Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
I thought Russia had it's own 'Riviera' down the Black Sea coast? What does she even need to be in Italy for?
I mean, it's not exactly hard to sneak into a country if you have money. Charter a jet, fly to a neutral country, then fly to Italy, bribe the customs agents, and then go where you want. If the police ask questions, bribe them. Or use a fake name and fake documents. Most people aren't going to know who she is.

Italy is also often considered one of the most corrupt countries in Western Europe.
They need a legal reason to deny entry.
IDK, if you ever tried to get EU visa, but that's how it works. Formal reasons still here, but they are so wide that anyone could be denied without knowing what actually not right with him.
IDK, if you ever tried to get EU visa, but that's how it works. Formal reasons still here, but they are so wide that anyone could be denied without knowing what actually not right with him.
Yeah, nope, still not how it works.
It sure as hell looks like the Italians are still handing out tourist visas to Russians:
Wise move to not comment on what you don't know, then
One would have to be very stupid to think this info is not in the public domain...

...good job I'm not one of those people.

I comment on what I know, as I check it before I post it.

Are visas more costly and difficult to get from the EU if you're Russian? Yes, but if you are not on the exclusion list it's still more than possible, and given that blanket refusal without reason can and does lead to legal challenges as the EU's own regulations state that any visa refusal must have a reason cited (Article 32 sections 1 to 3).
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It is very clearly there:

Under "Who is being sanctioned?"
If she's not on the list of sanctioned individuals why would someone assume she is to be denied a visa?

Also I suspect the actual definition for this might be a bit more specific. The EU themselves have admitted that dealing with private individuals on the topic of propaganda by legal means, is difficult, as it may encroach on Freedom of Expression laws.


Also, wouldn't this conversation be ironic if she turned out to not be in Sardegna at a 5 star hotel at all, and this 'information' is simply out there to demonstrate to Russians how weak EU sanctions are?
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I have no issue with liars travelling around, I mean geez the UK has plenty of our own out and about the EU etc.

If she is a criminal and broken EU law then. I can see that being a problem, but again our own Tommy Boy was holidaying while his propaganda was causing all sorts of havoc in the UK. We also recently had a trash bag of a human being Katie Price who managed to get into the EU despite wanted in court.

So it’s not hard to get out of the UK into EU so expect it to be even easier for Russians to do the same, especially rich ones who are probably not adverse to a little bribery and the like.
reason cited
Suspicious activity during interview is one of the reasons for refuse, for example.
Also, wouldn't this conversation be ironic if she turned out to not be in Sardegna at a 5 star hotel at all, and this 'information' is simply out there to demonstrate to Russians are weak EU sanctions are?
Doubtful, whole story is brought by oppositional Astra, Potupchick herself didn't tag her location in Instagram, it was leaked through different people account.
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Suspicious activity during interview is one of the reasons for refuse, for example.

You claimed that the EU refused visas without giving a reason, I said that wasn't the case and you basically accused me of not knowing what I was talking about.

Now I've clearly shown your claim to be nonsense you're resorting to un-sourced claims that move the goal-posts.

Sit down until you can come up with a coherent line.
You claimed that the EU refused visas without giving a reason, I said that wasn't the case and you basically accused me of not knowing what I was talking about.
Another round of pointless carping? Not interested.
That's what I'd do if I wanted my propaganda to be taken seriously.

Such is the nature of propaganda.
Too much hassle for what? We already saw Rusich officer casually spending his holidays in Finland, Potupchick weekend at Sardinia isn't anything new. Also, I don't see much attention to this in our media, for obvious reasons (hypocrisy claims).

Dead woman, multiple injured.
Are Russians getting a taste of what the Ukrainian people (civilians) have been going through for the past 2 plus years?
Oh darn.

And before you go all in, know that I don’t approve of civilians being targeted.
But I have ZERO sympathy for your country.
Can’t take it? Don’t dish it out!
I don’t approve of civilians being targeted.

Lets just hope, that no one would serve dishes for you or your family same way your country did in Iraq, Serbia or Afghanistan. Because there is zero reasons for civilians to taste what their army doing. Every time this happens, its tragedy. Every one who doing this should be in court.
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Not sure why you posting it here and preaching to the choir, send message directly to the only one who started whole mess and can stop it anytime
Made pretty difficult by the fact he's a modern day Luddite who doesn't use the Internet at all while devoutly believing every basic-ass conspiracy theory about it.