S.N.A.I.L. Open-Wheel Shoot Out - Tuesday nights - Open To All

  • Thread starter Oshawa-Joe

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It's ruptured but he's doing ok. We've been transferred to Sick Kids in Toronto and waiting for the OR.
Poor fella, that is a really bad feeling. Should be an easy procedure though. I wish you guys the best and him a quick recovery. If you want I can host and do the data. I'll run my long cat 5 to the ps3 for tonight. And do you use goigle docs to enter your data? Or good ol pen and paper?
His case is a bit complicated because he has a vp shunt that may have to be removed to prevent infection like meningitis. Been moved to neurological ward until they decide what to do.
Add my best wishes for his recovery as well Joe.

Thanks Dragonwhisky. We spent the first 12+ weeks at Sick Kids when he was born. Had 9 operations. Was hoping we wouldn't need to spend any more nights here, but at least he's has the best care possible now.
Is it too late to join tonight? If so just let me know. F10 is usually an exciting race.

It's not too late to join. Be in D2 well before 9pm, maybe 8:45 or earlier. Spots will be held until 8:55 for the regulars. If a regular asks to get into a full room, we will ask the last non regular that entered to room to make space for them.
So I have to work later tonight. I should be home for the last 2 races but I will be late for sure.
Start off by giving priority to someone with points this season.
In D-2 for Open Wheel practice
Not sure if I'll get the steward summary done in time to join. If there's room when I get done I'll jump in.
I dunno, I have way less trouble driving the F '10. The 2007 does not like to get unbalanced at all. ie. kerbs :scared:
I dunno, I have way less trouble driving the F '10. The 2007 does not like to get unbalanced at all. ie. kerbs :scared:

You might have the two confused. I like both but the F10 demands very neat and tidy driving or gets very upset. Very different cars for sure.

Hope you guys had fun. Really sad to miss this event. Would have been fun to see if I could compete with OwensRacing for the overall win. Only chance I'd ever have is with the F1. Well, maybe the x1 too.
You might have the two confused. I like both but the F10 demands very neat and tidy driving or gets very upset. Very different cars for sure.

That's a very real possibility :lol:

I didn't have too much trouble with the F '10 tonight, so I assumed it was the '07 I had issues with.
Go back to the F2007 and you will feel like superman behind the wheel, sliding and jumping kerbs at will. It will make you go check if somehow you have skid force on.
Go back to the F2007 and you will feel like superman behind the wheel, sliding and jumping kerbs at will. It will make you go check if somehow you have skid force on.

After getting schooled by Owens, feeling like superman would be good :)

Good driving tonight Owens, congrats.
Owens is very fast in an F1 and it's not even his thing. Would be incredible if he put some time into it.

Update on my boy: Surgery delayed until tomorrow. He has a high tolerance for pain (long story) to the point we didn't realize the appendix ruptured on Friday morning. This obviously complicates things as there is more risk to go in now to do anything so many days after it's burst.

Update for July 23 race.

Many fast street car drivers struggle in formula cars and vice versa. A few guys I know it doesn't make much difference to... Veloci_2nr, Jett Racer, IMMORTALPIOLOT obviously and for sure OwensRacing, who has achieved the Perfect 100 points, again, but this time in a F10. Congratulations Jeff!


1 OwensRacing...... 100.....Please pick new car
2 kcheeb.............. 88......Please pick track 1
3 dragonwhisky...... 86......Please pick track 2
4 Tex-36.............. 76......Please pick track 3
5 rallywgn81..........72
6 raymann500....... 44
7 dabneyd............ 24
8 chuthulugoat...... 20

congratulations everyone!
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Sticking with the F1 theme, Nurburgring GP/F

Here is a list of F1 Tracks in GT5:

* used with F10
• picked for F2007

Indy Road Course*
Nurburgring GP/F•
Monaco (Cote d'Azur) "A Man's Track"


Little something cool. The F10 when at idle you rev it with a tap tap of the throttle will backfire and toss a set of flames. This makes thump sound and if you are using tactiles aka a buttkicker it will thud thud each time it throws flames. Such a small but awesome thing.

Anyone considering tactiles. Don't hesitate. Get you one! Promise you won't regret it.
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Anyone considering tactiles. Don't hesitate. Get you one! Promise you won't regret it.

Can I get a picture of it? I am very interested in getting one. 👍
Can I get a picture of it? I am very interested in getting one. 👍

This is what I'm using.

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