Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
I wonder if Turkiye is in a similar position as Israel due to the chaos that Russia is "helping" quell in Syria.
Turkey was not aligned with Russia on Syria, nor was it aligned with the US. While Turkey did want to protect itself from ISIS, it also used/uses Syria as an excuse to kill Kurds who of course were allied with the US against ISIS. Basically, Turkey was an opportunist asshole in Syria.

They're pretty opportunist in general. Erdogan is not willing to fully align with NATO - even though they're a member - or Russia or Ukraine or anybody else. They're at the crossroads of all three which means they can almost do whatever they want, or prevent anyone else from doing anything. They're currently working on a canal to bypass the Bosporus with the goal of increasing Instanbul's safety, routing various cargo ships around the city center, and opening up more development opportunity. Problem is the Bosporus treaty only covers the Bosporus, and the canal could allow American ships through to the Black Sea. Russia is super pissed about this and sees it as a NATO threat, although Turkey is keen to block America from going through the canal also, and to keep buying resources from Russia to appease them.

As far as I can tell, Turkey is just plain old untrustworthy and does whatever is needed to save face and make their own decisions.
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Turkey was not aligned with Russia on Syria, nor was it aligned with the US. While Turkey did want to protect itself from ISIS, it also used/uses Syria as an excuse to kill Kurds who of course were allied with the US against ISIS. Basically, Turkey was an opportunist asshole in Syria.

They're pretty opportunist in general. Erdogan is not willing to fully align with NATO - even though they're a member - or Russia or Ukraine or anybody else. They're at the crossroads of all three which means they can almost do whatever they want, or prevent anyone else from doing anything. They're currently working on a canal to bypass the Bosporus with the goal of increasing Instanbul's safety, routing various cargo ships around the city center, and opening up more development opportunity. Problem is the Bosporus treaty only covers the Bosporus, and the canal could allow American ships through to the Black Sea. Russia is super pissed about this and sees it as a NATO threat, although Turkey is keen to block America from going through the canal also, and to keep buying resources from Russia to appease them.

As far as I can tell, Turkey is just plain old untrustworthy and does whatever is needed to save face and make their own decisions.

Geopolitics 101 you look out whats best for you.

I do believe Turkey supporting Ukraine without even joining any side is good. Plus in Syria they had legitimate concerns. They took in refugees fought isis while pkk aligned groups like the ypg were building a terror state on their backyard while also shooting down a Russian war plane. At the same time came under terrorist attacks.

I do wish they do more to hurt the Russians.
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There seems to be much talk today regarding the video of a brutal beheading of an Ukrainian prisoner of war.

While I tend to believe this kind of atrocities, most likely, are not uncommon in war (on both sides), how much of an idiot do you have to be to make a video like that public?

Here's what you've accomplished:

  • Adding even more fuel to the war crimes fire and making everyone hating you even more;
  • Your captured compatriots are now much more likely to also be tortured / killed;
  • Good way of making sure every soldier fighting against you will now be fighting to their last breath and will now rather die than surrendering to you.
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Turkey was not aligned with Russia on Syria, nor was it aligned with the US. While Turkey did want to protect itself from ISIS, it also used/uses Syria as an excuse to kill Kurds who of course were allied with the US against ISIS. Basically, Turkey was an opportunist asshole in Syria.

They're pretty opportunist in general. Erdogan is not willing to fully align with NATO - even though they're a member - or Russia or Ukraine or anybody else. They're at the crossroads of all three which means they can almost do whatever they want, or prevent anyone else from doing anything. They're currently working on a canal to bypass the Bosporus with the goal of increasing Instanbul's safety, routing various cargo ships around the city center, and opening up more development opportunity. Problem is the Bosporus treaty only covers the Bosporus, and the canal could allow American ships through to the Black Sea. Russia is super pissed about this and sees it as a NATO threat, although Turkey is keen to block America from going through the canal also, and to keep buying resources from Russia to appease them.

As far as I can tell, Turkey is just plain old untrustworthy and does whatever is needed to save face and make their own decisions.
Turkiye straddles the most strategically important piece of land in that entire hemisphere (I'd argue that the US has the most strategic position worldwide) and so it would be a waste if they weren't opportunistic. They border Iran, Iraq, Syria, the Caucus, and they border Europe. They control access to the black sea. They have a huge Mediterranean coastline. It's a good spot. They also have unbelievably good Iskender Kebabs. :drool:
Wait are we labelling country names in their native language now? Did I miss a memo?
Yes. For what it's worth, many countries have been referring to it as Turkiye for a while now.

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I'll stick with the much more intuitive Turkey any day of the week.

What next, calling Germany Deutschland worldwide?
Not the first time this has happened. The Ivory Coast wants to be referred to as Cote d'Ivoire in all languages. Belarus wants to be called Belarus instead of "White Russia" (Weißrussland in German, Wit-Rusland in Dutch etc.) There is a smack of irony in that one though.
Well, it's not a relevant issue I think. It only comes from the fact that English is the lingua franca of the modern world and, in English, Turkey the country has the same name of a bird. In portuguese it is "Turquia" (as in spanish and italian I think), in french it is "Turquie" and they, the Turks, aren't calling for all of us to change the name used in our languages.

Funnily, the bird in question is, in portuguese called ... Peru.
Just to put this Turkey/Türkiye issue into context, keep in mind that the idea to ditch "Turkey" as the country's official international name comes from the same reactionary who also had Darwin's evolutionary theory removed from Turkish schoolbooks in 2019. The reason why Erdoğan doesn't want his country to be referred to as "Turkey" is because he doesn't want even a remote connotation to the animal which is cooked and eaten up at Christmas. It is an abstract fear of somehow being considered weak and easy prey only someone with a macho mindset would have.
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Belarus wants to be called Belarus instead of "White Russia"
Both means White Rus'. Belarus and Belarussia actually means same thing for Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians, because in our languages Russia is Rossiya. Russia or Rus' in our languages aren't reference to Rossiya but to historical name of states and lands in modern Ukraine, Belarus and RF.

Ukraine means region-at-the-border and some Ukrainian people think that it should be renamed into Russia or Rus', while Russia should be renamed into Moskovia. You know, Firstborn right.
Both means White Rus'.

It means White Russia, yes, but their government wants to be known as Belarus internationally instead of having it translated literally like Weißrussland in German and Wit-Rusland in Dutch.
Just to put this Turkey/Türkiye issue into context, keep in mind that the idea to ditch "Turkey" as the country's official international name comes from the same reactionary who also had Darwin's evolutionary theory removed from Turkish schoolbooks in 2019. The reason why Erdoğan doesn't want his country to be referred to as "Turkey" is because he doesn't want even a remote connotation to the animal which is cooked and eaten up at Christmas. It is an abstract fear of somehow being considered weak and easy prey only someone with a macho mindset would have.
Because its an overplayed joke and a stupid stereotype.

Oh look you are named after a bird hahaha

The name change has long been considered. Turgut Ozal even wanted to rename Turkiye/Turkey/Turchia to Anatolian Republic as he believes being named Turkiye favours Turks too much and wanted to be more inclusive.

Turkey the bird is not even native and it got its name as Ottoman traders imported the Guinean Fowl from Africa and then exported it to Europe where the name Turkey bird comes from since Guinean Fowls and Turkey birds nearly look the same.

Turkish word for the bird is Hindi which literally means Indian.

Its weird and complex.
It means White Russia, yes, but their government wants to be known as Belarus internationally instead of having it translated literally like Weißrussland in German and Wit-Rusland in Dutch.
Which is weird. Instead of being ashamed by you country name meaning, you should be proud.

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I havent seen the beheading video but being a pow in this war is the last thing a soldier would want to be in.

Not to say Ukrainians did not enage in their own but the Russians are just much worse. Ukrainians are more out of anger while the Russians do it for fun.

A Russian soldier chopped the private parts of a Ukrainian soldier.

In war this kind of stuff thrives. There never will be accountability. What makes it worse that soldiers may now engage in their own for tit for tat for pows. Civilians and pows are fair game in this war.

Beheading video proves how sadistic Russian soldiers can be.
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Yes. For what it's worth, many countries have been referring to it as Turkiye for a while now.

View attachment 1247318

You are supposed to post in English so it should be Turkey.

I'll stick with the much more intuitive Turkey any day of the week.

What next, calling Germany Deutschland worldwide?

Well, it's not a relevant issue I think. It only comes from the fact that English is the lingua franca of the modern world and, in English, Turkey the country has the same name of a bird. In portuguese it is "Turquia" (as in spanish and italian I think), in french it is "Turquie" and they, the Turks, aren't calling for all of us to change the name used in our languages.

Funnily, the bird in question is, in portuguese called ... Peru.
Like @Eunos_Cosmo linked, they literally did send out a memo requesting an official name change/spelling update in other languages. Okay, fair enough. But I can't even get the year correct when signing and dating until about mid-March so we'll see how long it takes me to adjust this habit lol.

The best way to remember might be to say Turkiye like a Michigander @Joey D. Turkey, eh?
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The head of the Donetsk OVA, Pavel Kirilenko, published information about the completion of search work in the Sloviansk high-rise building, which was hit by a Russian missile.

Kirilenko noted: "Rescue work on a five-story building in Slavyansk has been completed. According to updated data, 15 people were pulled out from under the rubble: 5 (including a 14-year-old girl) were saved, 10 (including a two-year-old boy) died.

Let me remind you: on April 14, the rashists launched a massive missile attack on Slavyansk. 8 missiles were fired at the city from the S-300 air defense system.

The victims of this attack were 39 people: 15 of them were killed, 24 were injured. The rashists inflicted the most massive destruction on a five-story building in Parkovy Lane - rescue work to clear the rubble and search for people there continued for several days."


130 Ukrainian soldiers released from captivity during an exchange.

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8 missiles were fired at the city from the S-300 air defense system.
Let them keep firing AA missiles at the ground. When Ukraine finally gets their air force together that's going to bite Russia in the ass.
News from swamps - our ****ed parliament made new excellent law. Since today no more subpoenas needed to enlist anyone. At some point government just think that you should deliver your ass at military commissariat or it will ban your right to leave country, sell property, drive car or take credits at bank. Serfdom.
News from swamps - our ****ed parliament made new excellent law. Since today no more subpoenas needed to enlist anyone. At some point government just think that you should deliver your ass at military commissariat or it will ban your right to leave country, sell property, drive car or take credits at bank. Serfdom.
Stay safe. Are you able to get out before it gets any worse?
I wonder how much longer the Russian people will put up with Putin before they throw him out of a window.
We have 5 millions of police, rosgvardia and other corrupted incompetent idiots for this. On the other hand, things could turn ugly if frontline collapse and Russian army decide to come back without permission.
Are you able to get out before it gets any worse
Closest open border is with Belarus(actually its nonexistent). Also, bunch of Central Asian countries and Caucasus available for immigration. I am working from home which is kinda safe even in case of police raids for potential enlisted men(which isn't a thing right now).
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