Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer

They are the third-largest party in Austria's parliament. The FPÖ, the "Freedom" Party of Austria.

The placards say a place for peace / neutrality. They also have the FPÖ's slogan, the party of the social homeland.

View attachment 1243938

Fascist cowards.
So the Nazis are pro Russia's special operation to get rid of Nazis? :confused:
It's a funny world, I'm not sure the old definitions of left and right are relevant here. The European far left (the ones that still call themselves marxists, whatever nuanced marxism they agree on) are so traditionally anti american that they suspect anything that has USA or NATO in it so they support ... "peace". Those are the ones the italian prime minister fights in Parliament (fantastic speech btw)

Then you have the european far right that is profoundly angry against the mainstream parties and status quo that they will embrace whatever chaos they can. Headless chickens with no rationale that can be perceived to whatever they stand for ...

The traditional right (conservatives, demochristians, liberals, pick your denomination) and the traditional left (socialists, social democrats, again the denomination depends on country) that have been the mainstream political parties, rotating in power since the end of WW II, despite being (worryingly IMHO) in decay, can still see clearly through the fog and understand the bigger picture, therefore it'll be difficult to find anyone from these political camps that doesn't support supporting (sorry) the Ukranian war effort.

And then you have the USA, where liberals are the left and republicans are something that I can't even explain nowadays, but nothing their predecessors would be proud of (with the possible exception of Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney and a few - very few - others).

I don't pretend to understand what's happening to people on the other side of the Atlantic, but it is worrying to understand that millions can vote and elect as their president a conman and - even worse - it is troubling when such a poor excuse of a man has a shot at re-election. Whatever the case, that is the american people's choice, what matters to me is that the USA can become in the international arena an unreliable ally at best or can indeed become a country that only uses its formidable might when and if it suits the personal interest of their president. And what happened with Ukraine during the Trump era is a good example of this.

I fear this could all end in tears (or lack of them because we'll all be dead) but I do think Western Europe must become its own thing regarding defense and also military offensive capcity, and that will mean Germany, together with France this time, will need to let go of their XXth century traumas (I don't disregard the UK but they'll be at best allied to the others, never mix in). And the frontier is now firmly in the East (can't say I'm not relieved with that, although nobody is safe in the planet now), with Poland, Ukraine, the Baltic states and Finland being the first line of defense against the unchecked power of Russia and the servitude of its minion Belarus.

This is not a left vs right issue, also not a capitalism vs marxism issue, it is really a democracy vs cleptocracy issue.

My two cents
And the frontier is now firmly in the East
Frontier was and will be in Middle East and Central Asia. Russian offensive potential is already nonexistent, I don't think we even could perform in defence. Yet, fall of Russian colossus would be huge distability factor for our eastern neighbours. Combine it with huge food crisis in Syria+Afghanistan, earthquake aftermath and lack of American military in region and you potentially getting really big mess.
Russia takes the rotating Presidency of the UN Security Council for the first time since February 2022.

It means the Security Council is being led by a country whose president is subject to an international arrest warrant for alleged war crimes.

For a historical precedent, this is not dissimilar to Nazi Germany being in control of INTERPOL from 1938-45.

Tatarskiy dead.

Rumours here and there are that the bomb was hidden in the figurine he received.


There's some quality footage out there of that swine being unalived.
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Congratulations to Vladimir Putin for making the thing he said he didn't want to happen, happen. He pretty much single-handedly made it.
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When Ukraine has kicked the orcs out, the demilitarised zone should extend a decent amount of kilometres into Russia. Starting at the border of Poland into Belarus, and from the Ukrainian border to the Ural Mountains.
I was looking at the Finland-Russia border on google maps recently, as it is now the NATO-Russia border. There are a LOT more roads and infrastructure on the Finland side, which is probably a liability for Russia and will require them to divert resources to improving their border defenses, road networks, infrastructure, etc. Solid move Putin.

By beef up, I assume they're going to station two dudes in a beat-up Lada with one Mosin and half a bottle of cheap vodka on the Finnish border and call it good.

By beef up, I assume they're going to station two dudes in a beat-up Lada with one Mosin and half a bottle of cheap vodka on the Finnish border and call it good.
Most of the Lada is taken up by speakers for maximum HARDBASS
dance gangster GIF

By beef up, I assume they're going to station two dudes in a beat-up Lada with one Mosin and half a bottle of cheap vodka on the Finnish border and call it good.
Good thing they aren't going through anything that has strained their military recently.
I was looking at the Finland-Russia border on google maps recently, as it is now the NATO-Russia border. There are a LOT more roads and infrastructure on the Finland side, which is probably a liability for Russia and will require them to divert resources to improving their border defenses, road networks, infrastructure, etc. Solid move Putin.
When you play Civilization 3 and direct all your attention to building railroads.
Ah, the head bitch of the kidnapping department getting a platform. Wouldn't expect anything less.

Too afraid to show up in person? :dopey:
I wish Turkiye can send Leopard 1's but also M48s and M60s.

I know they are old but modernised ones can help Ukraine a lot.

Better they are being used rather than being kept in storage.

Too bad it wont happen because Russia would be offended which is stupid.

I also heard the Australian Bushmaster Mrap is also serving Ukraine really well.
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