I don't try and hide the fact, that makes it look way worse. I sometimes try and make it look like I'm shooting past the subject by continuing to shoot a couple in the same direction when they've moved on and not making eye contact. This seems to work well. If people do clock me and we look at each other then I give them a friendly smile and they usually smile back.
You have to realise too that people in Asia have a very different outlook to photography than in the West. I've had cars on busy roads stop and wait for me to take a picture before carrying on and almost every single time in the street people will stop and wait for you, no matter how long you have that viewfinder to your eye.
I consider myself very lucky to have this hobby in such a camera-friendly place.
You've come such a long way Rue, it really humbles me
My God what an amazing dump HAHA!
Some of those bird are incredibly crisp! my favorite, though, is this one:
such timing!
Also, the "United Colors" set is absolutely smashing. Where IN THE HELL were you?