Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
I had heard that there have been cases of anti-war protestors being arrested and then given their draft papers. If that's true, it's a whole other level of stunning. But it's just a rumour I have heard floating around, @inCloud have you heard anything about it?
I had heard that there have been cases of anti-war protestors being arrested and then given their draft papers. If that's true, it's a whole other level of stunning. But it's just a rumour I have heard floating around, @inCloud have you heard anything about it?
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had heard that there have been cases of anti-war protestors being arrested and then given their draft papers. If that's true, it's a whole other level of stunning. But it's just a rumour I have heard floating around, @inCloud have you heard anything about it?
Yeap. Dumbest thing you could ever imagine. They giving AK to protestor. What could go wrong 🤣
Wonder if any of these conscripts will try to surrender asap to Ukraine forces in exchange for passage elsewhere, even drop off their guns and whatever else they have given to them.
Wonder if any of these conscripts will try to surrender asap to Ukraine forces in exchange for passage elsewhere, even drop off their guns and whatever else they have given to them.
Ukraine has been issuing surrender cards to be distributed to Russian troops that have a QR code on them as well as a printed text stating "Show this card to a Ukrainian soldier and we will help you return to a peaceful life".
They're probably dumb enough to place the protesters in the same units as well. Wouldn't want to be an officer leading that bunch. :lol:
They're probably dumb enough to place the protesters in the same units as well. Wouldn't want to be an officer leading that bunch. :lol:
Getting strong "if you don't stop complaining, I will return this entire unit home" vibes.
Wonder if any of these conscripts will try to surrender asap to Ukraine forces in exchange for passage elsewhere, even drop off their guns and whatever else they have given to them.
While this is possible, surrender as a individual person is tricky in conflict like this. As a unit, its should be waaay easier.

At least, Spain, Germany and Holland are ok.
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tbf they're running a touch behind schedule so if "rusted to hell tetanus magnets" is how they see getting back on track needs to go, then so be it.

Make-Up Meme GIF by Justin
Wonder if any of these conscripts will try to surrender asap to Ukraine forces in exchange for passage elsewhere, even drop off their guns and whatever else they have given to them.
Ukraine has been issuing surrender cards to be distributed to Russian troops that have a QR code on them as well as a printed text stating "Show this card to a Ukrainian soldier and we will help you return to a peaceful life".

Non-Twitter image:

Both, its ok. Nothing wrong with AKM in general, great gun. General that should control situation with supply already moved to another position.
5.45x39 has much less recoil and more range - and now Russia has to plan logistics for another cartridge that usually isn't used in the Military anymore. And not just the cartridge but also the magazines. As if Russia isn't having enough problems with logistics and getting stuff to the front lines already.

And lets not forget that the AKM(47) was replaced by the AK-74 in the Afghan war 40 YEARS ago. My guess is that Russia is running out of small arms and they have to resort to 60 year old relics they stored in some forgotten shed with no roof somewhere in the Urals - or they are buying the used up AK's from some poor satellite state that is still using the AKM.
Those guns haven't seen a drop of oil or maintenance for decades.

This smells a little of desperation.

(Years ago I owned a polish made Radom AKM by the way, shot it a lot, it was a lot of fun )
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5.45x39 has much less recoil and more range - and now Russia has to plan logistics for another cartridge that usually isn't used in the Military anymore. And not just the cartridge but also the magazines. As if Russia isn't having enough problems with logistics and getting stuff to the front lines already.
AFAIK, russian specops prefer 7.62 variants as more lethal, both cartilages are in active use. I could see some obvious problems with them, but its not as dramatic as you may think. Small arms ammo is last problem for frontline, fuel and artillery ammo is waaay more serious.

If you interested, some units in RF using SKS, which was out of business in 47.

Looks like in Dagestan protest becomes riot.
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AFAIK, russian specops prefer 7.62 variants as more lethal, both cartilages are in active use. I could see some obvious problems with them, but its not as dramatic as you may think. Small arms ammo is last problem for frontline, fuel and artillery ammo is waaay more serious.
The state in which they are is the main issue, it undermines troop morale which isn't very high to begin with. Getting crummy equipment and rusty rifles isn't going to boost morale and screams cannon fodder. I certainly would feel that way, fighting for a country that cannot - or cannot be bothered to - provide me with properly maintained equipment is just sad.
The funds for proper maintenance and storage of the equipment was probably diverted to buy new furniture for the yachts and to pay the private schools for the oligarch's children in Switzerland.
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It is absolutely no surprise that non-slavic minorities would be some of the first to be drafted. Without warning, without goodbyes.
It is absolutely no surprise that non-slavic minorities would be some of the first to be drafted. Without warning, without goodbyes.
Man, can you imagine how high the morale of those ''soldiers'' is? I bet they kick butt on the battlefields in Ukraine.
So I guess Putin's just rapidly giving up all pretense of this being a play for territory and focusing on exterminating as many 'undesirables' as possible before being inevitably deposed. Sending barely trained/untrained civilian conscripts to the front lines with obsolete weapons is the move of someone who knows they're beat and is just trying to take as many people to hell with them as possible.
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I mean, logistically it would be an issue to keep track of but I wouldn't doubt that Russia still has piles and piles and piles of 7.62x39 floating around their inventories.
I mean, logistically it would be an issue to keep track of but I wouldn't doubt that Russia still has piles and piles and piles of 7.62x39 floating around their inventories.
Guns? Yes. Bullets? Nope. Gun powder isnt last forever.
It is absolutely no surprise that non-slavic minorities would be some of the first to be drafted. Without warning, without goodbyes.
As I said before - its not like RF government all that racist, they just preventing separatism. Same thing was done in most depressing regions of Slavic russia. Its even scarier because male population in those regions are nonexistent and birth rate is close to zero. Some towns would be ghost towns after this.
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I mean, logistically it would be an issue to keep track of but I wouldn't doubt that Russia still has piles and piles and piles of 7.62x39 floating around their inventories.
Logistically its a nightmare, imagine soldiers desperately needing to be resupplied with ''rifle ammo'' (atop everything else) only to have the troops requesting the ammo get 7.62x39 instead of the 5.54x39 their guns are chambered for. And vice versa. Its a nightmare.

In 1944 the Germans introduced the Sturmgewehr 44 using an all new cartridge, the 7.92x33 Kurz. Troops at the front loved the rifle but logistics always got it wrong, soldiers who needed 7.92x57 got the x33 and soldiers equipped with the STG got the x57. Thats why Hitler did not want the rifle to be introduced at all because of logistical reasons, but they did it behind his back anyway.
Guns? Yes. Bullets? Nope. Gun powder isnt last forever.
People here are shooting 8x56r from world war one out of their Steyr M95 all the time. I used 7.92x57 in my 98 that was produced in 1936. If stored cool and dry, ammunition can last a hundred years or more very easily. If stored incorrectly, ammunition can go bad in a matter of weeks.

Storing it in very hot temperature can lead to powder getting more aggressive resulting in overpressure, storing ammo with temperature all over the place usually makes the primers wonky resulting in hangfires. Humid conditions will corrode the cases and in cheap ammo, humidity will creep through the primer pocket and make the powder and primer damp.

Russia has been coating rifle cases with green lacquer and sealed primers with lacquer since WWII, old 60+ year old Russian ammo usually works.
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