain Derby

F430 Stradista

Fresh out of the Dealer: 488 HP, 1350 kg, 544 PP, Sports Hard Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:39.942
Thoughts: This was one of my favorite stock cars with assists on, but without assists, I was having problems. It seemed like every elevation change on the track introduced a slide in the car, and at the Mountain, that's pretty much the whole track. On level surfaces, the car drove fairly nice both on straights and turns, but with the problems on the bumps, was hard to really enjoy this car.

Parts added, no settings changes: 606 HP, 1119 kg, 598 PP, Sports Soft Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:31.475
Thoughts: Well, just the addition of the spoilers at default level fixed my major issue with control on the bumps, and this car went back to being a very smooth, very fast street-legal race car. Aside from that ever-present (in high-HP RWD cars) 2nd gear spin, this car was a pretty comfortable and quick ride.

Parts added, RKM Tune, 5 lap first impression: 607 HP, 1119 kg, 599 PP, Sports Soft Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:30.650
Thoughts: After the tune, saw some good and bad. The good part was that the car was fast and stable mid-corner, and the drive out of the corner seemed more aggressive, with any exit slide being more controllable than before. The bad part was that with the stiffer rear brakes, I had some problems with entrance slide. Especially with a car that struggles for traction leaving the slow turns, having red tires going in really concerned me. I found myself braking earlier and lighter than before when going into a fast-to-slow transistion so my tires could handle the corner.

After a couple more races...
Best Lap Time: 1:28.926
Thoughts: This car actually spoke to me. It said, "Come on, you wuss! I'm a freaking Ferrari! I can go faster!" So I pushed harder, and boy did it respond. This car is quick in the straights, and quick, if not a bit sensitive, in the corners. The temptation is there to just power through the slow turns raising clouds of smoke, and while not the fastest way, it's darn fun, and pretty easy to control. The extra brakes did still produce some slide issues going in, but after getting used to it, I was able to take advantage and use the slide to get the car pointed the right way in the slower corners. Aside from the normal 2nd gear spinning issues (yeah, I really need to get on the manual transmission bus since I'm getting comfortable without the assists) this is a terrific build of a great car.

SP1 Maybeline

Fresh out of the Dealer: 480 HP, 1450 kg, 535 PP, Sports Hard Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:41.513
Thoughts: Being a direct relative of the Scuderia, this car had very similar strengths and weaknesses. Like it's bretheren, this one-off car has issues dealing with bumps and transitions, sliding mercilessly at any abrupt elevation change. With less HP and more mass than it's kin, this was definitely the lesser of two stallions (at 5x the price!).

Parts added, no settings changes: 594 HP, 1203 kg, 589 PP, Racing Soft Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:26.232
Thoughts: I can hear the Scuderia crying and pouting in the corner, calling the SP1 a cheater for using race softs. As exepected, the combination of more HP + less mass + more downforce + more traction = way more speed. I couldn't really see any faults in this car the way it is; can't wait to see what got fixed that I didn't know needed fixing.

Parts added, RKM Tune, 5 lap first impression: 596 HP, 1203 kg, 589PP, Racing Soft Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:25.810
Thoughts: Hard to believe, but this car is noticeably better. It is tremendous in the corners, with no under- or over-steer that I could find. As sure-footed as one would expect with the sticky shoes, it rails going in, thourgh, and out of any corner. There's still plenty of driver error for me to correct getting used to a car like this, as I've gotten in the habit of pushing the sport softs, which is babying this car. My only complaint is the lack of straight line quickness compared to the Scuderia, but that's the limit of the car, rather than an effect of the tune.

After a couple more races...
Best Lap Time: 1:24.451
Thoughts: This car reminds me of driving with assists on, only faster. The insane amounts of grip and quick steering make this car easy to drive, and on the rare occasions where the car slides, it is easily controlled by staying on-throttle. Really, there are no down sides to this car, but I'm sure it helps being able to tune for the race-soft grip levels. I could have gone faster, I'm sure, but didn't want to run this car too much and get me used to the extreme cornering.
Just wondered if you guys could answer a quick question. I got the Jag XJ13 from doing the Suzuka endurence race and LOVE the car. I found a tune (would be great if you guys made one too) and it helped the car a lot. But I also got the chrome line version yesterday and using the same tune the car is MUCH slower! it has more power yet in a line its alomost 10mph slower arond indi. And it handles different too. The regular Jag is MUCh faster. 43 seconds around indi every lap yet the Chrome line is 45 seconds per lep. Weird! And I done 600 miles to run it in to 712bhp. The 700bhp version is faster.

Anyone know why? I would have asked in another thread but you guys are the best.


Btw, would really be great if you could tune these two cars up. They are a blast to drive and I think you would be suprised how good they are.
LFA review:
Having been gifted one from the lvl 12 car ticket, this is the second LFA I've owned.

The first LFA was my very first supercar, and of course, I dumped all the money I could find into it. Waving goodbye to the majority of my cars just to raise enough funds for it. But it always demanded my attention, never letting me get distracted, always ready to throw me off the track. Soon, I grew tired of fighting it, and ran out of money as well. So with regret, it had to go. But I promised myself, when i do get the money, i'll get it back.
Now I've been given a second chance, I'm not going to fool around with it.Knowing you guys did a tune for it, I just had to try it out, and what a change. In my old LFA, I remember endlessly fighting the oversteer. In this, contrary to every other review of this tune, I'm spending more time trying to get the back to slide around. It's been tamed.
But I think it's maybe too tame, as it hardly ever slides, I feel its lost its character. It was always a thrill to drive it, partly cuz of the noise(you'll never get used to it, a V10 howling pass 9k rpm :D), and partly cuz of the ever present threat of being spat off the track in a cloud of smoke. I was expecting for it to still have some of the old character in it, just without the actual ability to kill you, but it's gone. Unless you really throw it around, it would stick to the road like glue. But even if you do, it doesn't really punish you. It's not a bad thing, it's just slightly more boring.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is rubbish, cuz it's not. And this is without a doubt faster and better than my old one. But it's just that the tune has made it slightly too soulless and because of that, I prefer my old LFA. (mind you, a little more power could always fix that :) )
lol sorry for that long ramble in my review, but the LFA is just slightly too dull now.
anyways, when are u going to take my spyker off me? (and please put driving pleasure as part of the priority, not just speed and making it controllable)
lol good luck with the Z, i used to have one (sold it for a 2000gt) and its turbo-lag was horrendous.
and since no one has reviewed the db9, i'll happily do that, since i don't have much to do anyway.
if you don't mind, can you help me tune a spyker c8 (not very popular, but it's stylish and i like it)
Ah, same as GT4 then. :lol: Can do on the Spyker. 👍
Ah, thanks for the answer. :) By the way, nice tunes. Loving it so far! Just one more nit picky question. Does it mean that it'll be better to add the ballast to the rear end ofthe evo since it's engine is on the front so as to equal out the weight distribution?
Yes but dont shove it all straight to the very back. Keep it slightly to the rear so you wont upset the car.
That´s cool, Roj. Honestly, I first accidentally sent my review to Kyle via PM. He then told me that this tune is out of your hand and best used as-is. Means, I was using the aftermarket LSD and torque distribution which isn´t really part of this tune. Least, I am not feeling that fine with AWD´s in general. So I decided to put in the custom parts and 20/80 the power distribution. Thought I´d need to compensate on the suspension because of this, but after having it tested today, I don´t 👍
So I set the suspension according to your setup and...voila. Now this car is round like an apple and tastes even better.

How does it work with the Garaiya? Ill have to send you a FR and the car with its parts, I guess?

Thanks and keep up your fine work!
Yeah you just send the car over or share it if it's over 1,000,000 credits.
The R34 GT-R Black Edition tune has proved to work quite nicely for me. Funny thing is, I actually haven't used an R34 GT-R with it too often!

I used it a few months ago, back when we had the Seasonal Bonus race with the Audi TT-S. It worked wonderfully, despite the size difference and the different awd system. That said, my first attempt at the race(on Cape Ring) didn't go so well. I had demolished the rest of the field, but couldn't catch the Lotus Evora in front. Then I realized I was still on comfort soft tires. Oops. :ouch: I bought soft sport tires and easily got my revenge. I had multiple accounts, so the tune worked great on that full-weight TT-S as well as one I later built with a Stage 1 weight reduction and less power(both tuned to 3.5kg/hp). Both cars are a joy to drive, and I'll be keeping them in the stable as 2P Battle cars for my friends to use.

Today, I was catching up on the 4WD Challenge bonus races, and decided to try an Alfa Romeo Brera. Of course, the tune made this car shine as well. I didn't tune it very much either, so with 371hp I was at a serious disadvantage compared to the AI(weakest opponent 392hp, strongest 420hp+). With only a Stage 1 weight reduction, this Brera was more than capable of hunting down the AI in the corners and was able to get the win despite actually losing ground on straight-line battles and not being able to draft.

Being able to use your tunes on a variety of cars really testifies to the fact that you guys understand tuning fundamentals. Keep up the great work!
I always do this for seasonal cars. I ran an FC RX-7 with RJ's RX-8 setup before. :lol: Great stuff, thanks!
The Trial Mountain Derby

F430 Stradista

Fresh out of the Dealer: 488 HP, 1350 kg, 544 PP, Sports Hard Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:39.942
Thoughts: This was one of my favorite stock cars with assists on, but without assists, I was having problems. It seemed like every elevation change on the track introduced a slide in the car, and at the Mountain, that's pretty much the whole track. On level surfaces, the car drove fairly nice both on straights and turns, but with the problems on the bumps, was hard to really enjoy this car.

Parts added, no settings changes: 606 HP, 1119 kg, 598 PP, Sports Soft Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:31.475
Thoughts: Well, just the addition of the spoilers at default level fixed my major issue with control on the bumps, and this car went back to being a very smooth, very fast street-legal race car. Aside from that ever-present (in high-HP RWD cars) 2nd gear spin, this car was a pretty comfortable and quick ride.

Parts added, RKM Tune, 5 lap first impression: 607 HP, 1119 kg, 599 PP, Sports Soft Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:30.650
Thoughts: After the tune, saw some good and bad. The good part was that the car was fast and stable mid-corner, and the drive out of the corner seemed more aggressive, with any exit slide being more controllable than before. The bad part was that with the stiffer rear brakes, I had some problems with entrance slide. Especially with a car that struggles for traction leaving the slow turns, having red tires going in really concerned me. I found myself braking earlier and lighter than before when going into a fast-to-slow transistion so my tires could handle the corner.

After a couple more races...
Best Lap Time: 1:28.926
Thoughts: This car actually spoke to me. It said, "Come on, you wuss! I'm a freaking Ferrari! I can go faster!" So I pushed harder, and boy did it respond. This car is quick in the straights, and quick, if not a bit sensitive, in the corners. The temptation is there to just power through the slow turns raising clouds of smoke, and while not the fastest way, it's darn fun, and pretty easy to control. The extra brakes did still produce some slide issues going in, but after getting used to it, I was able to take advantage and use the slide to get the car pointed the right way in the slower corners. Aside from the normal 2nd gear spinning issues (yeah, I really need to get on the manual transmission bus since I'm getting comfortable without the assists) this is a terrific build of a great car.

SP1 Maybeline

Fresh out of the Dealer: 480 HP, 1450 kg, 535 PP, Sports Hard Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:41.513
Thoughts: Being a direct relative of the Scuderia, this car had very similar strengths and weaknesses. Like it's bretheren, this one-off car has issues dealing with bumps and transitions, sliding mercilessly at any abrupt elevation change. With less HP and more mass than it's kin, this was definitely the lesser of two stallions (at 5x the price!).

Parts added, no settings changes: 594 HP, 1203 kg, 589 PP, Racing Soft Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:26.232
Thoughts: I can hear the Scuderia crying and pouting in the corner, calling the SP1 a cheater for using race softs. As exepected, the combination of more HP + less mass + more downforce + more traction = way more speed. I couldn't really see any faults in this car the way it is; can't wait to see what got fixed that I didn't know needed fixing.

Parts added, RKM Tune, 5 lap first impression: 596 HP, 1203 kg, 589PP, Racing Soft Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:25.810
Thoughts: Hard to believe, but this car is noticeably better. It is tremendous in the corners, with no under- or over-steer that I could find. As sure-footed as one would expect with the sticky shoes, it rails going in, thourgh, and out of any corner. There's still plenty of driver error for me to correct getting used to a car like this, as I've gotten in the habit of pushing the sport softs, which is babying this car. My only complaint is the lack of straight line quickness compared to the Scuderia, but that's the limit of the car, rather than an effect of the tune.

After a couple more races...
Best Lap Time: 1:24.451
Thoughts: This car reminds me of driving with assists on, only faster. The insane amounts of grip and quick steering make this car easy to drive, and on the rare occasions where the car slides, it is easily controlled by staying on-throttle. Really, there are no down sides to this car, but I'm sure it helps being able to tune for the race-soft grip levels. I could have gone faster, I'm sure, but didn't want to run this car too much and get me used to the extreme cornering.
Thanks for the Ferrari shoot-out! The SP1 has a huge advantage with racing rubber, but the unfortunate truth is, on equal tyres the Scuderia eats it. Also my SP1 tune hasnt had updated gear ratios since I dont have an SP1 myself and I cant seem to find one to borrow. :ouch: The straight line speed just needs new gearing and it should keep up with the Scuderia.
Just wondered if you guys could answer a quick question. I got the Jag XJ13 from doing the Suzuka endurence race and LOVE the car. I found a tune (would be great if you guys made one too) and it helped the car a lot. But I also got the chrome line version yesterday and using the same tune the car is MUCH slower! it has more power yet in a line its alomost 10mph slower arond indi. And it handles different too. The regular Jag is MUCh faster. 43 seconds around indi every lap yet the Chrome line is 45 seconds per lep. Weird! And I done 600 miles to run it in to 712bhp. The 700bhp version is faster.

Anyone know why? I would have asked in another thread but you guys are the best.


Btw, would really be great if you could tune these two cars up. They are a blast to drive and I think you would be suprised how good they are.
I only have the Chromeline one so I cant offer much advice. Does the Chromeline weigh more? Perhaps it's been purposely nerfed by PD to favour the regular model...
LFA review:
Having been gifted one from the lvl 12 car ticket, this is the second LFA I've owned.

The first LFA was my very first supercar, and of course, I dumped all the money I could find into it. Waving goodbye to the majority of my cars just to raise enough funds for it. But it always demanded my attention, never letting me get distracted, always ready to throw me off the track. Soon, I grew tired of fighting it, and ran out of money as well. So with regret, it had to go. But I promised myself, when i do get the money, i'll get it back.
Now I've been given a second chance, I'm not going to fool around with it.Knowing you guys did a tune for it, I just had to try it out, and what a change. In my old LFA, I remember endlessly fighting the oversteer. In this, contrary to every other review of this tune, I'm spending more time trying to get the back to slide around. It's been tamed.
But I think it's maybe too tame, as it hardly ever slides, I feel its lost its character. It was always a thrill to drive it, partly cuz of the noise(you'll never get used to it, a V10 howling pass 9k rpm :D), and partly cuz of the ever present threat of being spat off the track in a cloud of smoke. I was expecting for it to still have some of the old character in it, just without the actual ability to kill you, but it's gone. Unless you really throw it around, it would stick to the road like glue. But even if you do, it doesn't really punish you. It's not a bad thing, it's just slightly more boring.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is rubbish, cuz it's not. And this is without a doubt faster and better than my old one. But it's just that the tune has made it slightly too soulless and because of that, I prefer my old LFA. (mind you, a little more power could always fix that :) )
To each his own, I guess. Adding more power will light up the tyres so if that's what you're after, by all means do so. :D Just dont change the exhaust. *Big big fan of the stock LFA exhaust.* :D:tup:
lol sorry for that long ramble in my review, but the LFA is just slightly too dull now.
anyways, when are u going to take my spyker off me? (and please put driving pleasure as part of the priority, not just speed and making it controllable)
Just add me on PSN and send it over.

Also guys, please look at the bottom of the front page where the request policy is. We're introducing a little form that you need to fill in for your request. It's getting hard to keep track of everything so we're getting organised now. Anyone before this post wont have to, but anyone after this post will have to fill the form if they want a request done. Thanks!
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