Rumples Avatar Bonanza!

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Noc, resize the Bi-otches and they will work fine








Next time, post these things in sn00pie's Storage Thread, then use the links with img tags so you don't have to make so many posts. Just one large post with all the avatars. Or maybe 10 at a time, whatever. If you do something like this, people are just going to jump on your back for post-whoring. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by GCstyle
Next time, post these things in sn00pie's Storage Thread, then use the links with img tags so you don't have to make so many posts. Just one large post with all the avatars. Or maybe 10 at a time, whatever. If you do something like this, people are just going to jump on your back for post-whoring. :rolleyes:

Exactly. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the lecture dad, i was just trying to do something good

i dont care what you think of me, I just thought i would offer up some avatars
VM, go **** yourself :D
ive noticed how you go around and throw in stupid comments insulting people or pissing them off on purpose.

your 12 right? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
VM, go **** yourself :D
ive noticed how you go around and throw in stupid comments insulting people or pissing them off on purpose.

your 12 right? :rolleyes:

I dont piss people off on purpose. I just state my opinion. Besides GC was right. If you did what he said then you could have all those avatars in one post saving space. Your the one whos 12 dumbass. :rolleyes:
Why do you have to wreck this thread, you wanna chat bout this then talk to me on an instant messanger. I put up some avatars, this is an avatar thread, you dont have an avatar and came in talking about **** that has nothing to do with avatars so stfu. I dont care what you have to say anymore, the subjects dead to me, but i dont need you following me around in everythread making a smart ass remark or an insult. Thats harrassment, thats wrong, and thats childish. So please BACK OFF
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