S10 S7 and other S-Class Tunes *Mines PRO tune added*

  • Thread starter HaylRayzor
Well the gear ratios and aero were set for Suzuka (S10) so not surprising that a tweak would help at Fuji.

Well, Suzuka or not, thanks for that tune đź‘Ť I didn't change much at all, I'd never have golded or even completed the event without your vette!
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ok, i finished 5th with vette tuned. Althouth, i got 3 darn penalties. Am I too noob to succeed or i can do it.

...i was 10th at end of 1st lap, and 9th 3sec later...was proud.
At least all i spot is a 3rd position.

little update, did again and finished 4th, but with no mistake...thnik my laps are too slow : 2`02,xxx average.
nvm, I just did it, a week of intense work to finally have a silver trophy! Could have golded it with more concentration, at end of 3rd lap i was 1st but I cant concentrate with no cars in front so he passed front of me and i followed it for the 2 next laps.

It's confirmed : Tuned ZO6 corvette is the besthttps://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=3278704&postcount=66

Note : 1-if you're not able to handle it with no ABS, put it to 1 like i did. It's a little bit slower but much more stability.
2-Make sure there's no vettes(ZO6 corvettes), GTLMs or s2000 on start line 1st and 2nd position. If there is, quit event and get back.
I've been following this tread for ages....i used ALL the setups above and had everything in notime! Suzuka is totally not my thing, but i managed with the Corvette Tuned.

I would love to see a Art Morrison tune or a 599 tune (i managed to win Fuji once with the 599). Also a tune for the normal Viper GTS would be nice. (you can win this one with ease....but still....its is a block of butter on wheels)

And a 512BB would be awesome :D

Again, thnx for all those tunes!
I moved last month and my ps isn't even unpacked yet so I can't check to be sure but I recall looking at the 599 512BB and standard GTS and they won't reach 750PP with R1 tires (iirc). I do remember I tuned the 599 as hot as it would go and it was still being owned by the AI.

A 599 Tuned version would be spectacular. We can only hope for that in the full version.
Well, it should be possible to come near 600+ points, what whould be enough. The Viper makes a huge amount of torque that can be used. The Ferrari should be a good handler and on speed a good car.i guess. The 599 had potention. But has quite some understreer, but it is certainly one that can win. The Art Morrison had potential too, but now, it is a boat on wheels! So if anyone can make some tunes....i would be honoured to test them!

Other cars with potential:
Ferrari F40 ---> Needs work. Understeers massively and also on first gear corners it doesnt go on boost quick, so when it does, it is most likely that you will lose time due to wheelspin

GT 350z --> bij handling should make it possible to win, but the lack of power is huge. Same goes for the GT Skyline.

GT Clio V6--> Needs work, makes quite some understeer still.....
GT Viper --> does well, makes quick understeer due to huge front load on the tires
Be VERY careful with the throttle cause this car will spin in a heartbeat if too much throttle is applied with the rear sliding.

Don't make me laugh.Put pro physics on then you will know what spinning is all about!
Used this tune from s2k2k3 to score first on S10!!:

Amuse S2000
Best Lap: 1:57.5xx

Manual Transmission
Power: +0%
Weight: 104%
Tires: R1 (Event Specified)
Aero: Front 10 Rear 20
Height: -10 -10
Springs: 7 5
Dampers: 7 5
Toe: +0.06 +0.30
Camber: 2.0 1.5
Brakes: 5 3
Max Turn: 50 (try using less if the steering is too sensitive)
ABS: off
TCS: off

1: 3.133
2: 1.819
3: 1.353
4: 1.102
5: 0.929
6: 0.793
7: 0.659
F: 4.794​

Needed a Driving force to do it.. man this event is intense to win. Heart rate was up there after an hour or so of previous attempts! :D

Makes you appreciate the professionals that much more.

Thanks again for the help !!

Errr... Dude, that was a pro physics tune...

Actually the line he quoted is about the std S6 (F40) tune. Even in std the F40 spins easy with S3 tires. Of course it spins easier in pro physics. Duh.

But these tunes are intended to help those that are new to the game, so pointing out that the tires slide easier in pro physics is completely asinine.

Hopefully his remark and my response made him feel better about his "mad skillz" now and he will move on to annoying someone else.
Hey first I want to say thanks a lot for the tunes, I love driving but I find it very difficult to get the right tune by myself.

Now I have a question, I was reading earlier in this thread that some of you were getting like 1:56 and 1:57 lap times on S10, so are you guys using pro or standard physics? I was using the Amuse S2000 and after a few tries I was able to get third with 1:59 lap times on Standard. With more practice I'm sure I could get my lap times down there on Standard but I'm sure Pro would be completely different.
Hey first I want to say thanks a lot for the tunes, I love driving but I find it very difficult to get the right tune by myself.

Now I have a question, I was reading earlier in this thread that some of you were getting like 1:56 and 1:57 lap times on S10, so are you guys using pro or standard physics? I was using the Amuse S2000 and after a few tries I was able to get third with 1:59 lap times on Standard. With more practice I'm sure I could get my lap times down there on Standard but I'm sure Pro would be completely different.

My best lap times are 1'55.6 in std and 1'59.5 in pro. 1'59 laps will get you gold in either std or pro since the AI cars run the same speed. But you need a good starting lineup to get gold with 1'59 laps. If an Amuse, Tuned Vette, or GTLM starts up front you won't catch him with at that speed. So look for anything other than those 3 cars in the first 2 starting positions to improve your chances at the gold.
I appreciate the OP posting the tunes and let me tell you that Daytona High speed Clio Tuned is so far the best tune i have ever driven on GT5 yet(Yesterday only i got the game). I beated like almost half a lap length for all the other cars.

Will try under time trial and see what i can run. Kudos man :--). Trying out the rest of your tunes need some money also to buy my favorite RWD car Elise :--)
thanks alot s2k2k3:sly:
got from 3rd place to 1st after setting my vette up to your standards on s-10:) i used normal, not pro psychics btw.. got a 1.57 race though :)

and after setting the car off the abs and ****, damn the ass came out :scared:
so had to try a few times before i got the feeling of it :dopey:

no, it's the hard drifting ahead.. easer on djuiced2 xD but this is the rds, just wish i had a wheel not the pad :P

but before i got stuck on s-10, i didnt tune it so mutch, just less weight and fixing the power and maybe the airodynamics.. 1st everytime..

but you can NOT win the s-10 without fine tuning it :P
I've tried all the tunes, and almost all the post seatings but unfortunately I just can't pass S-10, I can only use the pad and I just can't play with manual trans, so please help me with a appropriate car and some settings for passing this truck ......
which is making me crazy.....:) i want to get the bornze medal but I just want to pass it:))) Thanks !!!
I've tried all the tunes, and almost all the post seatings but unfortunately I just can't pass S-10, I can only use the pad and I just can't play with manual trans, so please help me with a appropriate car and some settings for passing this truck ......
which is making me crazy.....:) i want to get the bornze medal but I just want to pass it:))) Thanks !!!

Use the auto trans vette here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=3210553&postcount=32

Use std physics. Don't push the corners. Slow in, fast out. Look ahead.

At last i have cleared the S-Class! Thanks for your tunes.

Cleared all S-Class events on PRO except for S7 and S10 - which i have cleared on STANDARD.

Will aim to clear S7 and S10 on PRO next..

s2k2k3, glad i found this place!i just got myPS3 last thursday specifically for GT5P and F1 championship edition.i really want to get that F2007 Ferrari in GT5P baaaaadly!!!:drool:
anyways, ive been racing on another console and switched over to PS3.still use the other.was having a heck of a time with this s class series and found your thread!awesome.i used your amuse tune and tweaked it a little because i use the controller for now. i got GOLD in S-7!!

what a race!i was haulin' the whole race and won by a nose hair!!trophied all the others and now im going for s-10.think ill try your vette tune seeing its for us controller users. i have a fanatec wheel and pedals coming in october so that should really make my GT5P experience even more fun.

once again thanks for the tunes,plan on making this place my weekly hangout:)
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please some settings for getting 1place on c-9 with automatic? and pad :))) c-9 is my next chalange....

C9 is more about driving than setup. Use the Integra. Turn the weight all the way down.

Eiger is a technical track, not a speed track. Slow down coming into the corners. If you can't hold your car on the bottom you're going too fast. You lose seconds a lap when you push the corners too hard at this track.