RPanico14 Gallery [Spring 2012]

  • Thread starter rpanico14
Nice entries. I'm out for a couple of weeks (Maybe more) for several reasons. Not that my shots can compete against yours.
Keep up the amazing work. đź‘Ť
Thanks for the great comments! I'm quite busy right now, so I'm struggling to find time to finish sets off, amongst competition entries. I'll try and make sure I post something separate from comp entries when I do though. Now I've got Flickr pro I can upload the original images without worrying about taking up space on my photostream; here's a quick before and after which I hope gives you some idea what the originals look like:

2.0 Week 47

PM Week 47

CCCL Week 32

Secret Santa Week 9

and a few bonus photos

I really like the Secret Santa shot, perfect interpretation of the theme. đź‘Ť
Again, thanks for all the comments and sorry for just leaving my gallery to trail off :) I'm really busy with work at the moment so only really find time to enter the 3 main PM Comps each week.

I think I'll try and do something a bit more special and work on 3 or 4 photos, take my time and post them in one batch. Don't expect anything soon, but watch this space...
Before and after shot is REALLY good! Curious as to how all the blurring was achieved. I assume several layers?
Before and after shot is REALLY good! Curious as to how all the blurring was achieved. I assume several layers?

Cheers, and you're right too! Its so long time since I did this photo and I can't remember exactly what I did, but I think it was just blending several layers with a motion blur together.

I really would like your name to be seen on the list of nominees.

Thanks Raph, but I wouldn't have deserved it right now. I've been a bit lazy with my gallery and really am struggling to find the time to keep it up to date. Speaking of which...

... not a set as such, but now that I'm out the tournament I thought you might like to see some of the photos that I didn't use, the photos I did choose and some other ones that I'd been holding back just in case :sly:

Tournament entries


Qualifying Round
Tuning Cars @ Night City Courses


Round 1
Then and Now


Round 2


Ones that didn't make it


Bonus photos

I spent way too long on the last one, and its why I don't shoot with standards very often. Anyway I'd love to hear any feedback you've got particularly any (constructive :lol:) criticisms you might have.


Absolutely 🤬 fantastic. 👍

I think I like your Calsonic reject more than your entry, but both your "Then and Now" shots are among the best I've ever seen. You decide, but I really want see this get updated more often. I wish I had nominated you for the Photomode Awards, since the work on display here is so good.



Nothing more to add, really. It's fantastic, I think you are among the best GT5-ographers in my opinion, up there with jonjwlee, Gtuned, Speedster502.

Amazing. :drool:
Yes, I too feel that you're reject for the Calsonic theme is better in my opinion.
Love the bonus shots too, especially the 599 shot.
Jut got a small request.....PLEASE UPDATE THIS GALLERY MORE OFTEN !!
Thanks guys! :D

Looks like I'm gonna regret not going with my other photo for the Calsonic theme; although I think I'd make the same decision again. I will try and keep my gallery updated too, no promises though! :lol:

Guess I better post a few photos too...

2.0 Comp Week 68

I'm not sure how this will do in the poll, if it even makes it, but I'm really happy with it.


Bonus shot - 512 @ Siena


Sumo Power @ Suzuka

As always, criticism is welcome ;)
I really like your 2.0 entry very much.
Love the effect you gave it to make the DOF more amazing.
And that last shot is just Realistic in it's own way !!
Amazing as always man.
Your comp entry is really really really really... really really really really... err... really F@!&%$ÂŁ AWESOME! But the Sumo power shot just gives me goosebumps. :drool: :scared:
đź‘Ť to both the photos and your editing skills! very nice indeed!
but... strange wheel choice on the 512BB (IMO), maybe you should use the BBS one, instead of the 6-spoke one... :odd: (I don't usually change my car's wheels, I like keeping them stock :D)
Again, thanks for the comments; you're doing a good job of persuading me to keep the gallery updated!

If you like, I'll post the original image of the GT-R photo to give you an idea of the difference with the added depth of field.

GT HP nut - I think I agree too, and I don't normally use the aftermarket wheels but I wanted to try and add something to the car to make it more interesting. I think the rims I've used could work but they need to fill the arches better.

And... here's the rest of the "Sumo Power" set; 5 photos in total which is a lot by my standards :P


For the sake of completeness I've added the preview photo back in, and I also liked the transition in tones from cool through to warmth.
Last edited:
Dub dat.
There's one tiny thing though. On some pics the blur is a bit overdone for my liking, but, ah, it's just me probably.:sly:
EDIT: No, I'm actually wrong. It was kinda a problem in the previous updates but not in this one. They're awesome.:drool:
Thanks for taking the time to comment, although not enough criticism for my liking - but maybe I shouldn't say that haha!

SMfan - thanks for the feedback, and you're right as sometimes I think I am guilty of over-editing my photos.

Also I think I'm going to ask for some requests as I liked doing them before. I want to do a BNR34 set sometime soon though as I think it will be a nice way of rounding off my current GTR affair. I think I'll ask for just three as I struggle as it is to update my gallery!

While you think of some inspiration, here's a preview of my next set :)

P.s. I mean to comment on your galleries more often than I actually do; I've commented on a few tonight but not everyone's. If I haven't, don't take it personally I just need to get some sleep ;)

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