Rubber Band AI - Should it be Removed from GT 5 ?

  • Thread starter Simple SIM

Should "Rubber Band AI" be Removed fro GT 5?

  • Rubber Band AI? WTF? Why is that in GT 5 at all? Get Rid of it!

    Votes: 173 93.5%
  • No, keep it, I like Rubber Band AI.

    Votes: 12 6.5%

  • Total voters
Rubberband AI shouldn't be in ANY game, including NFS games. All players (AI or real) should play according to the same set of rules. If you bend the rules based on performance, it's just cheating IMO.
The last game to have rubber banding AI in it was GT3 It wasn't in GT4 so there is no reason to expect it back again in GT5.

Online rubber banding is present in Beginner and Intermediate events in GT5P but not in Expert ones. I expect GT5 will have player selectable options about this.

Yup this is correct. Rubber banding existed in GT1, GT2 and GT3 but thankfully was absent from GT4. I'm not sure about GT5 prologue as have rarely played it.

If you just sit on the starting grid on any race and time the AI you will find that their times are similar than if you ran the race correctly.

I very much hope that rubber banding does not return for GT5 after removing it from GT4
Rubberband AI shouldn't be in ANY game, including NFS games. All players (AI or real) should play according to the same set of rules. If you bend the rules based on performance, it's just cheating IMO.

I agree, infact I couldn't have put it better myself, so I won't.:sly:
Nothing is more aggravating then have a superior car then the rest of the field, and still having them sneak up in your mirror. Hated it in Mario Kart, hate it now.
in GT mode, hell no.
in Arcade, hell no.
online, hell no.

It's not very "realistic" and its similar to Full Metal Jacket when the squad does pushups while Pyle eats his stolen donut.
Rubberbanding is just wrong way to solve inadequate intelligence of computer driven bots or ocassional players. If AI could drive really to the limit in professional mode, avoid you and make human mistakes under pressure here and there, then there will be no rubberband effect needed.
If one of the reasons for it is because of the rolling starts, then it's simple, get rid of them
Indeed. I've never noticed rubberbanding, except online with human players. And because of this, didn't vote.

Theres no rubber band AI in GT5P.
The rubber band effect were in the online races but are excluded now from pro events.

As far as I'm aware and through testing I've seen others do, there is no rubber banding on GT5:P's AI. It is present in the online modes but not in the expert races.

Quoted for truth

People there is no "Rubber Band AI" in prologue, so I don't see why it would be in GT5, at least I sincerely hope it won't be :scared:
You're right. From class C to class S, they are set from easy to hard. I like the AI to be set on easy, so I can win easily without getting myself angry. Rubberband AI is the worst kind of AI in video gaming, so I vote yes.
I think in some cases 'rubberband AI' may be attributed to overdone slipstreams, you have to admit, the slipstream would not be that great, nor would it be the full lenth of the Mulsanne Straight!

But.... have you noticed you lose some grip when following another car? Just like you would in real life?
I do not think it belongs in GT5. If the AI is kicking my rump then I just work on my lap times, so if there is the rubber band effect in play then my lap times are no longer acurate. Just a setting between 0 and 100 is all I want, just like GT4. To get better I would just keep setting the AI higher every time I won until I could win at each track with the AI set at 100. NO RUBBER BAND EFFECT IN GT5 PLEASE!
I think the other cars should adjust to your abilities, it's no fun being well behind or well infront.

Your missing the point, the whole point is that it should have the natural flow of a real race, not manufactured by rubberbanding the AI, whether your miles infront or back in the pack.

Any one notice the flow in GTPSP? Fast at the start, lul in the middle and then fast at the end.
I used to notice rubberbanding a lot in the beginner online races. It seems the rubber banding there is high, but in the intermediate races it isn't noticeable. In the expert races it is not present.

I don't think it is in the offline races either, at least not the S-class events. Professional physics, S10, 750PP car, you have to do laptimes under 2 minutes to catch the leader. If you have a poor setup, you could end up losing time against the leader even if you are driving cleanly.

EDIT: I still havn't done S10 on pro physics... :grumpy:

In previous versions it was easier, because you didn't get the rabbit corvette steaming ahead of everyone.
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-> To be on topic, I despise RB-AI. It always happens to every coin arcade that I raced on Wangan Midnight series, Initial D series, and worst of all Battle Gear series that has RB-AI even after they passed you. :grumpy:

-> I would think GT should implement an option regarding RB-AI on the Arcade mode only. On Simulation or Career mode, this feature should not be featured in the game.
Just for grins (and boredom) I ran a test for RBE in the AI cars in S10.

First I ran the whole race several seconds behind the leader and finished 6 seconds behind. Lead car race time 10'14.0

Then I raced again, taking the lead as quickly as I could (just before the finish line lap 2), being very careful to pass the leader ultra-clean so as not to disturb his race time. Lead car race time 10'14.2

If the AI cars were being affected by an RBE the lead car would run faster when 6 seconds behind me than when 6 seconds in front of me. The lead car ran within 2/10s of a second identical times over a race that lasted over 10 minutes.

There is no RBE in the Prologue AI. We have no reason to believe there will be in GT5.

As an aside I did the same test std physics vs pro. The lead car ran the same time in both settings.
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